Nazar 27th January 2020 Written Update | Nazar Episodes Updates


Nazar 27th January 2020 Written Episode Update, Star Plus Show “Nazar 27-01- 2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com


Airing Date: 27 January 2020

Read More: Nazar 24th January 2020 Written Update

Full Written Update: 27-January-2020 Nazar Episode Start with Nazar is seeing some significant focuses nowadays in their story line. Prior it’s seen that A controlled Aayush turns fiendish and executes an arrangement by catching everybody of the Rathods with the exception of Ansh and Piya in their fantasy so that Mohana could murder them. Presently it will be seen that Nishant finds a workable pace Aayush got by malicious forces. Aayush sets entire of the Rathods body ablaze when they are still in Mohana fantasy land. In the past scenes it’s seen that Aayush traps everybody of the family with the exception of Ansh and Piya in their fantasy by placing them in a long rest.

All the relatives stalls out in a labyrinth where they can hear other individual however couldn’t see. Mohana shows up in the labyrinth before everybody and endeavors to execute them as their forces doesn’t work there. Meanwhile Ansh and Piya faculties them in a tough situation seeing the imprints in their body and takes a stab at sparing them with Nishant’s assistance.

Aayush claims to be resting excessively so as to escape Ansh and Piya. In the up and coming scenes it will be seen that Nishant sends Ansh and Piya to fairyland spare others and wake them up from rest. They didn’t know about Aayush being controlled by fiendish forces. Ansh and Piya goes into fantasy land yet overlooks the present occurring. Ansh anyway opens the glass bottle that contains the ability to associate both the universes.

Before Nishant could help Ansh Aayush hits him and uncovers that he’s controlled by detestable forces stunning Nishant. Later Aayush has a go at consuming alive everybody who are snoozing.

Will Nishant spares Rathods from Aayush? Is this the finish of Rathods?

Read More: Nazar 23rd January 2020 Written Update


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