Barrister Babu 21st May 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “ Barrister Babu 21st May 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Barrister Babu

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 21, May, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content: Barrister Babu May 21st, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with..In Progress…

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Barrister Babu 21st May 2021 10starupdates
The episode starts with Anirudh saying I need to wash garments for the wellbeing of Bondita. He thinks which box has the washing powder. Bondita and Tapur talk about Roopa. Bondita says I don’t care for her, however allowed her to accomplish the work, she has three youngsters to raise. Thakumaa hears them. Tapur says you stress for everybody when you are dismal, you didn’t grin since morning, you can take a quick trip and see him once. Bondita says no, I have guaranteed Thakumaa that I can’t meet him. Thakumaa grins and figures

Bondita didn’t break the guarantee. Anirudh adds the whitener rather cleanser. He washes the garments with trouble. Thakumaa comes. Anirudh dismisses. Tapur says you can’t go, however I can go. Bondita asks did you see him. Tapur thinks on the off chance that I say he isn’t here, she will get pitiful. She says indeed, he is there, he is simply seeing you. Bondita says I m likewise seeing him with the eyes of heart. Thakumaa says you have strength like men. Thakumaa inquires as to for what reason are largely the garments blue rather white, did you add the whitener rather cleanser. Anirudh stresses and requests that she feel sorry for.

Thakumaa fires him. He says no, I had gotten some information about the cleanser, possibly she kidded, don’t fire me, I have youngsters and an evil spouse. Thakumaa says accompany me. Bondita reproves Anirudh and protects Tapur. He thinks I m defenseless to lie, else Thakumaa will fire me. Thakumaa says enough, I heard Tapur saying she needs to get Roopa terminated. Tapur says I didn’t do this. Anirudh apologizes. Thakumaa requests that he get lost, he is terminated. Anirudh cries and attempts to persuade Thakumaa. Thakumaa says simply get lost. He tragically leaves.

Thakumaa hears the peacock’s sound. She says we will take a quick trip and see peacock’s dance. She stops Roopa/Anirudh and says dance and show, on the off chance that you can move like a peacock, your work will get saved. Anirudh figures I will effectively save my work. He moves. Thakumaa appreciates and requests that he dance well, with the peacock feathers. Anirudh figures my hairpiece can get pulled off, Thakumaa will realize that I m a man. She says I will fix this. Anirudh says no, I will do it without anyone’s help. He hits the dance floor with the peacock feathers. Mai ladunga… .plays..

Bondita says Roopa is so awful, Thakumaa will before long fire her. Anirudh thinks to disclose to Bondita soon that he is Anirudh, not Roopa. Bondita thinks Roopa is a liar, she outlined Tapur. Anirudh feels uncomfortable and figures how does ladies wear sarees throughout the day. He gets some information about the flour box for filling the flour. Thakumaa requests that Bondita get the case. Anirudh composes Sakha babu on the flour plate. Bondita gets the crate. Tupur says its not the flour box, but rather the grains box, proceed to get the correct box.

Tupur says something is composed here. Thakumaa comes to see and says I can’t peruse, you said you know nothing, what’s this, I question on your story, is everything a falsehood. Anirudh says no, its reality, I m not instructed. Bondita gets the flour box. Anirudh says I was simply moving my fingers in the flour, to breathe easy until Bondita gets the crate, I was making a drawing. Bondita gets the crate. He requests that Thakumaa ask Bondita, she is instructed, she will see and tell in the event that anything is composed. He figures Bondita will know reality and not advise it to Thakumaa.

Thakumaa clears it. She says I don’t need Bondita to understand anything, I will trust you this time. She goes. Anirudh takes the crate and fills the flour. Sampoorna thinks where is Anirudh. She goes to ask Batuk. He requests that she make his fav food like Bondita used to make. Bondita goes to see somebody at the entryway. She goes out and sees the tobacco fallen on the floor. She thinks who was eating it, possibly Roopa, perhaps she was concealing this tobacco in her saree, so she was awkward. Anirudh thinks to advise truth to Bondita and give her notes

. Bondita brings Tapur. She says Roopa shrouds tobacco in her saree and talks showy things, we will successfully get her saree eliminates, the tobacco bundles will tumble down, she misleads please Thakumaa, come. They stow away. Bondita says presently Roopa’s saree will stall out, her fact will come out. Anirudh comes there. Tapur makes Anirudh tumble down. Bondita puts her foot on his saree. His saree gets taken out.

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