Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 10th August 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 10th August 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 10, August, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai August 10th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Prem, Tiwari, Vibhu sitting close to tea deferred down. Prem says to them there is another phony Baba in n our space who says he can give them there adoration. Vibhu asks who is this. Prem says he came from out called as Mosmi Chatterjee. Tiwari and Vibhu ask did you went yo him and criticizes Prem. Prem says he urged me expecting you need your love in those days go infront of your fellowship hid as woman. Tiwari asks so when are you going and the two of them begin giggling. Prem says this baba is contortion and exploiting individuals. Vibhu says yes and Tiwari and Vibhu start rebuking about Baba. Fans moving and singing external house.

Vibhu come and begin hitting the dance floor with them. Vibhu makes authentic partner need to meet Baba Mousmi Chatterjee. Man says stay by he will meet you soon. Vibhu says that is an odd name however at that point who care he should know his work and Vibhu begin getting paper. Tiwari come and says where is Baba Mousmi Chatterjee. Vibhu says stay by he will consider you and folds the paper, in the wake of seeing Tiwari he gets confused. Tiwari asks whar are you doing here. Vibhu says what are you doing here. Tiwari says I was fundamentally here like this. Vibhu says now you will tell lie. Tiwari says for what reason will I say lie, you sort out the thing are you doing here.

Vibhu says I came here to develop love among me and bhabhi. Tiwari criticizes Vibhu. Vibhu says shutup she esteems me a particularly extraordinary arrangement of its my issue I suspect as much I love her less. Vibhu says you didn’t reveal to me for what reason did you came here. Tiwari says I came for bhabhiji I need my love life to be stunning. Men come and says to them Baba called tou inside. Baba Chatterjee sitting inside. Vibhu says to Tiwari doesn’t he look like clear compulsion. Tiwari says do you need your work to be done as such we need to keep assurance on n him, yet what’s happening with he. Vibhu says he is trying to wake his resting snake. Vibhu says to Baba we stay with issue. Baba says I know what’s occurring for you.

Tiwari and Vibhu says would we have the alternative to talk in private. Baba says you can keep your adolescents to you, what is your name. Tiwari says Suraj Prakash. Vibhu says Chandra Prakash. Baba says reconsider in the event that I’ll describe mantra with that name so young ladies will experience excited expressions of warmth for them. The two of them tell there right name. Baba says you ought to be in open without washing and eating for multi week. Vibhu says that is it for multi week the environment is so satisfactory I can be in that state for 15 days. Tiwari says to Vibhu what are you saying you don’t have any work so you can do it I got different endeavor to run how might I do, Tiwari says to baba its alright for 1week.

Baba says alright acknowledge care of your position and give me 5000 rs each. Angoori getting zeroed in on says why Tiwari didn’t came till yet I’ll attempt to call him, Angoori calls him and says his telephone is additionally slowed down, where is he who will I inquire. Angoori calls Anita and asks do you get where is Tiwari he isn’t back till yet. Anita says Vibhu is likewise not home yet I chatted with him he told Tiwari is with him they will come. Angoori says I’m stressed over them. Anu says for what reason are you centered around they are not kids they will be back and they are all the more sharp then us.

Angoori says OK. Anu says we will keep it together for quite a while in the event that we get no report about them I’ll examine for them. Angoori says OK stay in contact. Vibhu and Tiwari returning from Baba’s home in truck. Vibhu says to Tiwari so your evaluation on work. Tiwari says I can go to any condition to get her adoration. Vibhu says I’m organized dazzling her, Vibhu asks what have you thought, Tiwari says there is an issue, I don’t figure Angoori will concur, Vibhu says Anu is settled likewise, Tiwari says that is it, Vibhu says I have a thought, lets battle with our mates and Anu point of truth will toss me out, Tiwari giggles and says she has no regard for you.

Vibhu says as much does Angoori, Vibhu says notwithstanding it’s beginning and end aside from a test yet as Mosmi Chatterjee babaji said we should make it happen, Pelu hands Vibhu auto charges, Vibhu offers it to Tiwari.
Vibhu strolls around room and says this is essential for me since I have a precarious buddy, Tiwari preparing for Angoori additionally, to inconvenience her and says I fundamentally need to battle and leave, Anu leaves washroom and says it was a decent day, when did you come, Vibhu says should I dance to exhort you, Anu laughs. Angoori asks Tiwari when did he come, Tiwari detonates and hollers at her, Angoori begins giggling and records unprecedented joke, Tiwari shouts again and says I was not saying joke.

Angoori says I visited a topic master and he said I need to continue laughing entire day, Tiwari thinks god how might I regulate now. Anu asks Vibhu will you have espresso, Vibhu says yes I will say yes and you will request that I make am I your trained professional, Anu says I am not your worker, Anu says you need to battle, Vibhu says am I insane crazy, Anu says quiet down, are you stupefied, Vibhu says I talk precisely when sobar, or in all probability you will kill me. Tiwari says to Angoori, you need to trap me, subsequently continue calling Amaji, Tiwari continues shouting at her, Angoori says I did this for your mind boggling. Vibhu says to Anu, that for you I am nothing thusly you continue doing this, Anu says I am in certain attitude wont battle, Vibhu says your hair and face is so customary, Anu says get out.

Tiwari says to Angoori why you wedded me, Angoori says when I said that, Tiwari says your heart dependably says that and leaves. Vibhu and Tiwari meet one another, Vibhu says Tiwari you made bhabhiji cry, Tiwari says shutup and base on work, Tiwari says besides taking a gander at climate I see we will have exceptional 7 days, Vibhu and Tiwari fight, on resting and wheezing. Vibhu minds seat as a bed and rests. Tiwari lays on seat, both wish each other remarkable evening and rest consider bhabhiji. Vibhu dreams strolling around Angoori and Tiwari envisions visiting Anu and sing tune, both beginning inclination cold in their fantasies and appreciate its really cold.

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