Kumkum Bhagya 26th October 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Kumkum Bhagya 26th October 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Kumkum Bhagya

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Indian Standard Time)

Telecath Days: Morday To Friday

Air Date: 26, October, 2021

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content: Kumkum Bhagya October 26th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start withAbhi let Tanu know that he had given her solace to remain with him, and not given her any freedoms, as the right is of just Pragya. He says I have many whines and inquiries with her, which I will do it without anyone else’s help later. Tanu asks don’t you cherish me? Abhi says when did I tell you, that I love you? He says did you at any point get a sensation of giving your everyday routine for somebody or can’t experience without somebody, no. He says you was remaining with me, as there was a bad situation for you to remain. He says let any one thing know which makes me succumb to you, and says I don’t cherish you and won’t ever adore you in future as well. Shagun says Inspector saheb comes. Investigator accompanies the constables and says you will now be taken to jail. Aaliya requests what? Controller says he is blamed for 6 people’s demise. Aaliya says you are accusing incorrectly individual. Mitali inquires as to whether he is discussing that occurrence, when you had beaten the folks. Controller says Mr. Abhi had provided requests to break the divider for remodel and 6 individuals have passed on, as the structure fell. Aaliya says you can’t fault my sibling. Abhi says I didn’t provide request for break east side divider. Pragya says I am the organization proprietor and asks how might you fault him.

She says in the event that any episode occurs there, I am capable. He says the project worker who was doing remodel, had cautioned Abhi that individuals will lose their lives, however Abhi said that he could do without anybody’s lives and needs daylight in the workplace. Abhi says I didn’t say this, I requested that they reinforce every one of the dividers so individuals remaining there, don’t have any issue. Investigator says this will be chosen by the court. Pragya says that worker for hire is lying, he can’t do this. Investigator says I have conversed with him as of now, he isn’t lying, yet your significant other is lying. He says for your Sunlight, you have killed many lives. Pragya says you can’t say this for my better half and tells that he can’t do this with anybody. Auditor requests that she let him tackle his job. Pragya calls Contractor and requests that he tell that her better half haven’t provided him any orders. The project worker says your significant other arranged me to break the divider, despite the fact that I cautioned him. Abhi says I didn’t ask you, and says you are lying. Worker for hire says court will conclude, you are undermining me. Controller requests that Constable capture him. Aaliya says you can’t capture my sibling. Pragya says you can’t capture him. Abhi says I haven’t done anything, while he is removed by the Police. Pragya stands stunned.

The project worker Subhash is in Gaurav’s home or office. He checks out him. Gaurav comes there and requests that Contractor break east side divider and let the daylight come inside. Project worker says it isn’t protected, and tells that a little while ago I told Abhi. Gaurav says you can get 20 years compensation without a moment’s delay. Project worker says individuals can bite the dust. Gaurav says leave them on their predetermination and do as I say. He says I guarantee that you won’t be accused. Fb closes. He gives him cash and reviews Pragya slapping him. He thinks your time is gone, this moment this is my opportunity, and see how I manage you. Pragya asks Aaliya and Tanu, who is associated with this? Aaliya asks who are you to inquiry us, and says we can ask you and say that Bhai went to prison because of you. Tanu says she has the propensity to denounce others. Aaliya asks how could you, how might you feel that I can send my sibling to imprison. Pragya says I am his better half. Tanu meddles. Pragya says he has no connection with you and says I won’t leave anybody hurting him. Aaliya requests that she proceed to save him. Pragya says I will save him. Aaliya says bhai went to your office. Pragya says for whom you works.

Aaliya says I don’t work for Gaurav. Pragya says Abhi has an uncertainty that you actually work for him. Aaliya says Bhai had simply uncertainty and you are accusing me. She says assuming this would have occurred, Bhai would have seen me in his office. Pragya says office. I didn’t say this, you have told it yourself. Aaliya says you have said bhai went to drop me to Gaurav’s office. Pragya says I told home, and says you told office. She says I am certain that you are supporting him, just Mitali Bhai and you both think about the remodel. Tanu says we had gone to meet Gaurav, as he needs to render retribution from you, however he can’t do anything amiss with Abhi. Pragya commits to toss them out of Abhi’s lives. Tanu says you have attempted previously and got ineffective. Pragya says last time she didn’t swear, yet time even her fate will uphold her. She goes out in a rush. Mitali inquires as to whether the relatives will be kicked out individually. Aaliya says shut up. Mitali says I will ask Mummy ji and Dadi to remain in Punjab, and says our visit will end here. Tanu requests that she see what she will do. Aaliya requests that Mitali let her be. She thinks assuming Pragya is correct, that Gaurav have done this, he ought haven’t got Bhai this matter.

Gaurav plays chess and figures no one but he can overcome himself in this game. Pragya is in the vehicle and calls legal counselor, requesting that he get bail and arrive at the PS. Gaurav calls Pragya and asks how is she? He says a few seconds ago I came to think about your significant other’s capture. Pragya says reality will be your capture which will come in paper tomorrow. Gaurav asks how did I respond? Pragya says you won’t be saved from my sight now, after you attempted to hurt my significant other. Gaurav says I need to come in my heart and assurances to get him liberated. She closes the call and requests that driver stop the vehicle. Gaurav hears the entryway ringer and figures she may have come here. He sees somebody on the entryway. Media goes to the PS and questions Abhi for the 6 man’s demise. Constable takes them from that point. Pragya comes there. Abhi says sorry to Pragya for feeling embarrassed infront of society and media. Pragya says you don’t have to feel embarrassed and says let society and media come, I will explain them. She says I have full trust on you and realizes that you can’t do anything wrong. He says it is your trust that I can’t do anything wrong. Pragya says I had failed to remember this inclination and says when you are harmed, I am feeling torment.

Abhi says sorry. Pragya says don’t say heartbroken, this inclination is additionally important. She asks him not to think anything and says you great examine our room, I can bear you there, yet all at once not here. He asks will I break it? Pragya says no need of herogiri, legal counselor is coming and you will get bail, then, at that point, can accompany me. He asks her not to cry, and says you have lost the dart game and will comply with me for 24 hours. Pragya says we will return home and play another game. He says as much that you can win and asks what she needs him to turn into. Gaurav asks Aaliya why is she here? Aaliya says today a sister has come for her sibling, and says I had just let you know that Bhai went for office remodel. Gaurav expresses what do you mean, I don’t comprehend. She inquires as to for what reason are you catching my sibling. He says I like you more when you are loose. Tanu says you can’t win Aaliya’s heart by harming Abhi. Gaurav says I need to deliver retribution from Pragya and presently she will realize who is the genuine chief. Aaliya says you are focusing on my sibling to deliver retribution on Pragya. He says I will get your sibling liberated, when Pragya requests my assistance. Tanu says however you won’t help her straightforwardly.

Gaurav says I will concur when she satisfies my fantasies. Tanu says one more admirer of Pragya. Gaurav says business, and says I need a business which gives me much cash for quite a long time. Aaliya inquires as to why Pragya will give you business. Gaurav says I have the verification which can demonstrate him blameless.

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