Channa Mereya 15th September 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Channa Mereya 15th September 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Channa Mereya

Timings On TV: All times are on the 15th September (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 15th September 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Channa Mereya 15th September 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Aditya requests that Ginni let him know what’s irritating her. Ginni tells she dont need to advise him and attempts to leave. Aditya begs Ginni to let him know what’s the issue since he can ready to help him.

Ginni lets him know she dont need his assistance since she can’t ready to bear the cost of his charges. Aditya explains to her why she is discussing expenses when he was looking at aiding her. Ginni insults him saying this is the way in which he works right? Aditya requests that Ginni not to make a show pointlessly. Ginni lets him know she isn’t making anything such.

In the mean time Amber stops his driver and gets into the vehicle to look for the journal for the sake of putting shagun inside every sweet boxes. He gets stunned not tracking down the journal. Here Aditya follows Ginni and convinces her to let him know’s the issue she confronting her.

Ginni will not tell him and stays quiet. She additionally requests that he quit behaving like his significant other on the grounds that he is the person who advised her to quit behaving like his better half. Aditya guards himself saying he isn’t behaving like spouse however she is behaving like a wife by causing such situation. The two of them gets into a contention.

Golden comes inside the house however neglects to see Aditya and Ginni’s contention. Shailaja takes four sweet boxes inside her room in which one of them has Kushwant’s journal in it.

She says that she sent the sweet boxes that genuinely necessary to the sanctuary so it doesn’t make any difference the amount she takes to her room and it’s basically right on the money as well. She then, at that point, begins having the sweet. Aditya and Ginni enters the kitchen. Ginni insults Aditya by requesting that he gain proficiency with the fundamental rule of help what the individual he needs to help is need assistance in what part when Aditya opens the case as opposed to shutting it. Ginni chooses to leave.

Aditya gets disappointed so he shuts the kitchen cupboard effectively. The flour enclose which was placed the bureau opens and falls on Aditya. Ginni snickers seeing Aditya’s state. Aditya goes towards her furiously and shakes off the flour which lead Ginni have flour in her as well. Ginni gets stunned. Aditya attempts to leave there however misses his equilibrium yet before he could tumble down Ginni stops him on time. The two of them shares an eye lock.

Later Ginni is in the kitchen. She gets a call from Mrs.Randhawa. She demands her to meet her in the dhaba now since she needs to converse with her about her dad related data. Mrs.Randhawa consents to meet Ginni in the dhaba. Golden hears the discussion and thinks the person who Ginni is talking is the person who converse with the one more day.

He additionally understands the individual Ginni is talking knows something about him and he really wants to find what its identity is. In the dhaba Gulraj questions Goldie and Simran for purchasing noodles to the dhaba which is against of what they do. Simran tells they need clients so the Chinese noodles can assist them with drawing in the clients.

Gulraj scowls at her yet before she could say something she sees Mrs.Randhawa is there. She gets some information about her abrupt visit. Mrs.Randhawa tells her that Ginni called her. Gulraj gets stunned and shocked. She requests that Mrs.Randhawa sit until Ginni shows up here and gives her a glass of water.

She then, at that point, goes to Goldie and Simran and cautions them to conceal the noodles bundles before Ginni comes here. Simran tells Gulraj on the off chance that she permits the two of them in her home to remain, she will conceal the noodles packs. Gulraj gets irate yet tells her she is vulnerable so she is consenting to her condition and asks both Goldie and Simran to leave the spot before Ginni comes there.

The two of them takes the noodles in a pack. Ginni comes there. She gets profound seeing the dhaba. Goldie and Simran leaves the dhaba before Ginni could see them. Ginni opens her mouth to get some information about something connected with the dhaba yet Gulraj stops her by redirecting the subject by pointing at Mrs.Randhawa who is hanging tight for her. Ginni welcomes her and says thanks to her for consenting to meet her. She then enquires Mrs.Randhawa about her colleague.

Golden compasses the dhaba and sees Mrs.Randhawa with Ginni and Gulraj. He met Kushwant and the last option acquaints him with Mrs.Randhawa. He gets stressed. Mrs.Randhawa tells Ginni on the off chance that she again get to see her dad’s accomplice, she will help her without a doubt. Ginni and Gulraj gets confident. Golden hears the discussion. His telephone begins ringing. Ginni and the other two hears the sound. Ginni goes to see what its identity is. Golden conceals himself. Ginni neglects to see Amber then, at that point, goes to Mrs.Randhawa and Gulraj.

Golden understands that Ginni has no clue about who is her dad should be colleague and he needs to accomplish something before she could track down him. He calls somebody and requests that he hurt the individual who he needs to yet make it seem as though they went to take things however it occurred without arranging.

The individual on the other line obliges. Ginni tells whoever is behind this that individual’s terrible time has begun. Shailaja acclaims the desserts and chooses to have one more box before she could open other Marleen comes there and tells her Supreet needs to converse with her about something that connected with the sweet boxes.

Shailaja conceals the sweet boxes and ponders internally is Supreet educated she took four boxes with her? which makes her stressed however by the by she follows Marleen out. Mrs.Randhawa consents to tell Ginni anything that connected with het dad. Ginni comes to the Singh’s home. She asks why Kushwant informed nothing regarding his colleague to neither her nor Gulraj.

Golden comes there. He acts and asks Ginni where she went additionally requests that she take the vehicle with her. Ginni lets him know she went to the dhaba. Golden brings up at her stressed face and asks her is she actually contemplating her dad’s journal.

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Channa Mereya 15th September 2022 updates

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Update For: Channa Mereya 15th September 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist.


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