Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 26th May 2022 Written Episode Updates

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 26th May 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in the 26th (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 26th, May 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai May 26th, 2022 Written Update Episode starts with.

Commissioner says I got shock from your doorbell. Tiwari says to commissioner it’s not possible I repaired may doorbell, Angoori also says the same. Commissioner says to Happu Singh is something in your mouth wahr aren’t you saying anything. Happu Singh says to Tiwari that we were passing by your house so commissioner thought of checking if you repaired your doorbell or not as soon as he touched it he got shock. Tiwari says to Happu Singh I cannot accept that I repaired my doorbell you might be having some kind of hallucination you should go and visit a psychiatrist. Happu Singh says what are you talking your doorbell is giving shock and saying that you should visit psychiatrist. Angoori says we are not lying to you we repaired it and checked it many times. Tiwari says try one more time. Commissioner says I’ll not try Happu Singh you will do it. Happu Singh says I have experience of this doorbell many times from past years you should try. Commissioner rings the bell and get shock and says are you satisfied. Angoori says Vibhuti repaired this doorbell he opened a new shop. Happu Singh says to Angoori what are you talking he cannot take care of his own light how he will repair other people things. Commissioner says to Tiwari you should watch for your doorbell rather then of neighbours or else next time I’ll rip off your doorbell.

Tiwari and Angoori checking the throne. Vibhuti and TMT enters Tiwari’s house. TMT greets Angoori and asks where we uave to do lighting. Vibhuti says you need to do lighting in whole house and on this chair to so when Pandit Ramphal will sit on it should look like king. Tiwari says to Vibhu we don’t want you to do anything because you dont work you only do timepass. Vibhuti and Tiwari start arguing. Angoori says to Vibhuti you were not able to repair one doorbell. Vibhu says it will not happen again and asks TMT to start working. Tiwari says to Vibhu one minute go back you will not work because of you Commissioner scolded me you will not work. Vibhuti says to Angoori explain him. Angoori says to Tiwari guve them one more chance. Vibhuti says we took advance we will do work. Tiwari says why are you forcing for work. Vibhuti says to Tiwari we sre not forcing you if we dont work today we wont be able to put bred on table. Angoori says to Vibhu what a thought. Tiwari says go from here. Vibhuti threaten to Tiwari with screwdriver. Angoori says to Vibhu this is wrong if you don’t want to return our advance its okay but don’t do these kind of thing here. Vibhu says to Angoori I’m doing this because we are workers once we take money we finish our work and start therr work. Angoori singing song in kitchen. Vibhuti come and start flirting with Angoori and goes to electric board. Angoori says are you working or not. Malkan says to Tillu should I connect this red wire with green one. Tillu says are you mad or what if a bit of short circuit happen then electricity will go of this house. Teeka mocks Malkan. Malkan asks Tillu what is he saying. Tillu says he is write use your brain if something happen so Tiwari will get shock. Malkan says to Tillu you are right its Pandit Ramphals birthday he is putting lots of money for this celebration. Tillu says Tiwari is not putting money in this celebration its Ammaji. Tiwari comes with Agrawal in his house. TMT greets Agrawal. Agrawal asks Tiwari where have you brought me, for what preparations are going on. Teeka says its Tiwari’s second father birthday. Agrawal says we cannot do meeting here lets go to some other room. Tiwari says to Agrawal the other room is also mess. Agrawal says to Tiwari then we can go out and have coffee and do meeting. Tillu says you can do the meeting here we will not bother you. Teeka says to Agrawal you cango have a seat. Tiwari and Agrawal start talking business and negotiating over rates of undergarments and Agrawal asks Tiwari to sign on contract. Malkan says to Teeka I did all the connection and now I’m plugging in ithe wire. Teeka says ok plug it in. Agrawal gets shock as soon as Malkan plugs in connection,. Malkan says to Teeka Agrawal is getting shock Teeka picks up wooden stick and beat Agarwal with that. Tillu says problem solved. Agrawal says to Tiwari you call people in your home and make them suffer I cancel the order and leaves the house. Tiwari see’s TMT with anger, Malkhan says to Tiwari its lunch time what you have for lunch. Tiwari takeout his slipper to beat and TMT run away.

Vibhu sitting on sofa in his house David come while putting perfume on him. Vibhuti asks David what brand perfume is it. David says this perfume was given to me by my girlfriend Cinderella its name is Love at first sight and I dated many girls because of this perfume, forget all this don’t you wanna go in Pandit Ramphals birthday go and change. Vibhu says he invited you, you can go he didn’t invited me. David says what is this if neighbours will invite only then you will go I attended many wedding in London. Helan says to David you always do like this and says to Vibhu that one time became groom in one wedding leave him are you not coming. Vibhuti says he didn’t invited him. Helan says to Vibhu you might have done something wrong because you always do that. Vibhu says to Helan I decorated there house with lights and that chair too. David says to Helan will you come to party or eant to talk like this you already took two hours to get ready. Helan and David leaves for party. David come and greets Pandit Ramphal. Pandit Ramphal asks David is Helan your wife. Ammaji says to Pandit Ramphal Helan is mother of Vibhuti and David is his uncle who lives in London and mocks Davud. Angoori says to David come and have some snacks enjoy. Masterji come to Tiwari’s house and wishes Pandit Ramphal.

TMT on street walking and talking about party and sees Ramlal talking on phone with someone saying that Vibhuti wants to steal my shop so I did some kind of mischief with chair whoever will sit on that will get shock and hungs up call. Teeka asks did you hear something and says to call Vibhuti. Tillu called Vibhu and days that Ramlal has done some kind of mischief in chair. Teeka says he did short circuit in his chair. Malkhan says go and save pandit Ramphal. Prem Masterji and Gupta together, Prem asks what is Pandit Ramphal age. Gupta sya he might have crossed 100. Prem says if you are doctor it doesn’t mean you can say anything thing. Gupta says to Prem ok lets ask his age, Gupta asks Ramphal what is your age. Ammaji says what you will do of age, just eat, enjoy and go. David says to Pandit Ramphal why don’t you tell us your age. Prem mocks pandit Ramphal and Masterji. Ammaji says to Prem do not talk too much profanity. Tiwari stops everybody and say lets cut the cake.

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Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 26th May 2022 updates

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