Anupama 14th December 2023 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Anupama 14th December 2023 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Anupama

Timings On TV: All times are on the 14th December (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 14th December 2023

Country: India


Today’s Content: Anupama 14th December 2023 Written Update Episode starts with…Shah family dancing around with Pari. Both Anupama and Vanraj place cake on table together. Kinjal and Kavya get happy to see Anupama while other family members are shocked. Anupama takes Pari in lap and hugs Kinjal. Vanraj looks at her in anger. Leela thinks Anupama should not have come as it will ruin Vanraj’s mood and she has seen him happy after long. Anuj gets worried about what will happen at party. He wonders if he was right to send Anupama or not. Rohit says they can just hope Vanraj is considerate of Pari and doesnt do drama. Malti Devi and Barkha overhears the conversation and hopes Vanraj does lot of drama at the party.

They wish for Anupama to face embarrassment badly so that she can never go to Shah house again. Barkha says also that Shahs don’t come to their house as well. Malti Devi tells once Anupama cuts off with Shah , she will make her cut off with Kapadias too. Barkha tells then Anupama will be of neither of Shahs nor of Kapadias. Vanraj confronts Anupama and questions her reason for coming there. Anupama says she has come to meet her children.

Vanraj taunts Anupama if she has self respect. The latter answers him back that she has lot of it and can even given to him along with common sense. She says love for her own ones has brought her. Vanraj says its her will to get disrespected that has brought her there. Anupama says for her family is above all. Vanraj tells why she has come without being invited. Kinjal says she had invited Anupama. Vanraj asks her to rectify her mistake by sending her back. Anupama says she will leave as she has already met Pari and asks if she can let Romil and Choti stay at party.

Vanraj agrees to it and takes Pari back from Anupama.Anupama disappointedly leaves from party while rest of family celebrates Pari’s birthday. Vanraj keeps Anupama’s cake aside and cuts only the cake he bought. Anupama claps outside as she hears them cutting cake inside. Vanraj tells Dimpi to look after Nishant. Kinjal looks for Anupama’s cake and Vanraj says he has given it to the watchman which disappoints Kinjal and Hansmukh. Leela tries to cool down Hansmukh who is annoyed with Vanraj’s behavior. He says how Anupama has done so much for them and says once there is trouble, same Vanraj will call Anupama. Leela still sides with Vanraj.

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