Barister Babu 12th January 2021 Written Update


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Barister Babu 12th January 2021 Written Update on”

Tv Show Name: Barister Babu

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  12, January, 2021

January 12, 2021: Barister Babu Today Episode Start with Bondita asking is Munshi the one who had come as a lady, he would have taken out the mustache to turn into a lady, he has sent the young lady, he wasn’t in puja, you had sent him to Vrindavan, so he had come as ghunghat lady so he can conceal his face, nobody thought about you, Munshi got you home, Munshi realized the storage keys and enlightened the young lady concerning it, that young lady had opened the storage by his assistance, I didn’t anticipate this from him, we confide in him, for what reason did he hurt you, I will bring that young lady’s fact out. Mami asks Sampoorna for what reason did she not exploit Saurabh’s penance, they didn’t consider you, Anirudh said he will assume your liability, you demolished it, what will happen now.

Mom says Anirudh is sick, who will help us now. Mami says Binoy will help you, he was agreeing with your position, did he… . Sampoorna asks what are you saying, he has compassion toward me, Trilochan expresses severe things for me. Mami says you are distraught, you don’t have any sense, you need to figure, what did you get by being honest, will you wed Bihari, no, you need to become sharp, its chance to change your symbol, hear me out, you will end up being a sovereign from a servant. Bondita asks what occurred, would you like to state something. Anirudh says no. She requests that he compose and show. She gets a few papers and pen. Rishta tera mera… .plays… She causes him compose. He neglects to compose. She gets ink for him. He dunks the finger in the ink and composes. She attempts to peruse. He blacks out down. She peruses his message.

Sampoorna says I can’t foul up with Anirudh and Bondita. Mami says Bondita is youthful today, she will grow up tomorrow, she will have her family, everybody will fail to remember Saurabh’s penance, you will end up being her youngsters’ Daima, you need this, its time now, your future will transform, you will lead here, you figure how you will transform you. Bondita peruses we need to discover Munshi in the act on the off chance that we need to bring his fact out. She says I guarantee, I will do as you need, I will discover Munshi in the act and discover for what reason did he break our trust, I will uncover his untruth, is he liable for your evil condition.

Munshi thinks before anybody knows my fact, I will give third portion of toxic substance to Anirudh and murder him. The young lady gets kheer for Anirudh. She says Anirudh will get fine subsequent to having this present, mum’s tapasya closes the risk on a kid. Trilochan says indeed, you stress for him a great deal, mum will be mum, come, I will take you. Munshi figures now reality will be out. Bondita asks how might I find them in the act. Anirudh hacks. She deals with him. She gets a book and finds out about discovering a hoodlum in the act. She gets a thought. Trilochan gets the young lady and says Anirudh will before long get fine.

Bondita figures I can’t let Anirudh eat this kheer, this young lady has added something in it. She says he is dozing, I will take care of it to him when he awakens. Trilochan says fine. Munshi looks on. The young lady demands and says feed it at the present time. Trilochan requests that Anirudh get up. He requests that Bondita feed the kheer by the spoon, he will be fine. Bondita thinks I need to act like I m taking care of the kheer to him. Anirudh signs her. Bondita acts and drops the kheer aside. He acts to eat. Munshi figures for what reason aren’t they seeing it, she isn’t taking care of the kheer to him. Anirudh grins. Bondita makes a stool fall. She runs aside and puts kheer in the tea kettle.

Trilochan and the young lady pick the things. Bondita runs back and acts to complete the kheer. Trilochan asks did you feed him. She says truly, its over. Munshi thinks this young lady has become a defensive shield for Anirudh, I need to kill him today. Bondita figures I will uncover this young lady and Munshi today. Rishta tera mera… .plays… . Anirudh and Bondita grin. He thinks extraordinary, you took care of everything so well. She figures I won’t allow anything to happen to you.

In Progress…

Barister Babu, 12th, January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Barister Babu, 12 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

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