Anupama 1st March 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Anupama 1 March 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Anupama

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 1, Feb, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Anupama 1 Marchruary 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Anupama and Vanraj spoil Pakhi. Tujo Mila To Lo Hogaya Mai plays out of sight. After at some point, Vanraj cries thinking back all the new occurrence. Anu holds his hand to reassure him. He says he thought he was a decent dad, however he was unable to turn into a dad by any means; one can’t be a dad simply by paying youngsters’ expenses, father needs to comprehend kids’ requirements and its more significant than father’s obstinacy, Pakhi had come to him, yet he was unable to deal with her and was simply occupied in embarrassing Anu. She says he is a decent dad. He says his sense of self expanded than his adoration and he was simply discovering approaches to embarrass her and even hauled his kids in that; a spouse was winning and a dad was losing; he despised Anu and figured no one can detest anybody like him, yet today he loathes himself monstrously.

Anu says excusing others is simple and hard to pardon themselves, and in the event that he doesn’t, he can’t deal with Pakhi; they should ensure that their partition doesn’t influence Sweety/Pakhi. He requests that she keep Pakhi wiht her as he can’t deal with home, work, and youngsters; he will attempt to turn into a decent individual and needs her assistance and not harmony. She asks him not to stress as she will give a valiant effort for her kids. He says she dealt with Samar all along, showed Toshu right way, and now he needs her to deal with Pakhi. He says the two of them will deal with Sweety, Samar, Toshu, and Kinjal together as there might be nothing between left presently except for there will be family consistently between them. He gets Kavya’s call, and she goes to mind Sweety. Vanraj picks Kavya’s call. Kavya inquires as to whether Pakhi is alert at this point.

He says yes. She thanks god and inquires as to whether he will come now or toward the beginning of the day. He says he will choose toward the beginning of the day subsequent to understanding what Pakhi needs. She says in that sense, Pakhi will request him not to separate from Anu and stay back in same house, will he do whatever she loves. He inquires as to whether she truly thinks this is the ideal opportunity for this conversation when his girl is in dread. She gets some information about her dread, she knows he and Anu can do anything for Pakhi and she needs to understand how will he respond if Pakhi needs them to remain together. He disengages call wishing her goodnight. She thinks if enthusiastic extorting is so compelling, even she ought to do same to cause V to understand her worth, Pakhi played a decent game, she just undermined Pakhi to isolate her from her daddy, however Pakhi isolated her from V with only one blow. Toward the beginning of the day, Anu performs tulsi pooja.

Vanraj takes a gander at her. She sits close to him and expectations this new day brings a fresh start. Baa sees them together and inquires as to for what reason don’t they stay together like this eternity; she cautioned them that their partition will hurt their kids, however they didn’t hear her out; the two of them can remain in independent rooms yet under same rooftop for the good of kids; she argues them to end their battle for family’s joy; the two of them disdain one another, yet they rejoin for youngsters consistently; guardians penance their lives for kids, so they should stop their dramatization and stay under same rooftop. Vanraj says this won’t transform anything. Anu says they will not be together in any event, being under same rooftop and will not be cheerful. Baa says as though they are glad at this point. Vanraj says everybody knows it all, even Pakhi, and Kavya.. Baa says she doesn’t make a big deal about Kavya and simply needs them to remain together. Bapuji hearing their discussion asks Baa what was she telling Vanraj and Anupama. She says for what reason is he asking when he heard everything. He says he is halting her as relationship isn’t made of crude soil that they can form it the manner in which they need. Baa inquires as to whether she shouldn’t attempt to save connections. He says they pursued for a very long time and its their choice how they need to live, they care for kids and we don’t need to show them, she shouldn’t compel them however.

Anu says Baa is apprehensive, so she told this. Vanraj says he knows, yet they should focus on Pakhi now and he figures they should look for a clinician’s assistance for Pakhi; he says he realizes individuals get reluctant to visit an analyst, however when they can visit a specialist for their actual issues, why can’t for their psychological issues and what they can’t talk with loved ones can talk with a therapist transparently; Anu should confide in her. Anu says she realizes he won’t take an off-base choice for Sweety; youngsters examine with mother what they can’t with father and what they can’t with mother, they talk about it with kin and companions, yet numerous issues are left heart and it will make a profound effect on the off chance that they keep it inside, same thing occurred with Sweety and he ought to pick a best specialist for Pakhi.

He concurs. Pakhi composes a letter to god that she hurt her folks with her ineptitude and will vow not to rehash it if her folks meet up. Anu inquires as to whether he will have tea. He says solid ginger tea like Baa’s chiding. Anu says no tea on the planet can be so solid. He gets some information about Pakhi’s treatment as he has a few reserve funds left. She says she confides in a dad and not cash and strolls in. Kavya enters wishing Vanraj. Vanraj asks what is she doing here early morning. She says she considered gathering him and Pakhi prior to going to office and inquires as to why he looks strained. He says he is concerned for Pakhi and figures he should take her to an analyst. She says that is something worth being thankful for. He says in the event that they had concentrat4ed on her, the present circumstance wouldn’t have emerged; at any rate he will be Pakhi until she recovers.

She inquires as to whether he will come here every day. He says she is getting late for office and should leave. She says she intended to say that he can remain here and meet her when he gets time, she misses him and might want to come, yet realizes no one enjoys her here; she is making a decent attempt and realizes she can’t have Anu’s spot, she saw him and will leave now. He wishes her have a decent day. She leaves smiling. He picks telephone to require doc’s arrangement and strolls in hearing Baa chastening Anu. Baa reprimands Anu for considering taking Pakhi to a therapist. Vanraj asks her not to begin toward the beginning of the day. Bapuji says they are thinking about Pakhi’s better life.

Baa says they consider themselves or probably they wouldn’t have considered separation and of demonstrating their little girl frantic. Bapuji asks her not to talk uproariously as Pakhi may hear it. She says she needs Pakhi to realize that her folks need to demonstrate her distraught and keeps shouting at Anu that she saw most terrible moms however not awful and egotistical than her. Anu says she can be an awful babu/DIL and awful spouse, yet can’t be a terrible mother.In Progress…

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