Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 4 February 2021 Written Updates


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 3rd February 2021 Written Update on”

Tv Show Name: Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  3, February, 2021

February 3, 2021: Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein Today Episode Start with Virat discloses to Bhavani that if Pakhi going to Ladakh its so significant, he will go with her. Pakhi figures Sai won’t release him with her. Karishma hollers that she might have sent paper through dispatch, however she needs to appreciate touring. Mohit stops her. Virat reveals to Bhavani that he will attempt to withdraw. Saloni shouts that when he can require 2 days’ leave for his jungli young lady Sai, he without a doubt should disappear for his sibling Samrat. Virat asks what? Bhavani requests that he require seven days’ leave so that in the wake of completing authority work they can continue touring as she feels dismal for Pakhi seeing her enduring to such an extent. Saloni backs her. Ashwini says Mohit can go with Pakhi rather as he is free. Karishma says its a smart thought and she will likewise go with them. Bhavani shouts that she doesn’t have cash and needs to go touring.

She at that point affronts Ashwini shouting that she is brainless and talks rubbish. Ashwini says she just offered her input. Ninad shouts at her next and says its an authority matter and Mohit can’t do what Virat can, so she shouldn’t think about them. Saloni says Virat loves his sibling Samrat a great deal, so he will go with Pakhi. Pakhi says they don’t need to contend in view of her. Virat says he can do anything for his sibling and will go with Pakhi. Pakhi says she will book 2 tickets at that point. Virat requests that she stand by until he gets leave, he, at the end of the day, will book ticket after that. Ashwini requests that he book 3 tickets as Sai will go with them. Pakhi inquires as to whether she is sending Sai along to keep an eye on them. Bhavani shouts in the event that she can’t think and talk, and so on Saloni backs her obviously. Virat underpins them and asks Ashwini for what good reason she talks when others can’t get her.

She says she talk truth and what is in her psyche and doesn’t shroud like others. Sai says she didn’t ask her by any stretch of the imagination, she has school and can’t miss it. Ashwini says she is illuminating her and not asking her. Sai says she won’t go as she has school and doesn’t have any desire to meddle between 2 develop individuals. Pakhi holds her hand and says she offended her again and shouts that she did an error tuning in to Sai and getting back, why she gave a particularly huge talk. Sai inquires as to why she is blowing up when she denied going with them, will she like on the off chance that she goes with them, she should hold her heart and tell in the event that she won’t feel terrible on the off chance that she goes with them.

Pakhi says she doesn’t feel critical to respond to her adolescent inquiries and leaves. Virat discloses to Bhavani that he will make all the game plans. Sai thinks she realizes Pakhi won’t allow her to go with them. Virat takes Sai in his jeep to drop her to class. She says there is such a lot of traffic, she revealed to him that she will go all alone as he will get late. He says its OK. She says he is khadoos jasoos. She asks what does she mean. She asks what might Pakhi answer to her inquiry. He asks how might he know. She says he is Pakhi’s bestfriend and should realize her answer like she knows her bestfriend Pari’s answer. He says he truly doesn’t have the foggiest idea. She inquires as to whether he needs her to go with him to Ladakh.

He says let us examine about it at night at home. They hear RJ examining about Valentinue’s day today. She inquires as to whether he has faith in Valentine’s day and think of it as unique. He says its regarding singular conviction. She says he is correct and figures he more likely than not come to keep an eye on her. She stops vehicle before door and leaves asking him not to go to her school to keep an eye on her, says bye KJ. He asks khadoos jasoos> She says savvy kid and leaves grinning. Sai meets Dr. Pulkit and returns his book. He says she is hitched and considering clinical is extreme, he is certain her parents in law should help her. She asks how can he know. He says they should be cherishing and really focusing on her.

She says they help her in family unit tasks and spoil her, however her marriage won’t proceed for long as her better half wedded her to satisfy his obligation and loves another person, she is remaining with him as she doesn’t have a spot to remain; inquires as to whether all relationships are awful. Pulkit says all marriage are not awful, but rather some are awful where their accomplice wed another person and leave them in agony until the end of time. Sayi thinks he is torment and has to know who his accomplice is. He says he feels unusual with her marriage of advantage and inquires as to whether she prefers any relative in every one of nowadays. She says she enjoys her family and loves her MIL a ton as she is so acceptable. He inquires as to whether she enjoys another person too. She says her nanad who is extremely sweet, however has endured a ton throughout everyday life, so she needs to help her.In Progress…

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein, 3rd, February 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein, 3 February 2021 Written Update: in progress

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