Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 5th Mar 2020 Written Update :Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai (5/3/2020)

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Updates

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 5th March 2020 written update, “Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai &Tv Serial” episode 5 Mar 2020 written update” Reading and Stay With

Current Episode Title: Bhoorey Lal And Helen Caught By Happu

Serial Schedule & Channel: 5/3/2020 & &Tv

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai Written Update: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 5-3-2020 Full Episode Written Update

Manmohan and Vibhuti battling with one another. Manmohan says that Helen is trying to incline toward with Bhoorey Lal. Then again, Vibhuti reveals to him that it is Bhoorey Lal who is sending endowments to Helen and has begun to look all starry looked toward at her. Sooner or later, Manmohan asks Bhoorey Lal to quit playing with Helen as he feels that the general populace will outcast them on the off chance that he keeps doing it. Bhoorey Lal consents to it hesitantly.

Also Read: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 4th Mar 2020 Written Update

Some time later, Anita and Vibhuti enduring a gathering from the vehicle association. The pack is a holder of liquor with a note close by it. Vibhuti starts to investigate the love letter coordinated to Helen and is astounded to find that it is made by Bhoorey Lal. At the tea deferred down, Tillu reports that Bhoorey Lal has gone insane in Helen’s affection. Some time later, Saxena Ji needs Teeka, Tillu, and Malkhan to pass on exhausting coals to the past’s grandma. The trio shoo away Saxena Ji as they consider the thought silly.

A brief timeframe later, Angoori is stressed considering the way that she can’t discover Bhoorey Lal in the house. Basically by at that point, Vibhuti goes into Manmohan’s home and uncovers that Bhoorey Lal is left to watch a film with Helen. Sooner or later, Tillu passes on a group at Manmohan’s home with a letter joined to it. Vibhuti takes the letter from Tillu and goes in a condition of surprise coming about to getting it.

Sooner or later, Bhoorey Lal and Helen are brought to the police home office by Happu. The last instructs them that the police would have destroyed Bhoorey Lal if Happu was missing there. Just by at that point, Vibhuti and Manmohan enter the police focal station to free Bhoorey Lal and Helen.

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