Meet 14th December 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Meet 14th December 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Meet

Timings On TV: All times are on the 14th December (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Mondhay To Saturday

Air Date: 14th December 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Meet 14th December 2022 Written Update Episode starts with…Barfi telling Raj and Babita to visit easy the house. Meet Ahlawat introduces himself as Sheikh and introduces Meet as Queen of Baristan to Barfi. Barfi greets Meet wondering she is genuinely a queen. Meet receives irritated and as Barfi doesn’t welcome her like a queen. Meet tells to Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat interprets to Barfi that the queen is irritated with her. Meet acts as though she goes to depart. Barfi stops Meet and greets her with the aid of using taking place her knees. Meet accepts her greeting and asks Barfi who’s she? Barfi introduces herself as proprietor of this house. Meet asks Barfi to reveal her the house. Barfi concurs. Raj asks Babita to take relaxation and says he goes to do the housework. Babita says time will educate the entirety and he or she will do it.

Babita and Raj speak approximately who may have come that Barfi despatched them away. Raj says he’s going to pass and appearance. Babita says there may be no want. Barfi says she can be able to first display her the Mandir. Meet is going to the mandir earlier than Barfi indicates her the manner. Barfi asks the Queen how does she recognise that Mandir is that manner. Meet remains silent. Ishani and Masum sense dejected as they didn’t get the process and speak approximately it. Chaya hears them speaking and thinks they appearance excellent and thinks she can be able to get numerous cash if she sells them. Chaya introduces herself and says she will be able to supply them jobs. Ishani asks Chaya why is she providing them jobs with out searching at their qualification. Chaya says of their subject they want loyalty and there may be no want for qualification. Chaya additionally offers them cash as boost.

Ishani and Masum reject her in the beginning however they later take the cash. Meet Ahlawat says the queen is nicely versed in Indian Culture. Meet additionally says she is aware of in Indian subculture Mandir will continually be in North east. Meet scolds Barfi for suspecting her and acts as she is set to depart. Barfi apologises to the queen. Barfi indicates Meet the Mandir. Meet prays to Lord Sriram to be on their facet for her plan. The servant asks Raj and Babita to live withinside the kitchen. Raj and Babita visit the kitchen. Barfi asks the queen how is the mansion. Meet Ahlawat says the queen favored the Mansion very much. Babita by chance breaks a tea cup. Barfi takes permission from them and is going into the kitchen. Barfi asks them what happened? Babita says her hand slipped. Barfi scolds her and burns a metallic utensils at the range to educate Babita a lesson.

Meet Ahlawat acts as though they’re irritated with Barfi. Barfi listening to his voice leaves Babita and is going to them. Barfi pulls Babita and Babita’s hand by chance touches metallic untensil and burns her hand. Raj pours water on Babita’s hand. Barfi explains to Meet and Meet Ahlawat that on occasion they want to reveal the servants their place. Meet Ahlawat says to Barfi that the queen could be very irritated with the manner she is treating her parents. Meet Ahlawat says if she doesn’t need the deal to be canceled she has to mention sorry. Barfi concurs and says sorry to the queen with the aid of using protecting her ears. Barfi asks the queen for a request and says she has a chum who lives in Arab. Barfi asks Meet to ship her pal a message in Arab. Meet thinks Barfi is trying out her. Meet and Meet Ahlawat acts as though they’re irritated and that they depart from there pronouncing they’re going to cancel the deal. Raj looks after Babita. Babita says if we go through for some days then their youngsters could be out of trouble.

Raj says to Babita that she doesn’t apprehend Barfi and makes a decision to inform Meet and Meet Ahlawat the truth. Raj leaves to inform Meet and Meet Ahlawat. Meet Ahlawat receives a name from Barfi that she everyday the deal. Meet and Meet Ahlawat celebrate. Meet Ahlawat sees Raj and calms down. Raj asks Meet if they’re speaking approximately Barfi. Meet Ahlawat says they’re simply speaking approximately her casually. Meet Ahlawat asks Raj why did he come right here? Babita stops Raj from speaking and says they simply got here right here casually.

Meet sees that Babita’s hand were given burnt. Meet asks Babita how did she were given her hand burnt. Babita makes up a purpose and says she were given harm even as doing work. Meet Ahlawat says she needs to be careful. Meet and Meet Ahlawat takes benefits from their parents. Meet and Meet Ahlawat come to Barfi because the queen and sheikh. Meet Ahlawat offers boost to Barfi and says that is the improvement for the mansion. Barfi feels satisfied seeing this. Barfi asks the servants to deliver a few water. Babita comes with water. Babita slips and the water falls on Meet. Meet and Meet Ahlawat see Babita and Raj in servant garments and get stunned.

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