Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 30 th June 2022 Written Episode Update

Bade Acche Lagte Hain 2

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By TellyExpert: “Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 30 th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2

Timings On TV: All times are in the 30 th June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 30 th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 30 th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Smash reviewing Priya’s commitment. Smash says Priya has broke such countless commitments. Pihu says you are a liar, she never breaks her commitments. Vedika thinks this young lady is Ram and Priya’s little girl, God help us, she will pamper the whole arrangement. She says sufficiently its, you are ruining our night, simply take your discourteous little girl. Krish and Priya request that she come. Pihu say she is a discourteous aunt, she called me a cheat’s girl and said sorry, once more, she is talking inconsiderately. Priya asks how might you venture to say that. Vedika says I didn’t realize she is your little girl. They contend.

Priya says I have trained her to offer a response for her confidence, she is mischievous, yet all at once not uncouth. Slam says lets not cause a situation. Priya says I could do without to converse with individuals who control 18 year old children and attempt to isolate them from their mum. Vedika says really, your girl is a lawbreaker’s girl, right, she got to know your reality and took off. Smash says stop it, you are crossing your line. Priya says I won’t leave you assuming that anything happens to my little girl. She goes. Serve and Kanika come. Vedika says the two of them are same. Smash inquires as to for what reason did you give the lawful papers to Ishaan. Vedika says I will clear up that for you later, enough, I m taking care of your concern. Slam says I needn’t bother with your assistance. He leaves.

Ishaan and Sandy transfer the old video on the web. Ishaan says its turned into a web sensation. Sandy says individuals love Raya. Vikrant says credit Ishaan. Sara says fine, Krish, I will illuminate everybody and come. He says Pihu is missing. Vikrant asks what. Sara says Vedika called Pihu as criminal’s girl and Pihu left. Vikrant says she acted up in the party too. Adi says we ought to go. Vikrant asks what’s your arrangement. Adi says we will proceed to track down Pihu. Sandy says I will just come. She additionally goes. Priya and Krish search for Pihu. She faults herself and says I can’t remain here, I need to think from her side, perhaps she has gone to sit in some corner, she resembles her father. Pihu says mum got offended today as a result of me. Priya and Ram see Pihu, and hurry to her. Pihu is going to fall into the sewer vent. Slam approaches her. Priya asks what occurred, are you fine, where did you go leaving me. Pihu expresses sorry to inconvenience. The man sees them and says they are Raya 2.0. Vedika comes there.

Serve and Kanika follow. Slam gives a bandanna to Priya. tanha ghata sa… plays… Krish comes and asks are you fine. Slam says she might have fallen in the sewer vent. Individuals acclaim Ram for saving Pihu. Krish asks them what are they finding in the portable. The man shows Ram and Priya’s meeting. Krish asks how did this get viral at this point. Meera comes and tells about the viral video. Priya gets stressed. Adi and Vikrant make sense of Ram. Smash doesn’t consent to them.

Krish converses with Priya. He says Pihu shouldn’t see this. Priya says she isn’t watching the television. He says I gave her my ipad. Slam asks how did the video spill as of now, did the priest do this. Adi says OK. Nandini asks what will he get doing this, how could be get keen on improving Ram’s picture, we will track down that offender and rebuff him. She sees Adi. Vikrant says Adi is proposing right. She says you are Ram’s companion, you realize Ram loathes Priya, and still, after all that you are proposing this, why. Adi expresses its around 800 cr bargain, it will be a major misfortune. Smash says Priya tricked me. Priya goes to Pihu. Pihu says its Ram’s meeting. Priya says give it to me. Pihu says stand by. Priya figures what to do, she will see the meeting.

Meera says I m going to have frozen yogurt. Pihu says I will likewise have it. She keeps the ipad. Priya says you’re not great. Meera says your mum is correct, mums are in every case right however at some point commits errors. Priya says I care for Pihu, I need to make her rest. Meera goes. Priya says experience time and embraces Pihu. She thinks we need to leave this city, apologies. Krish comes to Ram and asks who did this sickening thing.

Nandini believes involving Ram’s contempt for Krish is a decent opportunity. Smash says you figure you will ask me and you will find a solution here. Krish says you will reply, else I will not go from here. Smash says so you are irate to see her with me. Krish says it’s not necessary to focus on me, yet about Pihu. Slam says its your concern on the off chance that she doesn’t have a clue about Priya’s reality.

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Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 30 th June 2022 updates

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Update For: Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 30 th June 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist.


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