Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 13th October 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 13th October 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Indian Standard Time)

Telecath Days: Morday To Friday

Air Date: 13, October, 2021

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai October 13th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Angoori and Tiwari having frozen yogurt, Angoori says why today you brought me here, I was behind you past such incalculable days, Tiwari says shut up and eat and believes that Saxena will see them, Saxena walks around them, Tiwari says have frozen yogurt, Saxena says this will look like result, Tiwari says I have same considerations like you, Saxena says I give you +5, Angoori remember what God said to her and says thsi frozen yogurt is so humble fine.

Saxena says as much unassuming 25, Angoori says even got me an unobtrusive quality lipstick, Saxena says how could it be conceivable that you would do this to my Bhabhi Maa, – 25, Angoori says last recognition you gave me saree was same what vegetable dealer was wearing, Saxena says – 25, Tiwari says I saw live wire there, Saxena escapes.

Tiwari denounces Angoori and leaves.

Vibhu covering his alcohol in shroud and drinking, Saxena nearby, Anu sees that and asks youngster what are you doing, Vibhu says disguising alcohol from Saxena and drinking, Anu says you review that tune you use to sing in school, do you really love me that way, Vibhu says more than that, you are love of my life, anything for you, Anu says lets say its a Sunny day, Vibhu says right, Anu says you wearing wrap, you just agree to what I say, Vibhu gets messed with Anu and says get lost, Anu says I was essentially seeing you at this point look at you, Vibhu says OK.

Anu starts bothering Vibhu more, Saxena sees them fight, Vibhu says quit torturing me, Anu starts crying, Saxena says – 25 for making a lady cry, Anu says he says I torture you, tell me, Saxena says no you wont and – 25 extra for charging her, Vibhu mumbles why are you lying and getting fight, Anu says look what he is thinking about me a liar, Saxena says – 25 extra and leaves. Vibhu says you why are you doing this, Anu says outlook swings I am so grief stricken and leaves

Vibhu starts drinking, Saxena sees him drink and does – 50, Vibhu says okay will finish container then, Saxena says will cut more core interests.

Tilu gets dressed and asks how might I look, and I feel so incredible, I am in top 3, Teeka says have you seen a torn jeans in market, all buy yet no one loves it much. Tilu says you are essentially envious if me. Teeka gets call and he leaves.

Teeka meets Tiwari, Teeka asks as to why did you call me, Tiwari says Tilu should mock you, Teeka says right, I need to hit him hard. Tiwati says unwind, here are brilliant loops, Teeka says wow will they suit me. Tiwari says its for Tilu, put it in his pocket and a short time later see the fun next morning.

Teeka and Tiwari next morning before his home, Teeka says work is done. Tilu cruising by, Tiwari stops him and says give me studs, Tilu says I don’t have any, Tiwari says I understand you took Angoori’s Jewelry. Manohar and Saxena walk around them, everyone calls Manohar future Comissioner, Teeka solicitations to check Tilu, Saxena says I don’t figure he will take from Bhabhi Maa, Tiwari says don’t trust in him, he takes an incredible arrangement, he did even in the shop, Tilu says why lie.

Manohar checks and find studs, Tilu says I am gotten, Saxena says short core interests. Tiwari says I need to kill him yet he is my old delegate, Saxena says wow such charming contemplations and +25 and Tilu you are shed for taking. Tiwari says give Teeka a couple concentrates too for being so adequate, Saxena says 75% Tilu centers go to Teeka.

Everyone leaves, Teeka and Tiwari analyze concerning how they orchestrated, Tiwari hands him 50₹, Angoori sees that, and says God he should be humiliated.

Angoori calls Vibhu and says I need help and I could envision of you, Vibhu blushes. Vibhu says say it again, Angoori gets bothered and says wouldn’t you have the option to hear at once, Vibhu says I got it, Angoori tells Vibhu how Tiwari acted with Tilu. Vibhu says my God so disreputable, and by and by you understand Tiwari doesn’t reserve the option to be Ram, Angoori says he is a fair man, don’t talk dreadful concerning him, but I have one more issue too.

Vibhu asks what, Angoori says its evenhanded between us don’t tell anyone, Vibhu blushes again, Angoori says God came to meet me, Vibhu says you are so lucky, you are so wonderful, pretty, Angoori says God wasn’t here to recognize me, Vibhu says God gave you a work follow that, and dispose of Tiwari, Angoori says you vanish keep on talking awful with respect to Tiwari, Vibhu says OK, I will help you, Angoori says thankful.

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