Barister Babu 21th December 2020 Episode Written Update


Barister Babu 21th December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Barister Babu 21 December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date :21th December, 2020

December 21, 2020 : Barister Babu Today Episode Start with Bondita asking Anirudh what’s Sati. He reviews how he wedded her to save her from Sati custom. Bondita yells no, how might they do this transgression, its off-base, I won’t let Sampoorna become Sati, this shouldn’t occur with any lady. They follow the blossoms and stop at a point. Anirudh says where did they take Saurabh, we will take a quick trip and see there. Sampoorna considers Saurabh. She cries. The men get stunned seeing Saurabh’s body missing. Anirudh and Bondita take Saurabh’s dead body and play out the last rituals. Anirudh saw a pandit go to the cabin. He follows the pandit. Pandit says we will do the custom.

Anirudh and Bondita investigate the hovel. Anirudh says we need to focus on the light and break it. Pandit requests that everybody leave. Bondita breaks the light. It gets dim. Anirudh and Bondita come inside and see Saurabh. Anirudh stops Bondita. He takes Saurabh with him. FB closes. Anirudh reviews Saurabh and cries. He is sorry. Bondita reviews Saurabh. She additionally cries. Anirudh lights the fire. They cry. Its morning, Anirudh and Bondita go to Saurabh’s home and give his remains.

Anirudh says sorry, I needed to offer fire to Saurabh’s fire, we can’t let Sampoorna become Sati, Saurabh would not be upbeat. Sampoorna reproves Anirudh for grabbing her privileges. She beats him. He says its pixie for me to save somebody’s life, I did what I guaranteed Saurabh, I disclosed to him that I will deal with you. Sampoorna cries a great deal. Bondita supports her. Surmani asks Sampoorna to take off from their home. She says when we see you, we will see Saurabh’s burial service, simply disappear.

Biraj likewise admonishes Sampoorna. Bondita inquires as to for what reason will she go anyplace, there are numerous spots for her, I will take her to my home, she will remain with me. She asks Anirudh to state. Anirudh says indeed, Sampoorna will remain with us now, in our home, she is our duty. Sampoorna approaches did I request your foundation. Anirudh says its our restitution to Saurabh, we will deal with you and give you a decent life, we will consistently uphold you, its my guarantee. Bondita says and my guarantee too.

Mami falls in Anirudh’s feet. She asks Bondita will she deal with Sampoorna. Bondita says yes. Mami says Anirudh and Bondita were saved by Saurabh, they need to deal with you, go with them. She embraces Sampoorna. She gets glad inside. She requests Sampoorna to exploit from Anirudh’s guarantee. Sampoorna says fine, yet I need to go to Vrindavan first. Anirudh says sure, we will take you there. Bihari says Anirudh and Bondita will return from Vrindavan.

Trilochan says they are getting murkiness along as Sampoorna, I m limited by a guarantee, else I won’t allow a widow to remain here. Sampoorna goes into the house with Anirudh and Bondita. Trilochan inquires as to for what reason didn’t you get her head shaved. Anirudh says I don’t think its a devil custom, Bondita thought about another custom, I think its right. Trilochan asks do you think its right. Bondita says you said that we don’t keep a record of the basic food item. Anirudh says Sampoorna will deal with the kitchen accounts from now.

In Progress….


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