Kundali Bhagya 8 April 2021 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya

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By TellyExpert: “Kundali Bhagya 8 April 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Kundali Bhagya

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 8, April, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

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Tellyexpert Kundali Bhagya 8 April 2021

Kundali Bhagya 8th April 2021 Tellyupdates.Tv

Kundali Bhagya 8 April 2021 10starupdates starts with Kritika comes out with the sarree requesting that the server show her beginning and end since she needs to check if the tasks are going easily, he gets stressed over Preeta so inquires as to why she is coming then Kritika requests that he hustle just a bit. Sherlin is remaining at the lobby at that point asks Prithvi top come out, he comes dressed as a lady referencing that he is Preeti, she requests that he not demonstration like this since he needs to get erase the recording of the previous three days, Prithvi asks her to stand by and inquiries what will she wear anyway Sherlin specifies that she will stand by in the corridor so nobody follows him.

Preeta and Kritika are strolling with the server when he feels that there is something incorrectly so he should take them to the directors office, he pushes forward of the cctv room, the two of them stop yet he requests that they follow him, Preeta and Kritika keep thinking about whether he has gotten doubt of their arrangement, Preeta request that Kritika follow the server while she would follow the server. Prithvi clarifies that there is something which the administrator can give him, he asks what does he need from him.

Prithvi clarifies that he needs him to erase the camera film of the previous three days anyway the administrator inquires as to whether she figures he will accept kickbacks since he isn’t such an individual and could never accept hush money, he is certain that she has some connection to the homicide of Akshay which is the reason she is attempting to pay off him, he pushes the alert what starts ringing in the whole lodging, the police gets stressed that killer may have arrived at the room before them so they begin running, which stresses Sherlin as she might suspect Prithvi may get captured, there is a thump on the entryway so the administrator opens it.

Preeta is remaining in the Burqa, he asks since when do the police conceal their face, he at that point runs outside, Prithvi finds the opportunity to erase the recording and he runs from the window, Preeta additionally sits yet is stunned on the grounds that there is no recording, the police go into the room yet are concerned, they question the administrator about the materials and character of the two ladies, he anyway clarifies that the two of them were covering their countenances, the server likewise comes advising them regarding Preeta and Kritika, overseer arranges the constable to check every single entryway of the inn.

Prithvi is running when Sherlin pulls him to the side, Preeta is likewise strolling when Kritika meets her then Preeta clarifies that somebody has effectively erased the recording of the previous three days and the work which they had come to complete had effectively been performed, Kritika at that point makes reference to they should leave since it is truly risky, Kritika while strolling sees Sherlin so turns out educating that she has seen yet Preeta pulls her adage that they would discuss it later. The monitor orders his men to look through the inn.

Kritika clarifies that assuming she has seen Sherlin, she would have likewise seen her, she would have the option to presume that she has something to do with Akshay’s homicide, Preeta illuminates her that in the event that anybody gets some information about the day when Akshay was killed she ought to deny in any event, going to the workplace, she ought not say reality regardless of whether anybody demonstrates that she went to the inn, Preeta clarifies that she doesnot need her name to come else it would cause a truly downright awful.

Kritika addresses what is she saying, Preeta says that assuming she acknowledges, they would make her the assistant, she doesnot know whether Akshay kicked the bucket due to her counter then they would capture her yet she can’t acknowledge anything, Kritika at that point specifies that she hit Akshay in light of her recordings so ought not be stressed, Preeta educates her to never talk reality to anybody since, supposing that they come to realize that she had hit Akshay then the explanation would likewise be uncovered.

Kritika embraces Preeta who illuminates her to never talk reality and just talk what she is said to, Kritika inquires as to for what reason does she figure the police would be relate her to the homicide of Akshay, Kritika clarifies that she has seen Sherlin, Preeta anyway makes reference to that she may be mixed up, Kritika is certain then Preeta clarifies she has an arrangement and they would return to their home utilizing an alternate route to check whether Sherlin is there then their doubt would be demonstrated valid.

Sherlin is strolling with Prithvi, she says that he ought not be stressed on the grounds that she has asked the gathering and the police have disappeared, Sherlin at that point uncovers she saw Kritika in the lodging anyway Prithvi clarifies that she isn’t right as Kritika is in the Luthra chateau, he says she ought not be concerned on the grounds that they have erased the recording. ACP Bandra out of resentment inquires as to why they called him since he was going to kill his companion, they are concerned he says that his companion has applied such solid shadings that they are not getting out so assuming he can’t eliminate them, would without a doubt slaughter him.

ACP heads into his office where an individual is hanging tight for him, he clarifies that he functions as a cleaner at the lodging where Akshay passed on and is working the night move, he saw two individuals who came to meet him however were not remaining at the inn, ACP requests that the constable show the photograph when the laborer focuses to one of the photograph, he specifies that he is additionally dubious of the individual so now they would play exceptional Holi with them. Kritika inquires as to whether she has discovered her, the two of them uncover that Sherlin is absent in the house, Kritika is certain that she would then be particle the inn as she is certain, they at that point go to check the kitchen which is the last spot

Note: We do not provide any video links of Kundali Bhagya 8 April 2021 full episode tellyexpert just provide the written text format for the fan of 8 April 2021 Serial Kundali Bhagya Written Update.

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