Shakti 18th Mar 2020 Written Update :Shakti (18/3/2020)


Shakti 18th March 2020 written update, “Shakti Colors Tv Serial” episode 18 Mar 2020 written update” Reading and Stay With

Current Episode Title: Heer Elopes With Virat To Marry Him

Serial Schedule & Channel: 18/3/2020 & Colors Tv

Shakti Written Update: Shakti 18-3-2020 Full Episode Written Update

Heer uncovering to Preeto that she will go to haven today itself and will marry him. She says then every one of you do marriage, haldi, gathering strategies. She says this will be satisfactory and will go. Preeto holds her hand and slaps her. She says you have gone distraught? Heer says in reality, as you have taken my fake swear. She says yesterday Virat came and said that my Preeto took her fake swear, yet she didn’t confide in him.

Also Read: Shakti 17th Mar 2020 Written Update

She says I could barely envision how my Preeto can take my fake swear. She says you have broken my trust and asks as to for what reason did you lie to me? Preeto says I can’t tell you. Heer demands that her tell. Preeto says I can’t tell. Heer says if you can’t tell me, by then I am uncovering to every one of you that I will marry Virat today itself.

Harak Singh hollers at her and asks Rohan and Soham to take her starting there. Heer demands that they leave her hand and says everyone broke my trust. Preeto calls Sant Baksh and solicitations that he handle his youngster and says in case he returns again, by then he will kill him. She says your youngster went to our home yesterday and exhorted truth to Heer. She says we were sending Heer happily to Amritsar, directly sending her coercively.

Sant Baksh explodes and hollers calling Virat. He asks did you go to meet Heer the past night. Virat says to be sure, I had went. Sant Baksh smacks him and Virat tumbles down from the stairs. Daljeet holds Virat. Sant baksh demands that he hold Virat until Heer is sent to Amritsar. Dada ji asks Virat to get the weapon and hurls it. Virat gets it. Parmeet shouts. Sant Baksh asks by what means may you offer gun to Virat.

Dada ji says when you can mix napping pills in his milk to separate him from his friendship then I can give him weapon to make him meet his reverence. Sant baksh asks Virat to take shots at him. Virat says I can’t kill every one of you, yet will execute myself. Parmeet hollers no. Virat says I need everyone’s phones and demands that they give. Parmeet takes everyone’s phones and accommodates Virat. She says you are doing furor and asks him not to do this. Virat runs from the house and jolts the passage.

He goes out and calls Police Inspector from Sant Baksh’s phone. He demands that he close all ways to deal with Amristar and tells that a youngster is evacuated influentially by four people. Analyst says okay. Virat sits in the vehicle. Preeto and harak Singh are taking Heer to Amristar in the vehicle. Heer won’t go. Soham is driving the vehicle. Harak Singh demands that her shut up. Nutan gets back home and tells kinnars that Virat has shot herself and went to look Heer.

Saya trusts Heer’s life will look like of Soumya. Preeto and Harak Singh see the police staying at the checkpost. Preeto uncovers to Heer that in case she does any show, by then she can’t see Virat again. Police stops Heer at the check post and audits Virat edifying him concerning them. He requests them to divert out from vehicle and focuses gun at him. Harak Singh asks concerning why you are pointing weapon at us.

Analyst says I got orders from my predominant. He approaches Sant Baksh’s phone and tells that he ended them. Virat says I am coming. Harak Singh asks with whom you was talking with? Examiner Damodar tells that DSP sir will say. He keeps his weapon inside watching Sant baksh’s vehicle. Virat leaves vehicle and focuses weapon at the Inspector. Heer looks at Virat.

He demands that constables hold those four and says in case you take shots at me, by then you understand who am I? Damodar demands that constables hold them. The constables hold them. Harak Singh reproves Damodar. Heer unveils to Virat that they all tricked her and misdirected her. Virat says allows rush to off. Harak Singh asks Heer to stop and tells that Virat will demolish your life. Virat says they will wreck our association, demands that her go with him.

Preeto says we will get you married, don’t go with him. Rohan asks him not to do this oversight. Virat demands that her come. Preeto says don’t go. Harak Singh says he will demolish your life. Soham asks Heer not to go with him and asks have you gone distressed. Heer looks at Virat.

Heer asks about whether he will leave her. Virat says never, I will be with you till my last heave. Saya comes to there with her kinnars. Preeto asks Heer not to go. Heer walks around Virat. There is a storm in the sky and the winged creatures fly. Rohan endeavors to stop her. Preeto hollers mentioning that her stop. Heer comes to Virat. Virat smiles.

Virat asks Heer to sit in the vehicle speedy. Preeto shouts asking Heer to stop. Virat pushes Inspector Damodar and drives off with Heer. Nutan smiles. Damodar goes behind Virat. Harak Singh asks Soham and Rohan to go behind Heer and shouts Sant Baksh. Preeto ensured Soumya and Harak Singh.

Saya uncovers to Nutan that Harman had moreover commandeered Soumya and a short time later they got hitched. She says their sentimental story started by then. She says Virat has continually done in like manner. Nutan says their sentimental story started, tells that Soumya was unmindful when Harman had snatched her, yet Heer is in her distinguishes. Saya says if Virat marries Heer and her world turns out, by then it will shock both Virat and Heer. Preeto hears them and cries.

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