Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 15th June 2022 Written Episode Update

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar Written Updates

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By TellyExpert: “Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 15th June2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar

Timings On TV: All times are in the 15th June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 15th June2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 15th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Bhim Rao getting the ball, it was an out for Joshi. Everybody celebrated.
Jijabai adulated Bhim Rao. Lawyer provoked reporter for taunting Bhim Rao. He said that Bhim Rao’s astuteness was far more that Joshi.

The following player came, he began scoring too.

Out and about, two upper positions were going to see the cricket match. A lower position clearing the floor chose to go too, the lower station remaining close to him sopped the man. He said that it was of no utilization. The other man answered, said that they should go as it was enough that for once lower position tested the upper standing.

Bala pondered who might ball. Hitesh was able to ball. Ramji rejected. Hitesh reviewed Sethji’s order to play stowed away. Bhim Rao called Deepak. Everybody addressed. Bhim Rao had confidence in his guts. Deepak went to ball. Pundit ridiculed Bhim Rao’s choice. The batsman’s impelled Deepak. Deepak balled; the player was out. It was third out. Next player came, Deepak balled. Bhim Rao’s group botched numerous caych amazing open doors. Natvar gets a ball. The whole group celebrated. Natvar went to his mom. He was very invigorated. Official addressed Bhim Rao he told that it was interestingly Natvar accomplished something. Allow him to be content.

Bala gets one more out. Next player came, he scored a great deal of runs. After 20 overs the objective was 192 runs. Pundit said that target was past Bhim Rao’s ability to reach.

Bhim Rao spurred everybody, requested that they play each of the 20 over. They need to try not to be hard and fast. Rama requested that Bhim Rao be quiet, they would play well.

Bala went bat. Joshi came to ball. Bala missed the ball. After 3 balls, Bala scored 4 runs. Observer continued to deride Bhim Rao’s group. Manohar came to bat, Bhim Rao told him out to accurately hold that bat. Manohar got out.

Janardan came to play. Joshi’s over different. Janandan missed the ball. Bala scored 4s. On the following ball. Janardan got out. Natvar came he and ball scored many runs together. He then, at that point, got out by Joshi. Bhim Rao sent Deepak to bat. Deepak couldn’t stroll in the knee cushions. On the principal ball, he got spotless balled. In 5 over Bhim Rao’s group scored just 16 runs. Joku wen to ball. Joku was hit on the head by a ball. He fell on the ground.

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Tellyexpert Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 15th June2022

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 15th June2022 updates

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