Bhagya Lakshmi 6th june 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Bhagya Lakshmi 6th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Bhagya Lakshmi

Timings On TV: All times are on the 6th of June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 6th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Bhagya Lakshmi 6th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Ayush asking Lakshmi now she is doing this as listening in and hearing what individuals are referring to. Lakshmi says she heard her name that is the reason she halted. Ayush says now you know how I feel about you. For what reason might you at any point leave everybody will be cheerful. Lakshmi says you used to be a companion and after that my brother by marriage. Ayush tells her to he isn’t a companion for her Lakshmi says just kinship is the knly connection which we can pick. The other relations occur all alone. Furthermore, says she will be Rishi’s significant other for quite a while. Ayush thinks what Lakshmi said.

Malishka tells Kiran that Rishi and Lakshmi had a battle. Kiran asks her how could she know. Malishka says Rishi shared with her and tells her what occurred. Kiran asks what has been going on with Rishi’s telephone. Malishka says her perspective that Rishi could have tossed his telephone out of frustration. The fact of the matter isn’t who tossed the telephone yet Rishi and Lakshmi are battling. Kiran additionally figures now Rishi won’t be Lakshmi’s seeing her little girl’s certainty.

Lakshmi and Mukesh are at the feasting table. Lakshmi says great morning to Ahana. Rishi comes there and asks Mukesh for his new telephone. Mukesh brings the telephone. Rishi asks Ahana for Malishka’s no. Ahana says she doesn’t recollect. Neelam and Karishma likewise join Rishi and Ahana. Malishka likewise comes after them. Malishka goes along with them for lunch. Rishi gives his new telephone and advises her to take care of her no. Karishma asks Rishi how might he not recollect Malishka’s no. Malishka makes sense of these days its simply taking care of the no and calling and who recollects the no. Lakshmi asks what is her no. Rishi says her no with the exception of the last digit. Lakshmi says she realize that he knew. Rishi brings up he doesn’t recall the last digit. Lakshmi says it’s just 9 yet Rishi calls attention to that it is 2. Neelam asks Lakshmi what is she attempting to demonstrate. Lakshmi says she would rather not demonstrate anything. Neelam requests to stop her talking in the casualties tone and says she can’t handle it. Dadi and Virendra go along with them. Dadi asks everybody for what reason is everybody quiet. Malishka says there is just explanation in this house why everybody will be miserable. Malishka advises Lakshmi to take her morning meal to her room. Lakshmi says you know well the way that I feel Malishka. Lakshmi says she will stay put and finds a seat at the eating table for the morning meal. Karishma reproves Lakshmi. Dadi advises her to stop. Karishma gets out whatever else could we at any point do.

Sudha comes to the house and goes along with them. Karishma asks when has she come from Canada. Sudha inquires as to whether she heard there is a commitment party of Rishi however he previously got hitched right. Lakshmi says that is not a commitment party it’s simply a party. Malishka says Rishi will gave commitment and Marriage with her soon. Sudha inquires as to whether Ahana is additionally having Marriage. In the event that no, she has a proposition.

Her companion’s family came to a party and saw Ahana and snapped a picture of her and begun asking who is she. I have let them know she is Ahana. Sudha shows them the photograph. Ayush remarks on it. Sudha says they accompanied Virendra’s business partners Mr Patel, Mr and Mrs. Gujral. They have a great deal of organizations in London and their child is likewise gorgeous. Sudha says they need to meet them tomorrow. Ahana thinks and gets out anything that they wish. Virendra says to take as much time as necessary. Karishma expresses however everything is good to go in gathering them. Neelam additionally upholds it. Ahana likewise concurs. Karishma advises Sudha to welcome them for lunch. Sudha says they just eat mainland food made at home. Lakshmi says she can make mainland food as she made once in the town and the outsiders who ate it likewise preferred it. Sudha says then it’s done they will come for lunch. Ahana leaves the table. Sonia and Ayush remark on her.

Lakshmi comes to Ahana and inquires as to whether she is OK with this marriage. Ahana asks her for what reason is she asking her and she thinks about her like the remainder of the family. Lakshmi just embraces her and says to talk anything she will show up for her.

Karishma and Sonia see the film. Neelam comes and asks Karishma now she is seeing film as opposed to conversing with Ahana she is your little girl and tomorrow is an important day for herself and she wants her mom. Neelam says I don’t have the foggiest idea what you will manage without me.

Ahana comes to Lakshmi and asks her how could she realize that she is pondering something. Lakshmi says she is very much like her sister Shalu and says in any event, when Shalu says nothing she will be aware. Ahana says for what reason is she this minding towards others regardless of whether they contend and reprove her. Lakshmi says her perspective and inquires as to whether did she battle with her sibling and sisters when she was a youngster and on the off chance that her dad and mom chided her. Presently assuming our in-laws reprove us rather than our mom and father for what reason do we feel miserable. Ahana says she had an unsanctioned romance previously and she parted ways with him a half year prior and I considered it yesterday this match came. You will clearly consider it as it is no joking matter and I will get everything done properly solidify guarantee. Ahana likewise concrete commitments.

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