Shaadi Mubarak 16th December 2020 Episode Written Update


Shaadi Mubarak 16th December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Shaadi Mubarak 16 December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 16th December , 2020

December 16, 2020 : Shaadi Mubarak Today Episode Start with Nandini and Preeti testing one another. Nandini feels sorry for her. She says you have gone gaga for somebody who loves another person, its my test, you will know it, on the off chance that I lose, at that point I will go to Singapore, at that point you will take off from this house. Preeti says you separated us, you need to leave. Preeti sees the pic and cries. She reviews Nandini’s words. KT comes and asks what occurred. He sees the room broke. He asks who did this. She says let it be. He says its our marriage pic, did Nandini do this, on the off chance that I know breaking things, at that point I know going along with it additionally, I will join this, I need you to help me. Adha ishq… .plays… . He fixes the pic on the divider once more.

Preeti grins. He goes. KT says Arjun has grown up, I don’t have his cherished recollections, similar to I missed his youth. Preeti says Arjun is youthful, you can gain new experiences with him. She goes. Arjun converses with everybody. Preeti says I need to state something, for what reason don’t we keep a Christmas celebration for Arjun. Everybody grins. Preeti says we will get a plan to praise euphoria with them, we will enliven the house with red and dark topic, it will be their affection subject. Shivraj says you thought well. Neelima says truly, we will celebrate together. Arjun says chocolate truffle cake is my fav.

Nandini reminds KT how she used to heat cake for him. KT says its old thing, Preeti will make the cake this time, she was disclosing to me that she will heat a cake for me. Arjun says no, mother will make it. KT says we will cause them to contend, Preeti will make the best cake, she is the best, my significant other. Preeti says fine. She goes. Nandini says its great, we will know on the gathering day, the amount KT loves me. Preeti says indeed, your misconception will end soon, and afterward you will be away. Priyanka shows Neil and finishes the class. She says I need to go to office. He says I can drop you.

She expresses profound gratitude, yet I can oversee. He says I have driving permit. She says really, individuals will make tattles, I don’t need that. He approaches when will you care for yourself, its your life, you need to choose how you live, much obliged for the class. She asks will you drive bicycle in speed, I m frightened of speed. He says no, come. They leave. Preeti inquires as to for what reason do you make stories, when did I say I will prepare a cake. KT says you are a superwoman, I confide in you, you need to make a cake, the taste and the dressing, it should be great, you make Nandini’s ideal cake defective.

She asks is this a children’s play. He says unwind, I simply need Nandini to realize that you are better, everybody should know it, you are the best. She says to make her envious, we can’t carry on with our lives. He says you were not cheated, you don’t have a clue about my torment. He cries. Preeti requests that he tune in. He says fine, don’t prepare the cake, I will oversee, I will arrange it and falsehood. She asks will you lie. He says what to do, do I have a decision, I won’t make it a joke, you help me or not, I will do this. She says I will make the cake, no compelling reason to lie. He asks truly.

She says indeed, I m doing this for your promise. He says right, phenomenal, much obliged. He goes. Preeti gets a call. Worker says Rati has come to meet you. Rati embraces Preeti and says you look dazzling in the costly garments and gems, you merit this. Preeti asks how is Tarun. Rati says Tarun is in strain, his manager is upsetting, you can help him by conversing with KT, give him a head level employment in KT’s organization. Preeti says I can’t help you, don’t anticipate it from me. Rati says yet you helped Juhi, do it for Tarun likewise, we are not against your marriage.

Preeti says its in no way like that, KT gave the occupation to Juhi, I can’t converse with KT to request help for Tarun, pardon me. Rati says you do shamefulness with Tarun, you can do anything. Preeti apologizes. Rati leaves. Neelima asks KT what will he blessing Arjun, blessing an extravagance vehicle, he will be attending a university now. Sneha says that will be excessively. Neelima says I didn’t ask you. Sneha thinks Neelima rejected when I requested vehicle for Neil.

KT says extravagance vehicle is a fabulous thought, I figure he will approach me, and move away from Nandini, I will proceed to book it. Neelima says simply settle on a decision and they will book it. Rati sees Nandini and says you are KT’s ex, I thought you left. Nandini says I choose everything, you are Preeti’s bahu right, for what reason did you come here. Rati says I came to meet Preeti, she got a mentality. Nandini says I need to make her away from this manor, perhaps we can help one another. Rati says sure, I need to show her a thing or two. Nandini and Rati hold hands.

In Progress….


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