Chikoo Ki Mummy Dur Ki 22nd Feburary 2022 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Chikoo Ki Mummy Dur Ki 22nd Feburary 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name:Chikoo Ki Mummy Dur Ki

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Istian Stastand Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 22,Feburary, 2022

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content:Chikoo Ki Mummy Dur Ki Feburary 22nd, 2022 Written Update Episode Start wist.Chikoo thumping on the entryway and yelling for help. Coordinator declares they will begin the following round with Dhanush on the off chance that Chikoo didn’t show up on schedule. Few moments before It’s shown Chikoo defies Mini with regards to why she made her arrive at some unacceptable location. Scaled down attempted to deal with her lying yet Chikoo would not trust her and cautioned her to quit lying, Mini heard that coordinator are wanting to pose inquiries from their cherished subjects. Small scale changed the names by impacting the individual who is conveying a plate.

Second round gets everything rolling. Dhanush offers her water when her jug is done and she expresses gratitude toward her. Chikoo didn’t address the inquiries as it’s from logical thinking. Dhanush addresses those questions despite the fact that he realizes that he didn’t get focuses. Next coordinator poses Dhanush an inquiry and he didn’t respond to seeing his Mom. Then, at that point, Chikoo in a roundabout way indicates him. Dhanush tells the right response and wins the round. Chikoo grins seeing her father. Later Dhanush gives juice to Chikoo and gratitude to her for the assistance. Chikoo says I just gave back in kind yet next round I will win. Dhanush likewise tells he will shake the following round as you’re not going to be apparent.

Chikoo goes to the washroom and companions of Dhanush lock her in washeoom. Chikoo expects Dhanush locked the entryway and she is thumping on the entryway for help than she attempts to eliminate glass and falls on the floor. Chikoo thinks she can’t stand Dhanush.Coordinator tells Dhanush will be the champ in the event that Chikoo didn’t show up on schedule. Understudies says Chikoo could flee. Dimple goes to see what occurred. Coordinator inquires as to whether he is familiar with Chikoo. He denies. Chikoo emerges from posterior yet security denies permitting her inside.

The coordinator is going to declare Dhanush is the victor however Param requests that the coordinator lead cycle 3 to report the champ. Coordinator poses him the inquiry from Mahabharata. Chikoo escapes from the security and the two of them reply simultaneously.

Coordinator lets it’s a tie know which frustrates Dhanush’s mother and she leaves. Sameer grins. Chikoo faces Dhanush why he secured herself in the washroom. Spanish tells he didn’t make it happen. Chikoo says you’re a liar. Dhanush says I brought you here why will I lock you and stop your dramatizations and he requests that she wipe her tears. Chikoo tells she would rather not directly and requests that he leave. Dhanush tells she needs to directly until he wins the grant. Chikoo leaves without paying attention to Dimple.Sameer says you’re having your beloved frozen yogurt so grin. Chikoo tells she wins in the wake of grinning the grant and it requires 3 months and requests that he pay the charge. Sameer says I will pay the charge and can go along with you in best school then this one. Chikoo says she needs to remain in Mumbai. Sameer says Joshi’s would rather avoid you and your Mom is no more. Chikoo says my Mom is killed.

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