Anupama 10th February 2021 Written Update


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Anupama 10th February 2021 Written Update”

Tv Show Name: Anupama

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date: 10, February, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

February 10, 2021: Anupama Today Episode Start with Anu alarms seeing her dressed hands. Samar says they are somewhat singed, so they are gauzed. she demands to eliminate them. Each of the 3 youngsters stop her. Vanraj requests that she unwind. She says she needs to deal with her home with her 2 hands and thinking back all her every day tasks says she requires to cook for family, press Baa’s legs, offer meds to Bapuji, mesh Pakhi’s hair, spoil Samar, set up Kanhaji’s bhog/prasad and supplicate him, and so forth Kids again request that she unwind. School head with instructors surges in and asks Anu how is she now. Anu says she is fine. Chief says she was out on a gathering and came when she found out about the mishap.

Anu says she asked administrator sir to give her enlistment oven, yet he gave her gas oven. Chief expresses gratitude toward her for saving understudies, requests that she unwind at home till she recovers totally, and gets some information about the mishap to anybody and let her handle it. Anu asks whom not to say as everybody thinks about the fire mishap. Chief asks her again to return home and rest. Anu leaves revealing to Samar she didn’t comprehend what chief implied. At home, Baa alarms stressed for Anu. Kinjal comforts her. Nandini inquires as to whether something had happened to Anu aunt. Kinjal says nothing occurred, why should they consider the big picture, her mummy is acceptable to the point that nothing incorrectly can happen to her. Anu gets back. Baa inquires as to whether she is fine and asks how did her hands consume. Anu depicts entire occurrence. Baa says when she was with understudies, she realizes nothing can happen to her, she didn’t realize that her bahu is valiant. Mamaji jokes that Anu wouldn’t have gone through 25 years with Baa else.

Bapuji says his little girl is exceptionally valiant and solid. Nandini acclaims her followed by Kinjal who says any other individual would have lost their brain in that circumstance, yet mummy took care of it truly well. Bapuji says Anu is a mother and a mother can forfeit her life for youngsters. Pakhi says after the present episode, entire school is her fan now. Samar says everybody were adulating her. Baa thanks god that her bahu got back securely. Anu asks how might she set up Kanhaji’s bhog. Baa says she will get ready it and thank god for saving Anu and understudies’ lives. Anu asks how might she accomplish all the work and attempts to eliminate wrap. Baa stops her and plays out her nazar saying hostile stares had stuck on her bahu. Anu cries inwardly. Baa requests that she rest now. Kinjal goes to get ready tea for everybody. Bapuji sees Vanraj strained and inquires as to whether all is great.

Vanraj says Anupama doesn’t see common conduct appropriately, there was a mishap in school and someone will be accused. Bapuji inquires as to whether Anu will be accused at that point? Vanraj gestures yes. Next morning, Anu awakens dreaming about fire mishap and sees Samar resting close to bed. Saamr cries saying he is certainly not a decent child; he was in fire before his eyes, however he stood weakly. She says when she was stuck in fire, she didn’t see demise however his, Pakhi, and Toshu’s face and that urged her to battle. Pakhi brings her turmeric milk. Anu attempts to hold glass, however squirms excruciatingly. Samar and Pakhi feed her. Anu says school administrator ought to be rebuffed as a major mishap happened due to their imprudence, even god doesn’t extra whoever does awful with kids, she is certain chief will rebuff the offenders. Pakhi gestures yes.

Vanraj gets chief’s call that she is coming to meet Anu at night. Baa reveals to Kinjal that she have come for something different without a doubt and not to mind Anu. At night chief meets Anu. Anu says she needed to meet her and clarify how the mishap occurred. Chief says she knows it all. Anu asks her to thoroughly rebuff administrator staff so they don’t hazard with kids’ lives once more. Samar says there were just 6 fire dousers in a particularly enormous school and many were not working. Vanraj says even his girl concentrates in a similar school and he will consistently be stressed from hereon. Anu inquires as to whether fire quenchers were truly not working. Samar gestures yes. Anu says a house is arranged including little fastens as per a youngster’s wellbeing, yet 1000s of kids concentrate in school and subsequently there ought to be security gauges appropriately; she shouldn’t extra whoever committed an error. Chief says she realizes who committed an error and its Anupama Vanraj Shah. Family is stunned to hear that. Chief says its Anu’s slip-up and she needs to give it recorded as a hard copy.

Anu says she cautioned them to change the oven, however they didn’t, how is her mix-up in this. Chief says she is simply educating what trustees need to hear, whoever has committed an error, she needs to give it recorded as a hard copy that she is answerable for the mishap and not school administrator. Anu says her solitary misstep is she was unable to prevent youngsters from doing underhandedness, however fire mishap is administrator’s error; she has numerous individuals in her home, and still, at the end of the day her kids met with minor mishaps, Toshu had consumed her hand on light, Samar had tumbled from bed, and so on; kids hurt themselves on the off chance that they are given even a chime; its school administrator’s mix-up not to give acceptance oven all things considered and keeping even the window shut, imagine a scenario in which she was unable to break the window and send kids out; she committed a little error, yet school administrator committed a major error. Chief says it is anything but an issue of little or serious mix-up, its about the arrangement of this issue; in the event that she acknowledges her misstep, she will guarantee that her work will be flawless. Anu says she ought to be rebuffed and even school administrator.

Chief says in some cases they have renounce truth and vulnerably tune in to manager without addressing, she is simply following her obligation; if Anu acknowledges her slip-up, she will concede her multi month paid leave till the issue quiets down or on the off chance that she criticizes school, she won’t just lose her employment yet additionally her little girl will be ousted from school and its school organization’s choice and she can’t do anything. Vanraj inquires as to whether she is making Anu a substitute to secure school’s standing and inquires as to whether this is her companion’s general who offered a little work and asking a particularly large kindness as a trade off.

Chief says there is no utilization of every one of these discussions; if Anu acknowledges her offer, she will twofold her compensation and cash is exceptionally enormous. Anu says her family esteems spirits than cash. Baa says when chief is guaranteeing that she will not be hurt and will get twofold compensation with a month’s leave, she ought to concur and unwind at home as opposed to falling in lawful issues. Samar inquires as to for what reason should mummy acknowledge the mix-up which she didn’t do. Baa inquires as to whether he needs his sister to be removed from school. She reveals to Anu that family realizes that she is correct, yet what might be said about society; she broke her home because of her tenacity and shouldn’t demolish her little girl’s life now, she is stressed more over others’ youngsters all things being equal. Bapuji asks what is she saying.

Baa says Pakhi ventured out from home as a result of her tenacity and now her life will be demolished, so Anu ought to acknowledge this offer and end this issue; she is telling this as a mother and not MIL; requests that Vanraj clarify her. Vanraj says what would he be able to say when Anu takes her choices herself. Chief discloses to Anu that her saas is correct, she gave her work disregarding her past, presently she should help her. Anu thinks back fire mishap.In Progress…

Anupama, 10th, February 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Anupama, 10 February 2021 Written Update: in progress

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