Barrister Babu 6th October 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Barrister Babu 6th October 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Barrister Babu

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Indian Standard Time)

Telecath Days: Morday To Friday

Air Date: 6, October, 2021

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content: Barrister Babu October 6th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with.. Anirudh saying close your eyes, do yoga, quiet your brain, then, at that point, you will discover some way. Bondita closes eyes. Trilochan says assuming I didn’t tell that Binoy is debilitated, Anirudh would lack consent to come here, I demand you not to tell anybody. Specialist says OK. Trilochan says express gratitude toward God, he concurred, else Anirudh and Bondita would have known my arrangement. Trilochan says Doctor offered drugs to Binoy, he said he needs to keep Binoy here under oversight. Sampoorna says I will remain with him. He says no, Anirudh should remain here. Bondita says he is fine, he should remain here. Anirudh gets lightheaded and says I m fine, just got tipsy, relax. Trilochan says I advised Bondita to do puja for your life, she didn’t tune in. Anirudh says Bondita, pass on some obligation of saving me to Lord, possibly that way you discover something. She says fine. Trilochan figures my arrangement will work now. Bondita figures I can satisfy Anirudh’s arrangement.

Bondita sits imploring. Thakumaa and Trilochan see her and go. Tupur thinks its great, she can’t follow me now, I can go out. She leaves. Bondita grins seeing her leave. She thinks educating Anirudh regarding Tupur. He says you redirect her this time, accomplish something that is against your reasoning. She says like Trilochan needs me to do puja, then, at that point, I can cover the pot with a saree and go out. He says everybody used to think you are examining. She grins. She says Durga maa will be furious in the event that I don’t do the puja. He says Durga maa’s other name is the person who kills sins, discover what game is Tupur playing.

Bondita keeps the pot and covers it with a saree. She plays a recorder and follows Tupur. They go to the sanctuary. Tupur takes the mirror and figures I will check whether anybody is coming after me. She checks. She supplicates there. Bondita stows away and looks on. Chandrachur comes there in tantric’s mask. She asks are you fine. He says yes. She says Bondita is doing puja at home, we can meet with no strain. Bondita sees a snake coming and gets terrified. She thinks I need to discover Tupur’s reality. She envisions Anirudh getting capital punishment. She thinks I need to battle my dread and stay here, I can’t allow Anirudh to pass on, perhaps Kaali Maa has sent this snake for my assistance. She implores. She tosses the snake towards Tupur. Tupur requests that Chandrachur save himself. Bondita hears this and gets stunned. Chandrachur slaps Tupur. Bondita thinks he is alive. She recalls everything.

She thinks Tupur and Chandrachur tricked us and the court to get Anirudh rebuffed. Chandrachur asks Tupur not to take his name, he is dead for everybody. She says there is nobody here. He says fine, tell me, what news did you get of Bondita. She says she came in my room, I made her out, she is sharp, she will know it that you are alive, disappear, I simply need your government assistance, simply go, else you will lose your life in her adoration. Bondita thinks Tupur realized that Chandrachur severely peered toward me. He says fine Tupur, I will disappear from here, you are most demon for me, relax, return home. Bondita thinks I need to get Chandrachur and take him before the police. Tupur leaves.

Bondita takes a rope and tosses it. She gets Chandrachur. She takes the trishul. He says Bondita… She says indeed, Bondita, I m embarrassed to call you Jamai babu, I respected you my sibling, I disdain you. She focuses the trishul at home. She says I have come in Durga’s symbol of Kaali, as your passing, what did you figure, you will swindle us and get Anirudh hanged, no… I m his safeguard, I will rebuff you for all your transgressions, first sin… you did it as a spouse, you had your significant other and seriously eyes another lady, second sin as a sibling, you ought to have regarded Tapur, you attempted to attack her, third sin as a human, you faked your demise and played with everybody’s feelings, you caught Anirudh in the bogus case to get him hanged. He says you can do this when you can get me. She harms him with the trishul. She says a lady’s other name is strength, you will know a lady’s mental fortitude and her revile, at whatever point you commit this error to respect a lady frail, see this imprint all over, malicious will be obliterated now and Anirudh will get equity.

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