Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 2nd July 2021 Written Update

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 2nd July 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 2, July, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai July 2nd, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Angoori in her foyer sitting. Vibhu come. Angoori says go from here I would prefer not to chat with you, you are falsy chiding Anu you are a critical liar. Vibhu says I can’t understand for what reason is she getting so sweet. Angoori says I don’t trust in you so I referenced that he come. Prem come. Angoori says I asked him he uncovered to me his life accomplice beats him an uncommon game plan so I referenced that he come and do the fix.

Prem says I’m overall prepared and here to spread love. Angoori say’s I’ll bring tea for you. Vibhu says to Prem you stunt me dont you comprehend the total I love her. Prem says on the off chance that you have this much issue so why dont you ask her. Vibhu says do one thing go from here or I’ll call yearly examination official. Prem says I was kidding I’m going from here.

Anu with a couple and sales to take selfie. Tiwari was strolling around road. Anu considers him and sales that he come here, says meet him he is Kimchik Tiwari and he is our neighbor Manmohan Tiwari, you comprehend I showed you rakhe it was for him. Kimchik Tiwari chats with Manmohan Tiwari about there town and there family members. Anu says you disregard to recall me I’m remaining here. Manmohan Tiwari says that day you weie discussing you family was he him.

Anu says yes I was bantering with Anjali, you heard all that you are an especially undesirable voyeur. Manmohan Tiwari snatches him and embrace him and says Thank you I’m inconceivably happy and takes him for drink. Angoori in kitchen hacking vegetables. Vibhu come. Angoori says go from here I don’t wanna talk with you. Vibhu says don’t be miserable and plays with her. Angoori says shutup say’s anything. Vibhu says you don’t know Prem. Angoori says where may I have the choice to discover friend who gets beatun up by his better half.

Vibhu says last night Anu beat me you can see alert as well, A man was passing by and Vibhu request that he see alert, that man kissed Vibhu and says here is the Scare. Vibhu yells on him and says what is this waste, and says to Angoori did you see alert. Angoori says its of lipstick and you think me dumb. Vibhu says give me one more noteworthy possibility I’ll not puzzle you. Angoori says OK last possibility or cleared out make Prem rest in my lap.

Vibhu in presentation calls Angoori and says I’ll pakka show you. Angoori says this is continue to go possibility in the event that I don’t see you I’ll determine to everything to Anu what are you saying paying little heed to her incredible certainty. Vibhu says I’m sad you dont trust me, there will be time you will grieve. Anu calls Vibhu. Vibhu requests that Angoori cover. Anu come and ask what occur. Vibhu says you come I was hanging on for you it’s satisfactory your face takes after your mother not your dad, at whatever point I see your dad his face looks like frog. Anu says what happen upon you.

Vibhu affronts Anu father and says you need to beat me gives her belt. Anu says what has happened for you and beat him with belt and goes. Vibhu shows him and Angoori sees him getting beatun up from Anu. Vibhu goes to Angoori house and calls her. Angoori says you come I was monitoring things for you wouldn’t you have the alternative to see the aggregate I’m getting flushed. Vibhu says your pursuit is over now liberally do my aching. Angoori says rests rapid. Vibhu says I’m feeling unassuming.

Angoori says don’t feel humble think like Anu lap. Vibhu rests and says if it’s not all that amount trouble, sing a true tune. Angoori begin singing. Angoori come from kitchen and see Vibhu lays on affection seat. Angoori asks what occur for what advantage reason are you resting thusly. Vibhu blends from dream and says my back was tormenting feel like intoxication so I tumbled down here. Angoori says you were having such a huge load of agony. Vibhu says I’m totally fine as of now lets start our work. Angoori says yes we need to do fix I’ll sit and you rests.

Vibhu says I’m feeling so modest and attempts to rests. Angoori heard Tiwari’s wheezing and run higher up. Angoori sees Tiwari resting and says to Vibhu see he is snoozing. Vibhu snatches Tiwari and says mix. Tiwari mixes and says Vibhu you and Vibhu says see he woke up he is bot napping. Angoori says what are you saying cant you see he is resting. Vibhu emerges from his inventive mind. Angoori says I suspect as much he is fine now, you can go Vibhu. Vibhu leaves.

Angoori says Tiwari looks engaging while simultaneously resting. Vibhu and Anu in there room. Vibhu crying. Anu asks who cry like this, what happen for what reason are tou crying. Vibhu says Angoori caused me to remember I’m doing terrible with you. Anu says you get when Angoori urged you. Vibhu says I’m vexed for taking cash and betting and your dad is stunning he ought to be heavenly individual and the two of them go in bed together.

Tillu and Malkhan sitting close to teas deferred down and Tillu hollers somebody come and Malkhan says nobody is here. Masterji come and asks what befall you for what reason you sitting like this. Malkhan says you know Masterji we opened a relationship of making individuals rest so we got an agree to make a strong gathering friend nod off. Tillu says she didn’t invigorated for 9 days.

Masterji says as much you didn’t make her nod off and he did this with you. Malkhan says no this isn’t condition. Tillu says we additionally nod off with his cherished one and when he get up in morning he saw us put down with his loved one and beatun us. Masterji says where is Teeka. Tillu says he won’t endure. Malkhan says he plainly put down with extreme man.

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