Channa Mereya 20th September 2022 Written Episode Update

Channa Mereya

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By TellyExpert: “Channa Mereya 20th September 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Channa Mereya

Timings On TV: All times are on the 20th September (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 20th September 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Channa Mereya 20th September 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Aditya sees the treatment of Ginni through the entryway from outside. He gazes at Ginni miserable and stressed. He saw the beat pace of Ginni was not typical and the specialists are attempting to get her back ordinary and Ginni is battling as well.

Gulraj tells Ginni’s destiny is she generally battle for other’s. However, today she is battling passing or life. In this present circumstance nobody from Singh family is here to determine the status of her as well. She further adds that Ginni get hitched not so much as a month back however she made such enormous stride and put her life in harm’s way.

Supreet Golden and his sibling comes there. Supreet sees Gulraj is crying. She goes to her. She asks her not to cry. She tells they are here to see Ginni. Aditya’s uncle says the second they leant about Ginni’s condition they raced to the emergency clinic. Golden enquires Ginni’s state to Armaan likewise asks him is she educated anything concerning the shooter’s before she fell oblivious. Armaan says no additionally the specialists are treating her however there is no improvement. Supreet tells Gulraj in the event that it’s not Ginni then it would have been Aditya in her state.

Gulraj requests that Supreet not to express things like this. Supreet determines what she said is valid. She likewise tells as a spouse Ginni satisfied the commitment she made on her wedding. She crossed every one of the cutoff points and put her life in peril to save her better half Aditya.

They are so fortunate to have Ginni as a piece of relatives as she demonstrated that for her the family is everything and she would go to any reach out to save her relatives. She likewise calls her the solid mainstay of the Singh family and they are so fortunate to have her as a relative. Aditya hears this then leaves the spot.

Aditya proceeds to stand close by the flight of stairs. He reviews Supreet’s words about Ginni likewise Ginni’s words about family who will show up for them on the off chance that they are in a difficult situation. Aditya’s uncle comes there. The two of them sits on the flight of stairs. His uncle lets him know that Ginni is for sure courageous to made such stride to save his life and he did something right by taking her to Amritsar’s best medical clinic to get her treated.

He then says Ginni helped him in such countless things particularly assisted him to accommodate his relationship with Akash and saved him from Sam. I’m return he gave her a costly neckband as a gift or installment to return her approval in light of the fact that for him everything is business. However, today Ginni has go to a broaden and jeopardized her life and battling in the emergency clinic.

However, consequently the thing he will pay or gift her he don’t figure whether Ginni will be here to get it from him. Aditya gets stunned. His uncle further adds that he wishes Gurkeerat is here and cause him to comprehend the worth of relationship which he Rajvant and Armaan neglected to make him comprehend. He likewise wishes on the off chance that Gurkeerat is here, she would have let him know the couple connections significance. This couple relationship is loaded with trust and love which they need to safeguard it for a daily existence time. Aditya stays quiet.

Aditya’s uncle says that he trust Ginni recuperates quick then, at that point, leaves the spot. Aditya emerges from the emergency clinic. He recalls all that occurred and punches his hand in the close by wall. His hand begins dying. Armaan comes there and illuminates him that Ginni’s ailment is deteriorating so the specialist requested a few infusions which he will purchase and requests that Aditya not to lose trust then leaves the spot.

Aditya contemplates internally why Ginni took such choice. Why she didn’t allow him to take the shot. However, he would have been blissful assuming that occurred. He then sees not many individuals are on their way singing tunes for God and going past him. He goes with them reviewing Ginni’s prior counsel.

A young lady in that gathering sees Aditya. At the point when the gathering crosses the Gurudwara Aditya stops there. The young lady goes to Aditya and asks him not to be miserable and go to God who will assist him with getting what he need then, at that point, leaves the spot.

Aditya stands infront of the Gurudwara. He tells God he visited here frequently with his mom Gurkeerat. After her unexpected destruction he would not come here however today he is here and its a result of Ginni. He additionally lets God know that Ginni is the person who saved him and assisted him with understanding the importance of relationship likewise drove him understand that he is crazy at himself since he assumes he neglected to save his mom.

He then says in the event that anything happens to Ginni, he won’t ever pardon himself and argues to God to save her and breaksdown outside the Gurudwara. In the emergency clinic the specialist makes a respectable attempt for Ginni’s recuperation. Aditya goes inside the Gurudwara. He lets God know that he will remain here in one leg and petition God for her recuperation until except if she recuperates he wont leave this spot neither substitute two legs and starts imploring God in one leg.

Individuals travels every which way in there seeing Aditya’s commitment the minister implores God and leaves after some time. Aditya battles to remain in one leg. He then, at that point, fall oblivious. Ginni opens her eyes in the emergency clinic. The following day Aditya envisions Gurkeerat requesting that he awaken and deal with Gurkeerat. He wakes up and tracks down Armaan. Armaan lets him know that Ginni acquired her awareness so requests that he say thanks to God then they can go to meet Ginni. Aditya battles to remain in his legs.

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Channa Mereya 20th September 2022 updates

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Update For: Channa Mereya 20th September 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist.


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