Beyhadh 2 26th February 2020 Written Update


Beyhadh 2 26th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Zee Tv Show “Beyhadh 2 26-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Maya Send Diya To Psychiatric Facility

Airing Date: 26 February 2020

Full Written Update: 26-February-2020 Beyhadh 2 Episode Start with

Diya hustles to Rudra contending him to save her from MJ. Rudra asks what happened. Diya contends Maya alongside save her and nobody yet she can encourage truth to everyone. Rudra asks MJ and Antara what occured for auntie. Diya seeks shelter behind Maya, Maya says now she needs to encourage truth to Rudra. Rudra asks MJ what truth, what is he concealing. Maya compellingly holds Diya’s hands around her neck and goes about as Diya strangulating her.

Rudra frees Maya and asks Diya what’s going on with she. Diya endeavors to run out shouting leave her, else her youth will be in a predicament. Amir stops her. Rudra asks whose youth. Diya says her and MJ’s adolescent, she is pregnant. Maya smiling at MJ says she prompted father not to hide anything from Rudra. Rudra asks what the hell is this. Maya says since their wedding, Diya was acting anomalous, she endeavored to light up mother and father, yet they let it go.

Also Read: Beyhadh 2 25th February 2020 Written Update

Diya hollers she is lying. Maya says Diya thinks she is pregnant with MJ’s child, father needs to disguise this performance from Rudra. They take Diya to gynecologist who plays out Diya’s ultrasonography and says she isn’t pregnant. Diya runs out and uncovers to Rudra that she herself checked newborn child’s heartbeat and doc is lying. Doc says Diya’s hormones are high, anyway she isn’t pregnant. Maya says Diya needs mental treatment and should be sent to mental office. Rudra says Diya was fine till yesterday, by what means may she send her to mental asylum today. Maya says its episode since various days and its psychological office and not mental asylum. She says she told father is an avaricious, tarnished, unassuming principal, asks MJ isn’t she telling truth. MJ says Maya is right, he essentially remained quiet and now he feels Diya ought to need support. Antara grasps Diya and asks what happened to her, uncovers to Rudra that Diya is really carrying on irregular since various days and even pushed her.

Diya says she held maa, grinning at MJ and Antara. She grasps Diya and solicitations that her recognize her proposal, else she knows MJ will do whatever he did with Manvi/Maya. Rudra asks Diya what happened to her. Diya says she needs help.

Rajiv uncovers to Nandini that Diya is going to mental sanctuary until the finish of time. Nandini asks not to express that as Diya was fine till yesterday and had as of late put on some weight, she doesn’t think Diya is pregnant; she is chipper that Maya’s folks in law are adequate. Rajiv hacks. Nandini says Antara is continually crushed and asks not to tell Maya.

Antara and MJ surrender Diya to mental office. From room portal, she contends them and they leave. Maya walks straightaway and exhorts Diya that Diya isn’t pregnant and she gave her drug which extended Diya’s hormone levels. Diya shouts how might she is. Maya leaves saying Diya butchered her adolescent and now should be in mental asylum until the finish of time. In home, Rajiv walks around Amir and abuse him that he can send even him to mental asylum. MJ holds him from behind and alerts. Maya walks around between and guaranteeing Rajiv alerts MJ that she is there to make sure about Rajiv. Antara shouts how might she is. Maya alerts it will be her opportunity straightaway if she goes over the edge and expels Rajiv starting there, leaving MJ seething.

Also Read: Beyhadh 2 24th February 2020 Written Update


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