Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 16 th June 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 16 th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2

Timings On TV: All times are in the 16 th June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 16 th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 16 th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Vedika saying I won’t apologize to her. Pihu says I m more rich than you, many individuals love me. Vedika reprimands her. Police comes. Vedika says now I will show you how to talk. She grumbles to the reviewer about Pihu. Pihu and the women grumble about Vedika. Vedika says you don’t have any idea who you are conversing with. Pihu says everybody is equivalent according to regulation. Examiner says OK, accompany us to the police headquarters. Vedika says you know who I m, I m Ram Kapoor’s life partner. Slam says Shubham, I m coming. Shubham says Vedika needs your assistance. Slam says mother needs me, I m returning home. Nandini says I m fine, Vedika called me and requested help, we ought to assist her, you with pleasing go, I will send the area. Smash says alright. She sends the area. Krish says we got the area, Priya.

Sara has a go at calling Ishaan. Meera says I have made pakodas. Sara says you look cheerful. Meera figures I shouldn’t say that Pihu met Ram. She says all of you met Pihu and Priya, I won’t meet her, you can definitely relax. Sara says she is leaving today. Meera says settle on a video decision to Priya, I will see it from far.

Pihu requests that the auditor show traffic rules to Vedika. Investigator says the youngster is more reasonable than you. Vedika hangs tight for Ram. Priya and Krish come there. Vedika says its Nandini Kapoor’s call, don’t stop me. Auditor says proceed to talk, then, at that point, come and pay the fine. Vedika goes. Priya and Krish see Pihu at the station. Priya asks are you fine, how could you arrive at here. Auditor says it was a mishap. Priya says you are harmed. Pihu jokes. Krish says twit. Priya asks who did the mishap. Reviewer says that lady was driving incorrect way, your little girl was accused, yet she is shrewd. Priya says we would rather not record the case, we will go. Krish requests that she sit in the vehicle. Priya expresses gratitude for dealing with my girl. Overseer says she is brilliant and solid. Pihu says very much like you, I will become like you when I grow up. Vedika sees them leaving. Reviewer requests that she pay fine. Vedika says Ram would be coming, I will perceive the way you discuss front of him. Slam comes there. He sees Priya and Krish going with Pihu. Slam thinks Priya is an illustration of impropriety. Smash does the conventions. He requests that Vedika pay the fine. She says its not my issue. He does the installment. Vedika requests that Ram pay attention to her. He reproves Vedika. He says harming her not your right.

Krish and Priya request that Pihu have the food. They ask Pihu for what valid reason did she do without telling them. Pihu says I was talking and going, then, at that point, I became lost. Krish requests that she have food. Sara calls Priya. She says your train got missed. Priya jokes. Sara converses with Pihu. Meera takes a gander at Priya and Pihu from far. Sara asks her to simply come in the commitment. She says I will lie that Pihu is Maitri’s relative’s young lady, I will come to drop her at the railroad station, if it’s not too much trouble, send her in any event, we don’t have the foggiest idea when we meet her once more. Slam thinks when did Priya come to Mumbai, was she here, does Sandy have some familiarity with this. Sandy asks any issue. Smash says character declaration is required. She says OK, its obligatory. She receives Shubham’s message. He asks is everything fine. She says OK. Adi says I m arriving at office with Ishaan in 10mins. Smash requests that Sandy return home, Sara would require her assistance. Sandy expresses gratitude toward him and goes. Smash thinks did she meet Priya’s youngster. Priya makes Pihu rest. She requests that Pihu call her mumma. Pihu asks what will occur in Sara’s commitment. Priya says Maasi and her sovereign will guarantee one another and trade the rings. Pihu asks where is your perfect suitor. Ishaan comes to Ram and welcomes. He contacts his feet and says sorry. Smash says I m happy that you have gained some useful knowledge positively. Ishaan says you have done a great deal for me. He figures even Priya did a great deal. Smash expresses center around profession. Ishaan says life misses the mark to redress the previous slip-ups. Slam says I never faulted you for your father’s wrongdoings, what’s your arrangement now. Ishaan says mother doesn’t have to wed, I can make my vocation and deal with her. Slam asks do you really want another father, she will attempt to persuade that Vikrant isn’t like Varun. Ishaan says I will say, I won’t need him. Priya says your father is great, he is additionally on an undertaking. Pihu says he ought to have been with us, in the event that I supplicate, God will make you meet your Mr. Perfect, right.

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Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 16 th June 2022 updates

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