Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 22nd June 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 22nd June 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 22, June, 2021h

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai June 22nd, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Angoori, Tiwari, Anu and Vibhu together in Tiwari’s home. Tiwari begin crying saying Vibhu caused me to consider my sheep Santo with whom I use to play different hours in any case one time a wolf assaulted her entire evening now Santo battled against him her horns were broken and she was shrouded full in blood. Vibhu gets off-kilter resulting to listening this. Anu says quiet down and says to Tiwari for what reason are you talking like this you comprehend his circulatory strain shoots up in the wake of listening dismal things. Vibhu escape from Tiwari’s home. Anu and Vibhuti in there room Anu says relax up sit on bed. Vibhu says how could I loosen up all that thing is woozy I suspect as much my pulse is shooting. Anu says don’t consider that you didn’t revealed to me how could it be conceivable that I would be looking.

Vibhu says you look like sheep, all that I can see sheep. Anu says overlook sheep and look at my eyes and sort out what do you see. Vibhu says I can see different things in your eyes, I can see sheep in your eyes. Anu says for what reason are you adoring that sheep emerge from it. Vibhu says I’m advancing a reasonable endeavor to cone out of that sheep. Anu says its all my flaw I shouldn’t have taken you for that supper everything due to Tiwari, I’ll give you solution and you will feel free, eventually close your eyes I’ll cause you to reflect now think, feel its you your better half an extraordinary view and I’m lying in your lap at present glance at me.

Vibhu open his eyes and yells and says when I open my eyes and finds in my lap it was sheep who was putting down in your garments and was taking a gander at me. Anu says it happens licenses to go to rest. Vibhu says no I need to ruminate come rests once more. Angoori detonates and goes to her bed ask Tiwari what you did today and for what authentic clarification were you doing. Tiwari says I didn’t ment to hurt anyone. Angoori says at any rate you hurt Vibhu. Tiwari says I didn’t tried to hurt Vibhu and you know how enthusiastic I’m. Angoori says I never saw you that excited, you were getting vivacious opportunity to time so I was feeling phenomenal. Tiwari says OK I remember it happen considering me right now how should I respond. Angoori says I’ll Vibhu and Anu on supper once more. Tiwari says splendid thought.

Helan, Saxena, TMT, Vibhu and Anu all sitting together in Vibhu’s home and chuckling. Saxena says one more and begin saying comic work. Vibhu says ohh god Anu asks what occur. Vibhuti says if it’s anything but’s an unreasonable tough spot, request that he say something extraordinary joke and make humor. Helan says I’ll make something and start her quip. Vibhu says to TMT what’s there to chuckle in this joke, says to Helan for everything holy adolescents correspondingly don’t giggle on this story they additionally need something English humor. Anu says to Vibhu you are correct. Helan says why these three are chuckling to such an extent. Tillu says we are helpless. Teeka says we were causing Vibhu to feel extricate up.

Vibhu says so reveal to some amicability. Saxena says I’ll reveal to you something its joke of the day and mocks Vibhu. TMT begin laughing Vibhuti gets up and slap them. Anu says what befall you Vibhu, Anu hollers on them and says for what reason did I called you guardians to make him glad and Helan mercifully update your jokes. Helan says to Anu I was called curiously in kitty get-togethers to make joke. Vibhuti says enough. Anu says now no one will say anything and says to Vibhu I need to go for preparing classes I’ll be back, says to everybody liberally oversee him don’t trouble him and leaves. Vibhu says everyone freez.

Tiwari strolling around road Anu going to her arranging classes on truck and see Tiwari and stop by. Tiwari welcomes Anu. Anu says stop this hello hi and posting what am I saying if it’s anything but’s an exorbitant tough spot, control your slants another person is getting hurt. Tiwari gets excited and says sorry to Anu and begin thinking what Anu said to Vibhu while criticizing him for being held and says to himself I know Anu you like vivacious individuals.

Prem and Masterji coming and Masterji hollering in torment says I can’t walk any more. Tiwari asks what happen Masterji. Masterji says I got sprain. Tiwari gets vivacious and begin crying. Prem says yells on Tiwari and says can’t a teacher can get sprain. Tiwari begins his smooth show and begin crying. Masterji says I got sprain now for what reason are you crying. Anu says control your assessments. Tiwari says I can’t manage and says to Masterji I’ll drop you to your home. Anu says to truck wala we should go they will see on there own. Masterji says shot in the arm, Tiwari and Prem hollers on him and leave.

Saxena, Helan, Vibhu and TMT sitting together and giggling. Vibhu says it was commendable Saxena. Teeka says to Helan now you make some joke. Helan makes her joke. Vibhu says it was commendable. Saxena says I additionally need to make a joke and makes his joke. Vibhu says it was too satisfactory now I’m feeling better. Angoori come and makes fitting partner everyone. TMT and Saxena welcomes Angoori. Helan says to Angoori come sit and make us some quip. Angoori says I don’t have even the remotest sign about any joke and asks Vibhu how are you, you appear, apparently, to be in sure standpoint so come this evening for supper. Vibhu says sure. Angoori says alright I’ll go now and leaves. Vibhuti says bye.

Tiwari sitting on eating up table and says to himself how he will get energized before Anu. Angoori come to Tiwari and says dont do anything and don’t say something which hurt Vibhu. Tiwari says OK I’ll remain silent I’ll be very. Angoori says don’t be very discussion about administrative issues, environment something other than don’t analyze your sheep. Anu and Tiwari come to house. Anu says for what reason did you perceive the welcome Tiwari says anything. Vibhu says to Anu don’t angry me you know I’m patient of hypertension you are giving me stress.

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