Bhagya Lakshmi 4th April 2022 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Bhagya Lakshmi 4th April 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhagya Lakshmi

Timings On TV: All times are in 4th (Indian standard Time)

Telecand Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 4,April, 2022

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content: Bhagya Lakshmi April 4th, 2022 Written Update Episode start with.Rishi grumbling to Ayush about why has Lakshmi not called. Malishka calls all the Oberoi relatives and makes sense of that Lakshmi isn’t the safeguard for Rishi yet she is Kaal. To demonstrate this she has welcomed Devandra pandit. Neelam says so the thing our family pandit said about Lakshmi is obviously false. Malishka attempts to make sense of for them that at whatever point there is Lakshmi with Rishi he had a mishap. Kiran says she brought Devandra

Pandit here after what she heard. Devendra pandit additionally says Pandit Badhrinad and him mastered seeing fortune at a similar spot. Neelam asks Pandit so what Pandit Badhrinad said isn’t right about Lakshmi. Pandit Devandra says Rishi as of now has Makesh Dosh however Lakshmi isn’t a safeguard for him yet it will be more hazardous for him. Neelam says she needs to converse with Pandit Ji. Malishka says however pandit Ji said Lakshmi is a threat to Rishi and I am likewise saying exactly the same thing so there is compelling reason need to call him. Neelam says how could our pandit Ji see this wrongly about Lakshmi’s fortune. Neelam calls Pandit Ji.

Lakshmi is in the auto en route to the Oberoi chateau and considers Rishi. Lakshmi sees Rishi in the rush hour gridlock tough situation and signs him. Rishi sees Lakshmi however he thinks she is a mental trip and attempts to overlook her seeing Ayush. Rishi’s vehicle disappears. Lakshmi thinks for what reason isn’t seeing me. She thinks he is behaving like he is dreaming. Lakshmi thinks she is longing for Rishi and Rishi is longing for her with open eyes. Malishka sees Pandit and reviews how she oversaw him with cash to lie. Neelam says Pandit isn’t going to the call. Malishka’s Pandit requests that they get Lakshmi far from Rishi for his security.

Lakshmi arrives at Rishi’s home. A worker stops her and she illuminates him that she is the genuine Bahu of Oberoi manor. He goes to illuminates to Neelam. Badrinath calls Neelam. She requests that he come to their home right away. Worker lets Neelam know that a young lady has come who is professing to be the genuine bahu of the house. Neelam says Lakshmi and says she needs to meet her. Lakshmi is going to venture into the house when Neelam shouts no, wouldn’t even play with the possibility of placing your feet in my home. Lakshmi says she is prepared to remain with Rishi for his security. Neelam tells she will not permit her in their home. Lakshmi says Dadi. Neelam lets Dadi know that we heard that Lakshmi isn’t right. Lakshmi expresses sorry for not paying attention to you earlier and presently I need to remain with Rishi for his wellbeing as he saved my sister. Neelam asks how she expected that she will permit her.

Lakshmi overlays her hands and demands Neelam yet she denies and cautions Lakshmi to leave. Lakshmi denies leaving and tells her that she needs to save Rishi by remaining with him and tells her that they can save one another from risks when they are together and I need to remain here with Rishi with my will and she goes into the house reviewing her minutes with Rishi. Neelam looks on. Dadi and Ahana and Devika feel cheerful. Neelam tosses out Lakshmi and her baggage and she cautions her to never go into their home on the off chance that she has any self confidence. Neelam closes entryway all over. Neelam tells relatives that she tossed out risk from their home and presently all that will be great for this family.
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