[Download] Netflix’s “TRIBHANGA” Full (720p) Movie Download leaked by Tamilrockers


TRIBHANGA is a film based on Social Issues drama. Which Ajay Devgn FFilms , Banijay Group Asia and Alchemy Films manufacturer | This movie is directed by Renuka Shahane. Kajol , Tanvi Azmi , Mithila Palka actors have been cast as the lead. Kajol is going to be seen on screen after a long time with TRIBHANGA Movie. The film is based on the story of 3 women living in a family. Kajol is going to play his character named Anu, who is an Odissi dancer in this film. As the release date of TRIBHANGA Movie draws near, so do the piracy torrent websites such as filmyzilla, filmywap, filmy4wap, 9xflix, moviesflix, tamilrockers, 9xmovies, 123movies etc. Many websites become active. All these torrent websites illegally allow TRIBHANGA Movie download in full free. On all these, the film is available in 1080p, 720,480p, HD, UHD video quality.

  • Step 1: Go to the official website of Tamilrockers .
  • Step 2: Search TRIBHANGA Full Movie.
  • Step 3: Choose the language in which you want to watch TRIBHANGA Movie .
  • Step 4: After which choose the quality of the film you want .
  • (720p, 480p, HD, UHD)
  • Step 5: After which press the download tab button .
  • Step 6: Wait for some time.
  • Step 7:  TRIBHANGA movie is ready to download… 

Use of all these websites is illegal.

Netflix TRIBHANGA Movie Storyline in Hindi

TRIBHANGA Movie is based on real life problems. In this movie, when 3 different Generation women live in the same family, the drama and a dysfunctional family in that family is shown. Kajol is playing the character of an Odissi dancer. And Kunal Roy Kapoor also plays an important role of Tanvi’s friend in the film. Kajol hates her mother as shown in the trailer because it is because of her that she does not feel safe as a child in her house.

Netflix’s TRIBHANGA Movie Release Date, Cast & Crew



Directed by

 Renuka Shahane


Kajol, Tanvi Azmi, Mithila Palka





Release Date

15 January 2021

Produced by

Ajay Devgn FFilms, Banijay Group Asia, Alchemy Films

Download Netflix TRIBHANGA Movie 

Netflix TRIBHANGA Movie download can be watched legally after its release on 15 January 2021. You can also download TRIBHANGA Movie in Online Stream and Full HD Video Quality on Netflix


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