Shaadi Mubarak 30th November 2020 Episode Written Update


Shaadi Mubarak 30th November 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Shaadi Mubarak 30 November 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 30th November, 2020

November 30, 2020 : Shaadi Mubarak Today Episode Start with Neelima contending with the family. She says I will never acknowledge Preeti. Everybody clarifies her that they should regard KT’s choice. She says I won’t acknowledge her, don’t anticipate this from me. Neil comes and says KT has come. KT’s father requests that he get aarti plate. Neil asks where is it. KT’s father asks Neelima to state something, KT would be coming. Preeti comes alone and says KT didn’t accompany me. Neil calls KT and says he isn’t replying.

Neelima says Preeti can’t go into the house without her better half, this is called persuasively getting inside the house. She reproves Preeti. She asks where is KT, KT took this choice out of frustration, he didn’t think, when he understood this mix-up, he had fled, he took this choice to dispose of Nandini. KT’s father says enough. He asks Neil to get aarti plate. He asks Preeti not to feel awful of anything, they will do her grahpravesh well. Kusum and Priyanka get back home. Juhi asks did you go out, I m attempting to call mum, that marriage would be done, right. Nandini ruins the room.

Arjun says kindly don’t hurt yourself. She admonishes him. Arjun cries. KT’s father, uncle and Neil get ready for grahpravesh. Neelima and Madhu look on. KT’s father does Preeti’s aarti and invites her home. Preeti hits kalash and enters. Neelima asks her not to do the show, she doesn’t acknowledge the marriage. She goes. Nandini asks Preeti not to feel terrible, KT’s choice is new for Neelima, give her some time. He asks Neil to show KT’s space to Preeti. He says for what reason didn’t KT accompany Preeti, I m strained. Preeti hears this. Juhi asks did Preeti get hitched to KT, how might this occur.

Kusum asks are you upset. Juhi says its stunning, she denied for the marriage, I never thought about this. Kusum says Preeti didn’t think however she saw later, you will get it and get glad for your mum. Neil compliments Preeti and requests that her fare thee well. He goes. Preeti goes to turn on the lights. She sees the improved room. Kusum says guardians get glad for youngsters, for what reason can’t kids get glad for guardians, Preeti got a decent life accomplice, her life will be acceptable, for what reason wouldn’t you be able to help her. Preeti hacks and searches for water.

She goes to take water from a tap. Kusum says Preeti never got love and regard from her better half, she got a decent life accomplice now, you should be glad. Juhi says you are correct, we youngsters don’t consider guardians, presently mum will be occupied in her life, this will be a major change for me, I realize she will discover time for me, I think that its odd that I need to share her, she merits it, I m glad for her. Preeti sees her sindoor and mangalsutra.

She eliminates the wreaths. Juhi says we will proceed to meet Preeti. Kusum says she is in her new family, give her some time, we will go tomorrow to meet her. Juhi joyfully cries and says I will converse with her accessible as needs be. Kusum says no, don’t call now, you need to comprehend and give her place, Preeti is glad. Preeti figures for what reason didn’t KT come till now. She calls him. She gets KT’s old voice note. She sits tight for him. She rests on the couch. Nandini calls her. Preeti awakens and replies. Nandini says its your wedding night, your better half is here, he arrived at my inn to do a show, come and take him.


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