Bhagya Lakshmi 8th March 2022 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Bhagya Lakshmi 8th March 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Bhagya Lakshmi

Timings On TV: All times are in 8th (Indian standard Time)

Telecand Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 8,March, 2022

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content: Bhagya Lakshmi March 8th, 2022 Written Update Episode start with.Rishi is resting when he out of nowhere awakens, he sees Lakshmi remaining next to his bed, she grins at him and starts strolling towards him, Rishi is as yet resting in his bed when he grins back seeing her however at that point abruptly understands that she is Malishka, she calls her when Malishka questions who is he looking for and does he really want something, she wishes him great morning and presents the espresso which he enjoys the most. Rishi asks why he is seeing Lakshmi and it would in view of the medication, Rishi lets out the espresso, she quickly requests that he give his audits when he clarifies he can lie once, and it was downright horrendous, so he woke up as a result of it. Virender goes into the room asking rishi to investigate the record of Marcs and children,

Rishi asks assuming this organization is US based, Neelam enters clarifying she realized he would come to aggravate her child as was naturally suspecting right, she says he ought to accomplish basically everything himself when Virender clarifies he was simply taking data, Neelam answers he might take this data from another person, Rishi offers to check it when Virender clarifies his mom is irate on the off chance that they contend, neither would be alive, he leaves the room, Neelam even requests that Malishka proceed to eat.Neelam questions how he said that he will respond anything she asks him, so she is requesting that he rest till he completely recuperates, she asks how he is feeling, Rishi imagines that everybody here is getting some information about his wellbeing however what might be said about Lakshmi, he shouts that she didn’t call him once.

Lakshmi holds the hand of Shalu, Balvinder questions in the event that they won’t request that he come inside since he was going to be their child in regulation, Rano anyway declines saying that he is certifiably not a decent individual and ought not come inside, Balvinder discloses that he came to converse with Lakshmi, and going to her apologizes to her referencing that he just came to look for expression of remorse from her, before she returns to her parents in law, Neha questions what is he referring to, Lakshmi answers that he came to converse with her, Balvinder clarifies he took in his illustration and, surprisingly, the police beat him a ton, however he has now promised to not do any missteps later on, Lakshmi clarifies that she is nobody to excuse him except for he would be pardoned by the general public. She heads back inside with Shalu and Bani.

Balvinder questions assuming this is Lakshmi as she has changed a ton, Rano illuminates she is something very similar, he says there is no compelling reason to change and he hands her 10,000 rupees illuminating that he promised to bear every one of the costs in the wedding, Rano concurs when Balvinder imagines that she is comparably covetous and took the cash, Beni child comes asking why is she here since he is eager, Balu welcomes her child when Neha questions for what reason do they not take off from their home, Balvinder says she is very much like her mom, Beni orders him to move to one side when Neha says he will go out first, Neha illuminates she doesnot like him by any means, Rano makes reference to who might like somebody like him however Neha clarifies he gave her the 10,000 rupees as a token so he can come to their home, Neha sees the versatile of Beni when Rano illuminates that she, at the end of the day, will take the portable, Neha picks the tote and sees the photograph of lakshmi’s folks.

Lakshmi in the room is looking for her tote when Shalu inquires as to whether she excused Balu to which Lakshmi illuminates he promised on his kids so who are they to not pardon him, Bani says on the off chance that Jiju learned about him, would beat Balu, Lakshmi specifies this is his concern as he naturally suspects subsequent to making it happen, she expresses out loud whatever was the best requirement for him to come before the shot, Bani clarifies for what reason is she so irate, Lakshmi answers that he is this way and she personally was stressed the entire evening contemplating whether he had the option to rest and did he feel good, he is this way and doesnot stay in bed some other spot,

Shalu shouts Lakshmi is truly stressed over Rishi, Bani questions assuming she called her, when Lakshmi answers that she got some information about him, she can observe her diagram papers.
Neha leaves in the wake of giving Lakshmi the sack disclosing she is going to Beni aunti house, Shalu questions how could she become so pleasant, Lakshmi answers that she is their sister, Bani says she is only a witch yet their sister, Lakshmi encourages her to not invested energy with Shalu, who demands Lakshmi to drop her at the instructing focus since it is truly close to their home so no auto driver is prepared to drop her, Lakshmi leaves encouraging Bani to study while she will finish her work subsequent to returning from the gig.

Rishi sitting on his bed believe that Malishka opened the draperies, yet he saw Lakshmi, he asks why she not called him and what is the deal with him, he figures he, at the end of the day, can call her, Lakshmi is with Shalu when she is feeling anxious similarly as when she returned from visiting Rishi, Shalu clarifies that nobody is following them.Rishi calls Lakshmi uncovering that he was not feeling good since he feels that the projectile which hit him is as yet trapped in his heart and he feels that it didn’t come out, he demands on the off chance that she can come in at the same time, puts the telephone down thinking what is the need to call Lakshmi as she isn’t a specialist.Lakshmi guarantees the mam she would have come on time when the supervisor clarifies that she would come on time today as there is no visit to the bank, she requests that Lakshmi come and meet her, she uncovers to Shalu that she will get late so Shalu requests that she sit in this auto as she will find another person, Lakshmi sits in the wake of embracing Shalu.

Rishi thinks what is the need to call her since she would agree that she doesnot need to chat with him, Lakshmi noting clarifies she is simply coming, Rishi specifies then it is fine, she is sho9cked he is the person who is on the call, Rishi clarifies she didn’t call to ask about his wellbeing and is presently not exactly fine so would she be able to come to meet him since she, at the end of the day, said she is coming, Lakshmi clarifies she felt he was Kalyani mam so answered she is coming since she is going to the store,

Rishi apologizes saying that he felt it was the specialist so requested that he come to the house, Lakshmi questions on the off chance that he is saying she ought not come, Rishi requests that she come since the course is from their home so she can come, he was asking why she didn’t call him when he was in torment, Lakshmi uncovers she called Sudeepa, Rishi plunks down in fervor, Lakshmi asks for what reason did she end the call and considers explaining her perspective, the two of them attempt to call each other however the organization is occupied, they imagine that the other individual would call them. Lakshmi requests that the auto driver take her to the Oberoi chateau however after that she requests that he take it her to the shop.Shalu is standing when she believes that somebody is following her, she begins getting anxious thus considers Balvinder thus requests that he come out assuming it is him behind the support point.

Rano is with Beni uncovering that Neelam herself brought the fifty lac sum and she didn’t see such cash however Lakshmi wouldn’t acknowledge it, Rano clarifies that she has an arrangement and is presently going to abduct Lakshmi after which her sisters would be compelled to proceed to ask the Oberoi for the cash, Balvinder clarifies it is a lemon plan since he worked for a ton of time in that house, Neelam won’t ever give them the cash, until Lakshmi herself goes to ask them, Neha questions how could it be conceivable when they are looking at hijacking Lakshmi, Balvinder uncovers they will grab Shalu on the grounds that Lakshmi loves them a ton and would do anything for her sisters on account of the affection, very much like his adoration for Lakshmi.

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