Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 21st June 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 21st June 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 21, June, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai June 21st, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Anu sitting on couch analyzing magzine says to Vibhu to bring espresso quick why you set aside so effort to accomplish little work I think say I need to bring new life accomplice. Vibhu says you can bring new mate at any rate you’ll not get life partner like me on the off chance that you search with a 1000watt bulb. You can’t get model like me 100km in 1lit. Anu says these models are out dated. Vibhu says you will pass on when I’ll leave you.

Anu says he took in this smooth execution from his mom full family is smooth exciting, Anu gets message and says why I arranged power charge I gave him cash to pay and calls Vibhu. Vibhu come and says I gave you cash to cover bill did you paid. Vibhu says you tried to pay on the web. Anu says worker was down that is the clarification I give you 3000rs to manage bill for apparently for eternity. Vibhu says I may have paid for what reason are you makeing wreck os apparently immaterial subtleties I probably paid it.

Tiwari goes to Vibhu’s home see Vibhu and Anu connecting with and posting everything thing. Anu says you should utilized that cash for your get-together. Vibhu says what power load up will do cut our stock I’ll make new power relationship from Tiwari’s wire how long I did that. Anu says I don’t trust in you what happen for you why have you gotten so savage, I know with standards and feelings we can’t get bread at any rate have not to be so unfeeling. Vibhu says you are trying to say I’m cruel I don’t have feelings display it. Anu says you survey one time we went to market and there was one men who moved epileptic assault yet you flee from the space.

Vibhu says you don’t comprehend I saw his eyes it was green he didn’t got epileptic assault he was moved by. Anu says when you got away from I took him to master he give hime epileptic combination and he got ordinary. Vibhu begins his smooth exhibition. Anu says Vibhu stop it you couldn’t care less others and begin hollering on vibhu. Vibhuti drops and Anu calls topic master. Tiwari says I will not leave you down Anu I’ll alone over vivacious and leaves.

Angoori gets call she gets and welcomes Ammaji. Ammaji says Pandit Ramphal is uncovering to some blame in Tiwari’s horoscope so you don’t need to pressure you need to design food and call your neighbor for lunch and don’t advise Tiwari in regards to this. Angoori says dont stress I will not advise Tiwari concerning this. Ammaji asks so who all you will advance toward feast. Angoori says to call Anu and Vibhu. Ammaji says dont call Vibhu call Anu I like her. Angoori says it won’t look unbelievable you are welcoming Anu yet not Vibhu they are couple. Ammaji says OK call them I’m keeping telephone now.

Anu, Helan, Gupta and Vibhu in room. Anu asks Gupta what happen upon Vibhu is everything fine. Helan says to Anu for what reason are you generally abuse him, for what reason are you all around after him everytime. Anu says I referenced him for a mug from espresso for which he took 1hrs 30min. Gupta says it’s certainly not about espresso you probably said something which made his condition most noticeably terrible, it’s unquestionably not about today he should have this heap from last different days.

Helan says how is Vibhus helath. Gupta says he isn’t commendable. Anu says yet he appears to look fine. Gupta says individuals like this emit an impression of being normal at any rate endlessly passing on a huge heap of suppositions inside them because of which there BP falter. Anu asks what is the treatment. Gupta says keep close by climate light, there ought to be not strain around him or, no ifs, ands or buts he will enter in conspicuousness.
Helan says goodness god Anu made my child got out. Anu says for what reason are you charging me, he is your child. Vibhu groans in torment.

Gupta says please Anu and Helan don’t set up climate with tenson its affecting him for explicit days be partners. Anu says alright for explicit days I’ll not battle with you.

Angoori in kitchen arranging food and singing tune. Vibhu come to Angoori and begin being a trouble, Vibhu asks how are you. Angoori says I’m satisfactory yet you don’t feel support what happen for you. Vibhu says last night my Blood pressure contrasted. Angoori says did Anu advised you. Vibhu says no she didn’t censure me I was stressed over my future. Angoori says yes you are jobless and don’t have any work, Angoori says I need to welcome you and Anu for supper around evening time.

Vibhuti says I’m completely fine. A man come and says you liar and leaves. Vibhu asks who is this individual. Angoori says he lives house no. 277 with uncle. Vinbu says yet he had young woman, at any rate master gave me solution and said to be substance and I’m overall cheerful around you. Angoori says bon appétit. Vibhu says first she was selling English now she is selling french and leaves.

TMT sitting close to tea postponed down. Teeka says goodness may god its to hot bow a days. Malkhan says to Teeka why not got to Londons Buckingham Palace. Saxena come to TMT and says what happen all of you are looking at castle. Malkhan says Saxena have you seen Buckingham royal residence. Saxena come here would you have the alternative to see this scar, this is from a feline from Buckingham lofty home. Malkhan says first notification to me what you were doing in Buckingham supreme home.

Saxena says to TMT the garments of famous home were gone to clothing to get faultless, the proprietor of that clothing Mr. Jhon Dholay came to India one time and my granddad took exceptional idea in the event that him and taught him regarding India. Tillu asks what occur after that. Saxena says after that I was thought of and my psyche was not steady attempted any spot in India to fix me in any case after some time my granddad called Mr.

Jhon Dholay then I went to Buckingham royal residence, around there I was overseen, I understand it’s hard to recognize this at any rate this is real. Anu come and everybody welcomes her. Saxena asks Anu what happen what you could manage without. Anu says I could manage without Vibhu’s condition I dont recognize what happen for him his BP is fluctuating. Tillu these different things happen we will help you. Malkhan says you simply provide orders. Teeka says we can give our life for Vibhu.

Saxena says you simply provide orders we are your child I say entire kanpur is your youth. Anu says dont make kanpur my adolescent its OK till you. Saxena says sorry sort out what we can do. Anu says he is tragic in light of which his BP is fluctuating I need you to fulfill him. Teeka asks for what good reason is he terrible. Malkhan says did he accomplish something. Anu says no I just scolded him a little he got inauspicious. Saxena says don’t take pressure I’ll loosen up him.

Anu says you basically need to attract him and make him glad and for this I’ll play you. TMT says you can pay whatever you wish. Saxena and TMT says dont take pressure we will be there to amke Vibhu cheerful. Tiwari sitting in eating seat visiting with himself how he will open his notions before Anu. Angoori come and says what I heard you made a dam. Tiwari says I was simply singing a tune on dam. Anu and Vibhu come and welcomes Angoori and Tiwari. Angoori asks Vibhu how are you feeling now. Vibhu says I’m feeling essentially better and my BP is besides in charge. Angoori asks accomplished something happen once more.

Anu says no it’s certainly not immense I just censured him in morning and he fell from that time his BP is fluctuating. Tiwari says to Vibhu do you experience the malicious effects of circulatory strain and begin crying. Anu asks what happen upon you, you likewise have issue of circulatory strain. Tiwari says no I don’t have heartbeat issue and begin crying says I had a pet canine yet his circulatory strain use to change to such an extent. Vibhu gets worrisome and says kindly change the subject and stop it. Anu says OK he should be fine now and asks Angoori how are every one of you is well everything is unprecedented and we are grateful you welcomed us on supper. Vibhuti says to Angoori its our pleasure. Angoori says welcome. Tiwari begin crying.

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