Channa Mereya 22nd September 2022 Written Episode Update

Channa Mereya

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By TellyExpert: “Channa Mereya 22nd September 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Channa Mereya

Timings On TV: All times are on the 22nd September (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 22nd September 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Channa Mereya 22nd September 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Ginni looks stunned. The two of them gazes at one another. Ginni peers down. Aditya additionally turns away. He then, at that point, takes vermilion in his grasp and brings it close to Ginni then wavers first yet fills her hairline at last. Aditya and Ginni gazes at one another. Ginni then, at that point, looks awa and gets close to home. Aditya sees the vermilion on her hairline then Ginni in a caring manner.

The following day Aditya emerges from the medical clinic room then, at that point, reviews Ginni’s battle for her life. He ponders internally that when Gurkeerat kicked the bucket he neglect to get frightened yet throughout the previous two days he stressed for losing Ginni after her destruction. He then reviews his minutes with Ginni then, at that point, Armaan’s advices.

Aditya takes a gander at Ginni from outside the room and contemplates internally that he needs to understand the relationship he have with her. Later Aditya brings Ginni home. Akash invites Ginni and tells her that he missed her a great deal and implored God ordinarily for her recuperation. He likewise apologizes to Ginni for behaving like a beast. He then, at that point, calls her a genuine Holy messenger for saving Aditya.

The two of them embraces one another. Ginni says thanks to Akash. Aditya advises Akash that Ginni needs to take rest. Akash advices Aditya to not to inconvenience Ginni. Aditya and Ginni conceals their grin.

Aditya obliges Akash’s words. Supreet goes to Ginni and lets her that they know all are cheerful she recuperated and they can’t say thanks to God enough for this. She further adds Ginni to never feel that she is separated from everyone else as she is essential for the family and the family will show up for her generally. Ginni expresses gratitude toward her.

Shailaja makes faces. Golden and Shailaja invites Ginni. Aditya takes Ginni with her. Ginni thinks regardless of what Aditya says he looks great with his loved ones. She then staggers. Aditya gets stressed and asks her what occurred. Ginni tells she is OK a direct result of shortcoming she felt mixed up. The two of them gazes at one another. Shailaja hacks. The two of them turns away.

Aditya takes Ginni in his arms which shocks Ginni and everybody. Ginni asks him what is he doing and everybody os seeing them. She likewise tells that she is completely fine to walk yet Aditya conveys her to the room. Supreet gets cheerful watching them. Aditya places Ginni in her bed. The two of them gazes at one another. However, ginni lets Aditya know that specialist told her that she can walk so he don’t need to do this. Aditya tells her even specialist requested that she take rest right?

In the event that she dont oblige, he have his own specific manner to cause her to oblige to follow the physician’s instructions then requests that she take rest. He then, at that point, helps her eliminate the things that was in her hair when she get warm welcome the things fell on her hair. Ginni likewise does likewise for Aditya. Aditya then, at that point, requests that Ginni take rest meawhile he will proceed to bring her a soup and leaves the spot. Aditya goes to the cook and illuminates him what all are the things he wants to abstain from utilizing while at the same time making nourishment for Ginni.

He further requests that he educate something very similar to every one of the laborers and tells he dont believe anybody of they should wreck this. The cook obliges. Aditya then requests that the cook make a soup for Ginni. The cook gestures then leaves the spot. Aditya sees Shailaja is there. He calls her and tells her that Ginni is adviced to take rest a great deal since she isn’t recuperated at this point so in a roundabout way requests that Shailaja not to inconvenience her. Shailaja gestures alright. Aditya leaves the spot. Shailaja taunts at Aditya’s consideration for Ginni.

Aditya goes to Ginni and asks her is she saw the shooter’s face. Ginni says no. Aditya urges her to review. Golden comes there. Seeing him Ginni lets Aditya know that she saw Golden taking cover behind the vehicle when the episode occurred so she is certain he is behind this. Golden gets stunned. Aditya charges towards him and lets him know he is looking outside for his adversary ignorant the foe is inside the house as it were.

He then, at that point, asks is he intended to kill him before Rajvant comes so he can be the sole individual from their privately-run company and holds his shirt. Golden tells Aditya he misconstrues and yells no. Golden understands it’s simply a bad dream. He chooses to accomplish something with the goal that his name won’t emerge. He additionally chooses to kill Mrs.Randhawa at any expense so he wont get found out for taking Kushwant’s journal. He then, at that point, tell his men to not to approach the house he will meet him elsewhere on the call.

Shailaja vapor out of resentment for the manner in which Aditya converses with her. She chooses to show a thing or two to Ginni. She purposely makes what outside the kitchen fall and when the cook comes outside see what happens she goes inside the kitchen to blend something which is told by the specialist to not to provide for Ginni.

Ginni won’t have medication since it’s excessively harsh. Aditya grumbles Ginni’s way of behaving to Akash and the last option upholds Ginni which drives Aditya to undermine him and Akash runs out of the room. Aditya then puts the spoom of medication inside Ginni’s mouth. Ginni gets stunned. She tells it’s excessively harsh.

Aditya gives her a water. Ginni tells she will hit him up for what he did now. Aditya then, at that point, requests that she have soup. Ginni tells she will have it later. Aditya taunts at her then, at that point, begins taking care of her the soup.

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Channa Mereya 22nd September 2022 updates

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