Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 13th July 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 13th July 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 13, July, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai July 13th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Angoori in her nursery watering plants and singing allure. Vibhu come and Angoori calls him. Vibhu says sorry I was miserable so didn’t see you, tell how sre you. Angoori says I need to fulfill you since you look unfavorable so much, you were uncovering to me you need to participate so you can save your marriage, I got 2lakhs rupee, Tiwari gave me 2lakhs yo keep he will take some time later so till that time you can keep that yet what business you will do.

Vibhu says I’ll do a sort of business where you pay in morning and by evening you get twofold the total you utilized for buying. Angoori says why not open a bank. Vibhu says thank for you business thought you managed your work right presently rest is upto me leave it to your frill. Angoori says I’ll be your partner. Vibhu says yes you are my monetary embellishment and my snoozing colleague. Prem hear and come to Vibhu asks what affiliation is going on. Angoori tries to tell despite Vibhu stops her says her don’t tell its terrible sign.

Prem says I don’t have anything ghastly considering the way that I got heaps of cash and going to purchase umbrella from that cash in light of the fact that swirling season is coming and leaves. Vibhu says we got business of Umbrella considering how tempestuous season is coming and we will sell our umbrella in less rate. Angoori says its an insightful thought, stay by I’ll bring cash. Anu in her home sitting in vestibule a vehicle kid come. Anu says who are you who’s pack is this. Vibhu come and says this pack is mine I referenced that.

Anu says OK yet what’s happening with you. Vibhu say’s this is stick yo our marriage. Anu says what. Vibhu says you overall say you could manage without I’m jobless you don’t regard me utilizing all means. Anu say’s what sre you talking you are my better half. Vibhu says I heard myself jobless buddy is of no utilization, I will not allow this relationship with fall to pieces, I’ll be a feasible individual and I need to accomplish something so that you’ll be glad for me grant me one more unmistakable opportunity.

Anu says yes I’ll allow you opportunity there is just something single you don’t have that you are not useful regardless you are extraordinarily sweet life accomplice and accomplish loads of work, for what reason will I separate from you. Vibhu says now perceive how this umbrella business will take me after this rainstorm I’ll be called Umbrella head of storm. Anu says where did you got cash for these umbrella. Vibhu says I got from my amigo may you need to have espresso. Anu says yes and says to herself he is spilling over with execution, considering this show on the off chance that he is getting comfortable life I can bear that sensation a piece.

Tiwari go to his home calls Angoori and says if it’s not all that amount trouble, bring that cash. Angoori says which cash. Tiwari says the cash which I give you, singular expense official called urged to me to give that cash so bring. Angoori says regardless you expected to ask that cash following 2-3 days yet for what significant clarification are you asking today. Tiwari says I need today so bring now. Angoori says this isn’t sufficient you are not man of words you admonished me following 2-3 days so ask as necessities be. Tiwari says I need as of now so bring from where you kept. Angoori says its not there its external the house.

Tiwari gets stupefied says where outside the house. Angoori says in another person pocket. Tiwari detonates and says who’s pocket. Angoori says I put resources into business yet cant uncover to you where. Tiwari says are you insane for what reason didn’t you ask me you don’t sneez going before asking me nad today you left behind 2 lakhs rupees. Angoori begin crying says I put resources into business. Tiwari say’s dont cry now, you broke my sureness over you eventually hear a particular something tolerating I didn’t got cash till tomorrow first thing, there will be ramifications. Angoori escape while crying says I disdain you. Angoori in kitchen stripping vegetables.

Vibhu come plays with her and says to wipe your tears. Angoori says I did a certifiable misconception. Vibhu asks what screw up. Angoori says I broke Tiwari’s sureness I can’t show him my face. Vibhu says how did that occur. Angoori says I couldn’t too oversee things, I was not reasoning extraordinary and it occurred. Vibhu asks who was he. Angoori says its you. Vibhu gets shock and says how me, you may be seeing a fantasy and begin playing with her.

Angoori says what are you saying I give you 2 lakhs in your grasp and you didn’t see, Tiwari gave me that cash with an especially extraordinary game plan trust and without asking him I gave you that cash. Vibhu says thank god I was terrified, what you did is to save my marriage. Angoori says and my marriage has become perilous he gave me that cash to keep and eventually he is referencing that cash. Vibhu says such a chep and stunning man uncover to him we will give him cash in 2-3 days and will return him twice and triple.

Angoori says yet he is asking in by tomorrow. Vibhu says whem he will see that much cash he will be cheerful and pardon you. Angoori sayshe will be glad. Vibhu says I have plan we will make video film over umbrella and you will be that face for that video. Angoori says I can’t do that showing I’m terrified of camera. Vibhu says I’ll show you and Vibhu begin envisioning he is moving and singing with Angoori. Vibhu chatting with Prem on telephone says you survey when I give you 500 rs so thought to be giving you back whem I got cash. Prem says I need in veritable money.

Vibhu says I started a business of Umbrella why not enduring 5 umbrella from me and incapacitated give you markdown of 100rs each on one umbrella and 500 will be finished. Prem says today I ended up being more acquainted with that you figure me as ass I’ll take 500 money and won’t take Umbrella on markdown from you. TMT come and hear everything and Malkhan says you are doing Umbrella business. Teeka says you are jobless despite your face seems like chief we will sell umbrella. Tillu says think Chapra University Topper selling Umbrella what individuals of kanpur will think about you we will sell the entirety of the Umbrellas, we will take 10% of every plan and rest we will oblige you. Vibhu says imagine a circumstance where you escape with my Umbrella.

Teeka says we both are jobless so we won’t mislead you. Vibhu says this is commendable. Teeka says we comprehend we are facing challenge working with you. Vibhu says now center around me in the event that anybody tries to take something, I’ll cause you to remain under sun. Tiwari visiting on telephone with somebody referencing cash and he hungs up call says to god what all you’ll show me and sees Anu coming from reverse side of street.

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