Choti Sardarni 26th January 2021 Written Update

choti sardarni Written Update

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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Choti Sardarni 26th January 2021 Written Update on”

Tv Show Name: Choti Sardarni

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  26, January, 2021

January 26, 2021: Choti Sardarni Today Episode Start with Sarab goes to Kulwant’s room. She goes inside the cover. Meher carries food to Jagga. He says I used to cause you to eat this way. Meher sings their sonnet. Jagga says my life. He embraces her. Jagga says I am so upbeat. I can kick the bucket cheerful at this point. She says you will live for a very long time. She causes him to eat and says return home. You can take mummy ji tomorrow home. He says you’re really amazing.Meher goes to the room.

Sarab says is Jagga alright? He says yes. In any case, I would not like to upset kin second. Meher says I am fortunate to have both of you. You both are my shoulders. Sarab holds her hand.Sarab says we will consistently be there for you. Meher kisses his hand.Param says nani for what reason would we say we are biting pencil? She says it cleans teeth. Harleen is irritated by the commotion. Kulwant lets out. Harleen says what the heck is going on here. Harleen says she will make our Param like Yuvi.

Kulwant says whats amiss with Yuvi. Meher says mummy ji do this in bathroom. Harleen says she picked the pot precisely. She can see. She’s tricking everybody. Kulwant says Param advise her. Param says nani can’t see by any means. Kulwnt says I can’t remain here. I’m disregarded here. Sarab says she can’t see, specialist affirmed that.Jagga considers Yuvi and says your mother doesn’t miss me? Yuvi says she takes a gander at your photograph and cries each night.

Jagga says bring her home by one way or another.Sarab says father ask Karan not to grow up. I like little children. When karan grows up get me another child. Sarab says ask your mother. Param says I need my younger sibling, I will call her Seher. Sarab says we can call her chotu bandri. Meher turns Sarab’s ear and says quit arranging another infant. Karan is so youthful. I need to see these two develop. Sarab says however I will make my little girl a princess.Harleen considers somebody and says the baklava cake is prepared. Ajay comes out with the cake Kulwant makes him fall. The cake is destroyed. Harleen says you ruined the cake. He takes a gander at Kulwant.

Harleen says it should be her.Harleen says come aunt ji I will take you to your room. She assumes her towards another position. Kulwant says would we say we aren’t turning out badly? She takes her to store and says here’s the room. Stay here. She bolts Kulwant there. Harleen says now I will demonstrate you’re doing dramatization. Kulwant says how would I dial? Meher will ask how could I utilize my telephone. Kulwant calls Yuvi and requests that he send Param to store.Meher calls Amrita and says Jagga is so vexed. He came here and was crying. Consider your choice, he cherishes you a ton. He will take mummy ji.In Progress…

Choti Sardarni, 26th, January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Choti Sardarni, 26 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

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