Bepanah Pyaar 24th February 2020 Written Update | Bepanah Pyaar Episodes Updates


Bepanah Pyaar 24th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Colors Tv Show “Bepanah Pyaar 24-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Sahas Dies In A Car Accident

Airing Date: 24 February 2020

Full Written Update: 24-February-2020 Bepanah Pyaar Episode Start with

Raghbir says God should not give anyone a Badi Ma like you. Harshit asks him what reject he is expressing yet Raghbir holds him by his neck area. Do whatever it takes not to outright another word. You have tricked me enough! He goes to Kunti. You got frightened of police so soon as I am sure they will have the choice to find that you used to mix quiets in my sustenance. She continues with her sensation. I am sure it must be Pragati’s plan. You will confide in the entirety of her words. He says I dint even take her name till now. For what reason do you think will it be her?

She says Pragati is the one specifically who needs to confine us. He calls her the issue. It is you who need to butcher me. This is the explanation you cut the railing in Manali, isn’t that so? She acts legit anyway he encourages her to stop acting now. She asks regarding whether he addresses her. He denies. I am charging you. Sahas has given me that video wherein you were cutting the railing. I worshiped you my entire life yet you expected to execute me! I gave you everything yet you played all of these games with me. Why? You crossed your places of restriction by executing my people. You executed them just for money and I was following you unpredictably continually. Pragati was right. You are off base. I should have confided in her. I never believed in God thinking you are my God. You should be humiliated about it! Kunti surrenders she has executed his people. I am not hesitant to surrender that I butchered your people for money.

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I did it for my youngster Harshit. I dint need him to be on your consideration. We have a benefit on this house, this property and everything! He asks with respect to whether she has ever endeavored to get him. You should have asked me. Dismissal this property or money, I would have even given my life for you! It is adequate now. The ball is in my court now. By and by a kid will do what no kid would have done to his mother. This is Raghbir Malhotra’s assurance to you Badi Ma. You will be rebuked for your offense. She rage thinking Sahas wrecked her game plan. Doorbell rings. Raghbir says this is the ring to condemnation. Do you need something?

Shefali and Nakul enter. Shefali prompts Raghbir that she saw Pragati with Sahas in her wedding garments. They were gone to asylum. Nakul guarantees. Where is your phone? Raghbir recognizes how Pragati and Sahas had sent him home alone. He tries coming to Pragati yet her phone isn’t reachable. He leaves. Kunti and Harshit throw a groan of easing.

Sahas and Pragati are sitting in the mandap. Academic ji scrutinizes the mantras. Pragati is assisted with recollecting her marriage with Raghbir. Sahas reveals to Pundit ji to hurry up with the mantras. Scholarly ji talks about after traditions yet Sahas bargains him. Sahas and Pragati speak to pheras. She stands joined to her place while Sahas starts the first phera. He exhorts her that Raghbir may need to pay if she withdraws from her assurance now. She begins to tail him when Raghbir shouts. Sahas and Pragati look at him. Raghbir breaks his wreath and holds him by his neck area. How might you marry my life partner?

Pragati requests him to give up Sahas. Raghbir asks her how he got this psychological mettle. She shares that she gave him this courage by giving him an assurance. Sahas uncovers to him the rest. Come, Pragati. Raghbir turns his hand. I promise you I wont let your dream work out for next 7 births. She was, is and she will reliably be mine. Sahas says I don’t think around 7 births anyway she is mine right now. You can’t snatch her from me. Raghbir hits him and ways out with Pragati.

Sahas attacks him from behind yet Raghbir makes sense of how to beat him. Raghbir uncovers to Pragati he treasures her undoubtedly. I will return much in the wake of passing on 100 passings if I have to! I can’t see you ending up being someone else’s. She motions. They fasten hands yet Sahas hits him on his head with a channel essentially by then. Sahas repeats that he doesn’t consider various births yet Pragati is his at the present time. He takes Pragati with him. She cries looking yet Sahas locks the vehicle’s gateway. He drives away. Raghbir finds a decent pace Sahas’ vehicle.

Pragati requests Sahas to discharge her. Raghbir will fail miserably. Sahas isn’t pained. His story will end today. She requests him yet vain. We will be in our world. We will even fight every so often as it assembles love. She fears the vehicle’s speed yet he says I can’t delay. You don’t need to pressure when you are with me. I wont allow anything to come to pass. He sees Raghbir’s vehicle behind him. She encourages Sahas to stop the vehicle. Discharge me. She issue of the speed again anyway he again promises her. their vehicle meets with an accident just by then.

Everyone is in crisis center. Kunti uncovers to Harshit they submitted a significant blunder by having Sahas on their side. He told Raghbir and Pragati everything. Harshit says he was demolished by all of you things considered. He will without a doubt uncover to them everything. I haven’t the faintest idea what will happen now.

Doc adventures out of ICU. He shares that Pragati is aware. Raghbir is still at risk. Keep your fingers crossed. Devraj gets some data about Sahas. Doc shares that he is no more. Kunti thinks it is satisfactory Sahas is dead.

Pragati is in tears. I wish you could have appreciated the differentiation among great and terrible on time Sahas. You would have been alive today by then. Kunti approaches her for what valid justification she is so far alive. You should have kicked the pail with your crazy partner! She insults her. I am a numbskull to ask you that. You can’t kick the container as I am the individual who should butcher you! Pragati uncovers to her game plan wont turn out true to form even in her dreams. Make an effort not to be under any confusion that Raghbir will pardon you impressively in the wake of knowing everything. Did you make a game plan starting at now? I prescribe you don’t as your game is up! The moment Raghbir will be mindful, you will be in jail! Kunti says this is what you think. Do whatever it takes not to be so perky. Raghbir is still at risk. Desire he wont join Sahas. Pragati alerts her not to envision that for Raghbir. Doc enlightens them that Raghbir is out of risk now. Pragati smiles at Kunti.

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