Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 15th December 2020 Episode Written Update


Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 15th December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 15 December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 15th December , 2020

December 15, 2020 : Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein Today Episode Start with Sayi leaves Chavan Mansion furiously. Usha stops her. Sayi asks what happened now. Usha inquires as to whether she didn’t perceive what occurred inside. Sayi says who are they to prevent her from going out. Usha inquires as to whether its essential. Sayi says yes. Usha says they are her sasural individuals and not her Gadchiroli companions. Sayi inquires as to whether family acts this way, older folks ought not be so impolite. Usha says her sasural is stressed for her as we are outsiders in this city, in the wake of wedding Virat this is her home. Sayi says she understood marriageis nothing, however similarity is. Usha demands her to illuminate her parents in law where she is going. Sayi says she won’t and proceeding to contend with her gets into taxi and departs.

Ashwini gets back from sanctuary and seeing Sayi calls her, however to no end. Pakhi takes tea for Virat and says the manner in which Sayi disregarded family and offended her, particularly him who upheld her conflicting with famil, she felt truly downright awful. Virat says he doesn’t have a clue why Sayi resolvedly denied to educate where she is going. Pakhi says that is on the grounds that he is satisfying every one of her requests; on the off chance that he doesn’t quit engaging every one of her requests, it would be inconvenient for him and his family later on; he ought to fail to remember Sayi. Virat takes a gander at her. She says she implies until further notice and focus on the best way to substantiate himself guiltless. Sayi arrives at police head quarters.

Usha inquires as to for what reason did she come here. Sayi says she will meet Virat’s chief and illuminate him how Virat’s family makes trouble with her. Usha inquires as to whether she is frantic. Sayi hauls her in. At Chavan manor, family is as yet stunned seeing Sayi’s inflexibility. Saloni remarks this is new bahu’s habits. Omkar requests that her quiet down or, in all likelihood tigress may assault even her. Bhavani remarks that each smart individual is in her home, Virat wedded a crude and inconsiderate young lady and constrained her on them. Ashwini strolls in and asks Bhavani for what good reason did Sayi go out irately, on the off chance that she chastened her. Saloni requests that her discover what her bahu did prior to charging vahini. Ashwini inquires as to for what reason would Sayi do that.

Bhavani says Virat wedded a crude and discourteous young lady and they are enduring a result of that; Sayi failed to remember that she is Chavan family’s bahu now, she didn’t felt imperative to educate older folks and afterward go out with house keeper. Ashwini says Sayi should have some significant work. Pakhi says she ought to have perceived how Sayi acted mischievously with seniors. Ashwini says there is some misconception. Bhavani says she insults other’s bahus and is ensuring her bahu. Ashwini inquires as to whether she is alluding Pakhi, she doesn’t insult Pakhi unncessarily. Ninad shouts at her to think a long time prior to contending with vahini. Omkar says Sayi doesn’t regard seniors or worth their way of life. Ashwini says Sayi is knocked, yet isn’t terrible. Bhavani says she, at the end of the day, is demolishing her child’s life. Ninad hollers Virat is additionally his child and Ashwini can’t affront Bhavani and Pakhi consistently.

Omkar asks Pakhi to quit offending Pakhi consistently. Ashwini says she isn’t offending anybody, issue is they all are recklessly determined twisted to refute Pakhi right and Sayi, so they generally acclaim Pakhi and affront Sayi. Bhavani cautions her again to quit supporting Sayi and shroud her slip-ups, inquires as to whether she knows where Sayi went. Ashwini says no. Saloni says her bahu Karishma never leaves house without educating her. Bright strolls in and seeing their furious appearances asks Pakhi if something occurred. Karishma educates that Sayi ventured out from home without illuminating anybody. Radiant asks how might she go that way. Karishma inquires as to whether Sayi went to police headquarters to grumble against Virat as she saw Sayi snoozing Usha’s room the previous evening. Sayi strolls into DIG office and solicitations constable to allow her to meet DIG. Constable says she can’t meet DIG without arrangement.

She requests that he educate DIG that Sayi Joshi who bested twelfth test in entire Maharastra needs to meet her. Constable goes in, returns, and says DIG is free for a couple of moments. Sayi strolls in and presents herself once more. He says he realizes her as even his little girl breezed through twelfth test this year, inquires as to for what reason did she wed at quite a youthful age. She says she needed to because of ordinary circumstances and moved to Nagpur as of late, he knows her significant other. He asks who is he. She says ACP Virat Chavan. He says she is the one, for what reason did she come here. She says she came to illuminate that Virat is honest and needed to wed her because of resident’s weight and to ensure her. He inquires as to for what reason did Vithal grumble against Virat.

She says he needed to get his child wedded to her and clarifies entire story and how Jagtap even murdered her dad monitor Kamal Joshi and how Virat saved her, and so on He inquires as to whether she isn’t reluctant to come to DIG office and talk truth. She says she needed to come to demonstrate Virat blameless who wedded her to full his guarantee made to her dad. Virat enters and reminds DIG about their gathering at 12 early afternoon. Burrow requests that he pause and gives his telephone number to Sayi to call him whenever she needs his assistance. She expresses gratitude toward him. Virat hears her voice. Delve calls him in. Virat seeing Sayi asks what is she doing here. Burrow sends Sayi away. Back at home, family energetically sits tight for Sayi stressed for her. Bhavani requests that somebody call Sayi’s number. Karishma calls, however Sayi’s telephone rings in her room. Bright returns and illuminates Bhavani that he was unable to discover Sayi. Bhavani demands Ashwini to tell where her bahu is. Ashwini says even now she is telling that Sayi is a decent young lady and petitions God for her wellbeing.

In Progress….


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