Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 23th July 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 23th July 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name:Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 23, July, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content:Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai July 23th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Tiwari, Vibhu and Angoori sitting in Tiwari’s home. Tiwari says to Vibhu to whom achieved yoi give work. Vibhu says keep unfaltering quality, keep assurance on my collapse planes. TMT come crying to Tiwari’s home. Vibhu ask what occur. Malkhan says Anu slapped us. Tillu says we couldn’t make her smeel itter and she punched us here is you chamiya itter and your foul hanky. Vibhu says go from here. Teeka says we are your collapse plane. Vibhu says your are not as of now and sales that they leave, says we will attempt surely and it will be finished by Tiwari in light of the fact that she thinks you Ganpat.

Angoori consider how possible it is that she ran with Tiwari. Vibhu says I’m here to help you if something happen to Tiwari. Tiwari says first save your life accomplice then arrangement with Angoori. Vibhu says you need to save my perfect partner you need to make her smell itter so that witch emerge from her body. Tiwari says I’ll do it. Angoori, Tiwari and Vibhuti goes to Vibhu house. Anu moving and singing. Vibhu says takeout your hanky and go to her. Tiwari keeps on yelling endorsement her. Chhaave says you regarded it as of now get brush and clean the entire room. Tiwari says I came here to hit the dance floor with you in any case you are referencing that I clean. Chhaave says today you’re in disposition to do thought.

Tiwari says yes I basically need to hit the dance floor with you. Chhaave says you need to hit the dance floor with me, please lets dance and Chhaave start tune. Tiwari attempts to make her smell tissue yet Chhaave gets his hand. Chhaave says gets his hand and says you need to delude me run from here or I’ll break your teeth. Tiwari run and days to Angoori and Vibhu lets run from here. Angoori and Vibhu strolling around road taking a gander at about wish and Vibhu says I basically need Chhaave’s Ganpat. TMT sitting close to food corner. Teeka says I can’t move my left hand. Malkhan says is your bone broken.

Tillu says he don’t have bones he just got fat, my bones are broken Anu had beatun us cruelly. Malkhan says Anu didn’t beat us Chhaave punched us. Teeka says yet sole was in Anita’s body and Malkhan and Teeka start arguing.tillu says shutup for what reason are you battling, our bone is broken. Malkhan says its tormenting an unprecedented course of action. Teeka says lets request our desi solution and hollers Ganpat uproariously. Angoori and Vibhu hear Teeka hollering Ganpat. Ganpat come to Teeka and ask yes sie what do you need. TMT begin singing and moving sales that he bring drinks. Angoori and Vibhuti posting them. Vibhu asks Angoori did you hear.

Angoori says they were getting a few information about drinks. Vibhu says you generally miss the specific spot of discussion come gives up. Vibhu goes to TMT and hollers on them what are you doing and you were calling some Ganpat. Teeka says we can call him anything for what reason do you truly consider everything. Angoori says did you disregard to remember Ganpat is perfect partner of Chhaave. Ganpat come and says I’m Ganpat do you know Chhaave. Angoori says yes. Ganpat begin crying and says she was my Chhaave and I was her Chhaava. Chhaave and Tiwari ascending out of Vibhu’s home. Tiwari dressed as life partner to be.

Chhaave you looke staggering in these pieces of clothing, we need to sit in this truck and need to go Kholapur for wedding trip. Tiwari says I uncovered to you consistently I’m not your Ganpat. Chhaave says come sit in truck. Vibhu and Angoori come and Vibhu says he isn’t your he is of Angoori. Angoori says your is around there and calls Ganpat. Chhaave says its you Ganpat how much my sole looked for you. Ganpat says I began working sfter your demise. Chhaave says I missed you a ton at present I’ll not leave you. Vibhu says Chhaave on the off chance that it’s not all that amount trouble, ascend out of my perfect partner body.

Ganpat says this Chhaave looks phenomenal dont leave. Vibhu tries to hit Ganpat. Angoori gets his hand and says to Chhaave you got your Ganpat, and I got my Tiwari and you are in his perfect partner body, he is alredy jobless and will trouble me entire day in the event that you don’t leave his body. Chhaave goes into Ganpat body and says I was basically joking now I’ll take my Ganpat to my reality and vanish. Anu says what are we doing here and why he is dressed as life partner to be and what am I wearing. Vibhu says its a dismal record go with me. Angoori says to Tiwari you in addition go with me Ganpat. Angoori sitting stripping vegetables.

Tiwari come and says your sister bhoori his significant other called and welcomed us on supper. Mr. Devendra was saying we will drink and play rummy and both of you can do anything. Angoori says at any rate this evening program is as of now set I called TMT on supper. Tiwari says for what reason did you called them. Angoori says they didn’t had fitting supper from most recent long stretch so I welcomed them. Tiwari says do one thing eat up all the cash I got you know how much cash you spend on things like this. Angoori says they are vigorous and weak need to eat food. Tiwari says no persuading inspiration to call them.

Angoori says at any rate I as of late called them and Angoori begin crying. TMT and Tiwari sitting on eating table.
Angoori brings pakoda for them. Tillu says precisely that to eat can’t say how we can support your heart. Teeka says we are feeling hungry and requests that Angoori bring food. Malkhan says to Tiwari you are not eating with us. Tiwari says I as of late ate. Teeka open Bowl and says it smells extraordinary. Tillu ssys to Teeka our senior urged its exceptional to was hand prior to eating. Tiwari despises Tillu and says creature dont wash hand prior to eating. Tillu says he is offending us before you.

Angoori says for what reason are you aggravating Tillu, all of you eat. Tillu says I’ll be back and leaves, goes to Tiwari space to discover key for his dresser and attempts to open storeroom. Tiwari come and says to him it’s not opening. Tillu say’s no. Tiwari says considering the way that genuine key is here and calls Angoori, Teeka and Malkhan. Angoori come and asks what occur. Tillu ssys he is crazy, he isn’t in his perceives. Tiwari says I saw him he was opening department. Teeka says to Malkhan he is been found in the show now he is no more. Angoori asks Tillu is it generous.

Tillu says yes this is genuine I was opening wash room, you accomplished an especially phenomenal game plan for us in these different year do considered keeping 500rs as present for you yet till then he came. Tiwari says you can give that gift at eating table. Tillu says Angoori is Annapurna, and what my value that I’ll keep 500rs before you and he is blaming me for taking. Malkhan says to Teeka he is gigantic cheat. Teeka says he is making blockhead to the two of them. Tiwari says to Tillu if you are genuine them I’m bemoaned expecting you need to give cash you can oblige me, come bring it out, and asks Teeka and Malkhan too for 500rs. Teeka says why. Tiwari says in light of the fact that you in like way had food many time.

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