Meet 12th July 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Meet 12th July 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Meet

Timings On TV: All times are on the 12th July (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 12th July 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Meet 12th July 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Babita says to Meet Ahlawat and Manjari, Deep’s mom expressed yes for Isha. Manjari get’s energized and begin moving and before long acknowledge she emerged from her personality and says I’ll proceed to meet Isha. Meet Ahlawat additionally leave.

Ragini requesting that Isha wear a dress. Isah pitching fits. Sunaina shares with Ragini don’t stress she will great search in all things and request that Isha attempt a dress. Isha says no I could do without these dresses. Slam and Tej talking about to not to enter between young ladies show. Manjari strolls first floor and salute Isha. Meet Ahlawat additionally salute her. Manjari says we should fix the date soon with the goal that I can likewise be essential for marriage and have a good time. Meet Ahlawat says this bliss is connected with my family and for what reason are you cheerful, you are Manjari. Manjari taunts him. Popat keep three dresses and says we should see which one she will very much want to wear, I previously put down a bet on one dress. Meet Ahlawat recommend one dress to Isha. Isha statements of regret to everybody and says I won’t wear any of these dresses, yet I have chosen to wear saree so she is dazzled. Ragini says OK do as you like. Manjari tells Isha I’m not dazzled with your choice, who said a saree wearing young lady is refined and wearing a morden dress is crude, passing judgment on a young lady on her dress is disregard, you can wear what you need yet don’t talk wrong, you resemble my young sister I can deal with any fits however don’t talk wrong. Meet Ahlawat thinks I accept she is same young lady.

Manjari searching for Popat so she can hair her oil. Babita in corridor says come I’ll put oil, after all you called me your mother so least I can accomplish for yourself and allow me to do I’ll feel quite a bit better. Manjari says no it’s alright and discuss her child. Babita says don’t stress I’ll oil your hairs. Babita oiling her hairs and discussing Meet to Manjari, she enlighten her beginning and end concerning Meet and says I understood past the point of no return about Meet, my one awful choice isolated my loved ones. Masum strolls in shares with Babita this doesn’t mean you will tell everything to an obscure individual. Babita says I was talking nonchalantly. Masum says you were discussing Meet deliberately to a like her individual and who double-crossed Meet Ahlawat and for what reason are we examining our family matters, she is hanging around for father when he will be fine there will be a bad situation for her in this house. Manjari tells Masum don’t point your finger at me and for what reason are you talking refuse about me, do you have some issue in your brain like your sibling. Masum attempt to slap her yet Meet Ahlawat holds her hand. Meet Ahlawat says I acquired her home assuming you definitely disapprove of her, don’t lift your hands Manjari extols expresses gratitude for agreeing with my position and says she is offending me since you additionally act same like her and expresses I’m here a result of father not for cash and says I disdain you Mr. Ahlawat and tells Babita, I am sorry yet don’t want to oil my hair now and leave. Masum says to Meet Ahlawat anything she shared with you I could do without however I think you merit itand leave. Meet Ahlawat shares with himself you disdain me that you previously told a year back in video yet presently I’ll show the amount I disdain you and will demonstrate infront of every individual who are you.

Meet Ahlawat go into her room says currently I’ll find her in the act in her room. Popat thumps on entryway. Meet Ahlawat stow away. Popat go into room and call Manjari. Manjari says you are doing an excess of now, atleast let me know if you are going to parlor. Popat expresses sorry for giving you strain and request that she see her face. Manjari expresses take a gander at my dress how would I look. Popat says wear anything you look lovely. Meet Ahlawat concealing under the bed. Popat drinking liquor and says I’m layered, she rests on bed and request that Manjari rub her. Manjari expresses pay attention to me just you pays attention to me and ridicule her age. Popat awaken and ask let md know what is it that you need to talk I’m as yet youthful. Manjari says I’m frightened in light of the fact that this show won’t go on for a really long time, it seem like I’m duping them, when I see Raj I want to embrace him, I can’t leave this family and at whatever point Meet Ahlawat approach me I want to say, Manjari get terrified in the wake of seeing a mouse. Meet Ahlawat likewise see and gets terrified.

Isha shares with Ragini I settle on what Manjari said no body ought to be decided on there garments however mother I truly need Deep’s mother expresses yes to our connection I can’t manage the cost of him loosing once more. Ragini says I likewise need same that Deep’s mother leaves blissful when so go from here since you getting hitched with Shanty was terrible choice, you needed to confront a ton yet not currently, me and your dad need you to live with Deep.

Meet Ahlawat, Manjari and Popat terrified searching for mouse in room. Manjari says I suspect as much it took off. Meet Ahlawat ask yet how could it go into the house. Manjari says you let me know how could it came. Meet Ahlawat says I don’t have a clue about my eyes are not CCTV camera. Manjari ask him what are you doing in my room tell me. Popat ask him determine what are you doing in our room, what were you thinking. Meet Ahlawat says don’t take me wrong. Popat inquire as to for what reason do we trust you. Manjari says you were concealing under bed and I was on bed don’t have any idea what all he probably seen and begin crying. Meet Ahlawat says I’m not that sort of fellow I’m extremely good and infact I was confronting opposite side when you held your legs down. Manjari begin crying says you were seeing my legs and says we won’t remain here we will leave. Meet Ahlawat attempt to stop them and hold Popats hand. Popat request that he leave her hand. Meet Ahlawat says kindly don’t take me wrong, he tells Manjari without taking myself into account atleast sit tight for my father since he is recuperating now and blissful. Manjari says all is well however the thing were you doing in my room.

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Tellyexpert Meet 12th July 2022

Meet 12th July 2022 updates

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