Kumkum Bhagya 2nd December 2020 Episode Written Update

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Kumkum Bhagya 2nd December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Kumkum Bhagya 2 December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 2nd December, 2020

December 2, 2020 : Kumkum Bhagya Today Episode Start with Pragya crying thinking about Rhea’s words and says how you have said that I am not your mom? Prachi thumps on the entryway and thinks that its open. She shows the doll and says I have taken for you as well… She cries and shows the pastels which she brought for her, when she brought for Prachi. She says I used to compose these letters for you, yet it used to return as the location was changed. Sarita behen, Shahana and Prachi see her crying a lot. Sarita behen says let her cry and take out her torment. Rhea strolls out and about and thinks about Aaliya’s provocative words, and furthermore Pragya’s words preferring Prachi, Prachi’s words that she is unfortunate and no one will call her little girl. She remains on the widely appealing and is going to meet with a mishap.

Aaliya and Abhi please the street. Rhea runs towards the vehicle and is going to get hit, when Abhi comes and spares her. Aaliya embraces her and inquires as to whether she is fine? Rhea pushes her and embraces Abhi. Abhi brings her home and requests that Rhea rest. He asks Meera to make Rhea rest and afterward she rest. He then Aaliya requests to come out. Specialist comes out and asks Vikram to keep Pallavi away from any pressure, as her heart is extremely powerless. Vikram asks would we be able to meet? Specialist asks Ranbir to meet first. Beeji asks him not to state anything incorrectly to Pallavi now.

Abhi asks Aaliya what does she need? He says I disclosed to you ordinarily, not to affront Pragya and says I feel terrible. He says you are offending her since years, presently you have a family and will not do this. Aaliya says it isn’t this way. Abhi inquires as to for what reason did you do something like this that hurt me, Pragya and my little girls. She inquires as to for what reason don’t she think great about his family. Aaliya asks what did I do now? Abhi says you probably said something to Rhea, you realize that she is irascible, irate and so on and when you kept your hand on her shoulder, she got over your hand from her shoulder. Aaliya says thank you bhai, you are certain that Rhea’s condition is a direct result of me. She says Rhea is disturbed in light of Pragya, whom she had begun preferring a great deal. He says Rhea is the little girl like the little girls used to be, yet Pragya isn’t a similar mother.

He inquires as to whether any mother sends her girl to imprison. Abhi says Pragya didn’t do that, I know her more than myself. Aaliya says you don’t have any acquaintance with her. She says we as a whole were available when that murder endeavor occurred, however Pragya grumbled about it. She says she would prefer not to enter here as bahu, don’t have any desire to be Rhea’s mom and don’t need Prachi to get your affection. She says you may state that there are numerous adversaries who did this. She incites him and says there was Pragya’s name in the FIR. She says they had come here and offended Rhea. She says Prachi embarrassed Rhea without question. Abhi asks when did they come? Aaliya says they have come, when you was laying down with cerebral pain.

Abhi says Prachi can’t embarrass Rhea. Aaliya says Prachi revealed to Rhea that it is acceptable that Pragya has picked her over Rhea, as she is a trouble maker and God would prefer not to give her a mother, her fate is such. She says she said that she doesn’t merit a mother. He says Prachi can’t state this. Aaliya says Prachi said that Rhea is a revile and they couldn’t stand to see her out of lock up. She says I didn’t let you know as you was unwell. She says Pragya came to PS, however she came to see her in torment. Abhi says Pragya probably come to free her. Aaliya says even the kid realize that solitary the individual takes the FIR on whose name case is recorded. She says Rhea did many slip-up, that time she didn’t think about reality, yet Prachi thought about her sister and acted with her.

She says they were arranging argument against her and denounces Abhi for Rhea’s condition. Mitali hears everything. Rhea reviews Prachi’s provoking words and afterward Sarita behen’s words. She thinks about Pragya’s notice and wipes her tears. Pallavi is in the ICU. Ranbir comes to meet her and says I was terrified to see you like this. Pallavi says my child got frightened. Ranbir says you was oblivious. Pallavi says sorry for making him terrified. She asks him not to leave her. She says I was going to lose you. Ranbir says you will never lose me and tells that they will do what she needs.

Pallavi sincerely coerces him and says you was leaving me for Prachi. I never thought about this. He inquires as to for what reason would we say we are discussing this? Pallavi says we will speak straightforwardly, you can go to Prachi, I can live alone. Ranbir says I am with you. Pallavi requests that he acknowledge Rhea or let her bite the dust. Vikram hears them from outside. Pallavi requests that he guarantee that he will wed Rhea. Ranbir reviews his guarantee made to Prachi and making her wear the ring. Pallavi asks will you decline and make me extremely upset? Ranbir thinks about Doctor’s words and consents to wed Rhea.

Pallavi says I realized that you love me. Ranbir says I love you more than any other person. Aaliya reprimands Abhi for the happenings and says when Pragya met Rhea, she said that she is a miscreant, girl, unfortunate, doesn’t merit a mother. She says this has happened as a result of you, on the off chance that you had acquired a mother Rhea’s life, on the off chance that you had a family, at that point no one would have meddled. She says my companion returned 11 years, who is all around settled now, in the event that you had hitched her, at that point she would have cherished Rhea.

She says in the event that Pragya needed to get back, at that point she wouldn’t have called you Mr. Mehra. She says she needed to hurt you and needed to bother Rhea, so she endeavors self destruction. Abhi says simply like I like Rhea, Pragya loves her as well. Aaliya requests that he demonstrate that he can do anything for Rhea’s satisfaction, and inquires as to whether he has just Pragya and Prachi in his life. Abhi says I love Rhea and no compelling reason to demonstrate. Aaliya approaches Abhi to bring a mother for Rhea, who cherishes her and causes her to accept that she has mother’s affection in her life.

She says until you get hitched, Pragya will pull you towards her. Abhi inquires as to whether you are distraught and says Pragya is my better half and will consistently be, I love her. Rhea comes and inquires as to myself? She says on the off chance that I am unfortunate to the point that I didn’t have even advance mother’s affection. She says I have an inclination that I am so unfortunate and you additionally love Prachi. Abhi says Pragya is your mother. Rhea tells whatever Prachi had said and inquires as to whether it is her slip-up, that pragya took Prachi and not her.

She says I am nothing for Pragya ji and not for Prachi and not for you as well. Abhi asks her not to think this? Rhea requests that he eliminate this idea from my psyche. She requests that he demonstrate that I am the world’s fortunate little girl. He says I will do whatever you request, even my life. Rhea requests that he wed Meera and give her a mother. Mitali is stunned. Aaliya grins.

In Progress….


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