Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 26th January 2021 Written Update

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein

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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 26th January 2021 Written Update on”

Tv Show Name: Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  26, January, 2021

January 26, 2021: Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein Today Episode Start with Aswini defies Bhavani that she is abusing her quietness and says she is remaining with her since years and didn’t ask a single thing from her or Ninad, why she thinks she is anticipating cash from Sayi. Saloni shouts how might she charge Bhavani and failed to remember Bhavani’s courtesy, Bhavani is holding family together till now or, more than likely it would have broken at this point. Ninad hollers at Aswini close to quiet down and stop her measures before kids, they are hitched for a very long time and now she is grumbling that he didn’t satisfy her requests.

Saloni keeps hollering followed by Omkar. Mohit goes up against Saloni and inquires as to why she is offending Aswini. Saloni yells at him to not meddle among seniors and says Aswini is desirous of her, and so forth Ninad hollers that Bhavani picked an off-base young lady for him and his life is destroyed. Omkar upholds him and says Bhavani held the family from breaking after Nagesh dada died. Ninad keeps yelling and starts hacking. Omkar and Bhavani race to him and Pakhi gives him water and requests to quiet down, requests that Ashwini quit disturbing Ninad now. Bhavani hollers at Aswini that she destroyed her better half’s wellbeing, and so on She at that point acclaims Pakhi that she is very much refined and Chavan family is fortunate to have a bahu like her, and so on Virat goes to Sayi’s school for review and questions understudies.

School’s dignitary meets him and asks explanation behind coming. Virat says he heard there is some occasion in the school without police consent. Senior member says school’s freshers’ invite program and takes him to his lodge. Virat calls understudy coordinator, questions him, and afterward requests to call Aniket saying he heard his name as singing rivalry second place. Aniket enters strained and responds to his inquiries. Virat thinks about himself to Aniket thinking back Sayi’s words. Sayi opens entryway and without seeing Virat signals Aniket. Aniket says he will meet her later. Sayi leaves. Virat thanks god that she didn’t see him and keeps addressing Aniket. Aniket inquires as to whether he can leave for singing practice. Virat concurs and requests that dignitary be cautious as outcasts may enter school. Dignitary says he won’t give anybody access without ID card. Virat leaves thinking his work is finished. At home, basant panchami festivity game plans start. Usha applying alta/red tone on Saloni’s feet inquires as to whether she ought to apply alta to her feet.

Pakhi says no. Bhavani asks reason. Pakhi says Usha tai is senior and she doesn’t need elderly folks to contact her feet. Bhavani acclaims her again and says she will peruse bhagvat geeta today. Saloni says Aswini peruses bhagvat geeta consistently. Aswini says Pakhi can peruse bhagvat geeta. Pakhi says on the off chance that she has issue, she can keep understanding it. Aswini says she didn’t imply that. Sayi gets back from school. Bhavani inquires as to whether she realizes today is celebration pooja at home. Sayi says she knows, so she is wearing yellow dress. Ninad and others holler at her of course. Sayi gives them a befitting answer. Usha admonishes her to quit contending with older folks and get alda applied on her feet. Sayi reminds that she is sensitive to alta. Entire family begins hollering at her. Sayi gets inflexible that she is sensitive to alta and won’t make a difference it. Ashwini says she shouldn’t in the event that she is susceptible to it. Bhavani says no one among them is unfavorably susceptible, at that point being a jungli mulgi how might she. Dramatization proceeds…In Progress…

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein, 26th, January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein, 26 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

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