Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 22th December 2020 Episode Written Update


Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 22th December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 22 December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date :22th December, 2020

December 22, 2020 : Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein Today Episode Start with Ninad sees Bhavani out of resentment and asks her not to consume her blood pointlessly for little issues. Bhavani says Virat upheld Sayi and overlooked them. Ninad asks what they can do. She says Pakhi ventured out from home as a result of Sayi, they need to get back Pakhi home at any expense as Samrat’s cash will to Pakhi rather than Mansi and Pakhi is delightful, knowledgeable and preferred in each perspective over Sayi, so Sayi will be leveled out if Pakhi remains around.

She considers Pakhi and solicitations her to get back failing to remember Sayi’s mischief. On the opposite side, Virat gets back to his room and sees Sayi choosing her cushion and strolling, asks where is she going. Sayi says its not his issue to worry about. He says he previously asked her. She says she is going to Usha’s room and will rest there from here, he shouldn’t return to take as much time as necessary. He says there is a reptile in Usha mausi’s room. She says she wouldn’t fret regardless of whether snake comes. He asks what issue she has, for what reason didn’t she educate where she had gone. Sayi proceeds with her determination. Pakhi calls him. He goes aside and picks call.

She inquires as to for what reason did he send Sayi to her home to return her to Chavan House. He says he didn’t realize Sayi came there and says he realizes she is irate on him and Sayi, yet other relatives love her a great deal, so she should return for the wellbeing of they. Pakhi says when there is no regard seeing someone, for what reason should she return, in any case its simple to break connections and hard to make one. He says he came there to clarify the equivalent and demands again to get back.

She says she will a lot return in the event that somebody affronts her. He guarantees that Sayi won’t make trouble with her once more. She says he glances in a rush to separate call as Sayi should be sitting tight for him. He says not at all like that and says he will sit tight for her tomorrow. When he detaches call, he asks Sayi for what good reason did she go to Pakhi’s room. Sayi furiously says she went to bring back Pakhi as vowed to him. He inquires as to whether anybody got rowdy with her there. She says it doesn’t make a difference. He keeps addressing and she proceeds with her inconsiderate answers. He inquires as to for what reason wouldn’t she be able to answer straightforwardly.

She says she is that way and proceeds with her nok jhok with him. Next morning, Pakhi re-visitations of Chavan House with Shailesh. Bhavani gets glad seeing her and asks Karishma to call Mansi as she would be glad to see Pakhi back. Bhavani expresses gratitude toward Shailesh for bringing Pakhi back home and apologizes for Sayi’s bad conduct. Shailesh says he is stressed for Pakhi as a dad, however he can’t endure Sayi getting out of hand with Pakhi once more. Ninad guarantees that he will show Sayi out of house on the off chance that she again makes trouble with Pakhi. Mansi strolls in with Shivani and gets upbeat seeing Pakhi. Ninad hollers at Pakhi once more.

Ashwini asks Sayi to go to her room. Sayi inquires as to why. Pakhi asks Ashwini to let Sayi remain there. Shivani asks Pakhi when she generally loathed Sayi, why she needs her to remain now. Bhavani shouts at Shivani to carry on with Pakhi as she got back after a great deal of trouble. Shivani says she can’t see one bahu behind lauded and other offended on the grounds that Pakhi has guardians and Sayi is a vagrant. Ashwini backs her. Bhavani hollers at Shivani to mind her tongue. Pakhi reveals to Shailesh that is the reason she would not like to return here. Shailesh says don’t have a clue how she will remain in this climate. Bhavani guarantees that she will deal with Pakhi like her own little girl.

Shivani asks on the grounds that she doesn’t need Samrat’s annuity and other cash go to Pakhi. Bhavani hollers to mind her tongue and says she has a great deal cash and is taking care of her till now, she needn’t bother with Samrat’s benefits or cash. Pakhi says she needn’t bother with cash and will offer it to Bhavani. Sayi requests that them all stop and asks Bhavani in the event that she ought to get ready tea or espresso as it has been since a long time ago Shailesh came, asks Shailesh what might he want to have.

Shailesh says he is going to go. Sayi approaches him to hang tight for 5 minutes as she was getting ready tea for everybody and strolls to kitchen followed by Ashwini. Pakhi re-visitations of her room where Karishma educates that Sayi had made a show again subsequent to leaving home without advising anybody and when even Virat asked, she didn’t answer; so Virat blew up and even undermined her with stick. Pakhi understands that Sayi advised truth that she went to her without educating anybody

In Progress….


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