Meet 30th July 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Meet 30th July 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Meet

Timings On TV: All times are on the 30th July (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 30th July 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Meet 30th July 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Slam and Ragini with Lakshmi icon in there hand. Meet see them and take cover behind wall. The two of them cover it and head inside. Meet thinks I need to see where they are taking this symbol. Smash and Ragini go into house. Meet enter behind them says I have never seen so much frightened and for what reason are they taking this symbol.

Manushi in her room. Kunal attempt to converse with her. Manushi irate on her. Kunal says trust me I didn’t had kheer made by your mom, I swear on my dead mother. Manushi says stay away don’t contact me I know this since I saw you eating kheer. Kunal says you trust him all the more then me. Manushi says she is exceptionally unique a once in a lifetime chance for me to take 100 crore from them. Kunal in shock. Manushi says so anything that she will say I’ll trust on her not you. Kunal says for this much cash I’ll likewise write trust me and ask what is your arrangement. Manushi says simply stand by and watch. Kunal ask we will do 50-50. Manushi says for that you need to work as well. Kunal says ofcourse I’m prepared to do anything tell me. Manushi says utilize your contacts and attempt to organize a child for Manjari and do it quick we lack the opportunity. Kunal says on the off chance that this the explanation why don’t we utilize this child. Manushi says simply do as I say don’t utilize alternate route. Kunal inquire as to why not this one.

Slam and Ragini inside room with icon. Slam says thank god no one saw us. Meet external the room. Ragini says how awful we will be, we took symbol and lie to Raj. Meet hear everything thinks what’s going on and what are they stowing away. Smash get’s call from Barfi. Barfi welcome them and says I was hitting the hay so figured the reason why don’t inquire as to whether we need to come for function or not. Smash and Ragini says OK we did the arrengements. Barfi says I realize I was simply inquiring as to myself little wish. Slam show her godlike object and says here is your little desire. Meet remembers all that and thinks this mean presently Ragini’s bangles are of Barfi this symbol will be as well. Barfi says OK I’ll come and recollect that I need gold and silver comparable to Isha’s weight. Smash and Ragini says no concerns all that will happen like you need. Manjari slips and get inside room unintentionally. Barfi says see she is here. Manjari gets out whatever might I at any point do in light of the fact that voracious individuals have not given be any decision and ask Ram and Ragini what is this, you are deceiving entire family, even you gave your bengals and presently symbol. Barfi available for any emergencies yells at Ragini says I discuss marriage just to relatives and she will not tune in by any means, in actuality she is despondent in light of your little girl’s joy, she is leased spouse. Ragini shares with Barfi don’t stress I’ll deal with it. Barfi says I’ll likewise see what you will pick your little girls joy or her. Barfi says mind your language and separates call. Ragini and Ram expresses out loud whatever is this. Manjari says in the event that you believe I’m off-base, we will proceed to let everybody know happening come we should go. Ragini says stop I beseech you kindly express nothing to anybody. Manjari says are you understanding on the off chance that I’ll be very, what Isha need to pay, by tolerating her circumstances you are simply going to destroy Isha’s life, as of now she was in awful connection before and I don’t need she go in that once more and Ahlawat’s. Slam says sufficient who are you to let us know you are not even relative for what reason would it be a good idea for us we pay attention to you. Manjari says OK Meet Ahlawat brought me here so will pay attention to me, I’ll proceed to let him know everything and she leave. Smash tells Ragini proceed to stop her. Smash and Ragini follow her.

Manjari thumping on his entryway. Get Ahlawat wakes together says who is thumping on entryway so late. Ragini shares with Manjari stand by I’ll make sense of you everything. Manjari says you attempt to comprehend, Isha is your little girl you love her so don’t toss her in trap of settlement, similar to this she will request something your entire life and you both will be coerced for what seems like forever. Manjari yells from outside opwn dooyneed to talk something significant. Meet Ahlawat says stand by. Slam shares with Manjari don’t let him know anything or, more than likely I’ll let Raj know that you are Manjari not Meet. Get Ahlawat get together. Slam says when he will know reality he will toss you out. Meet Ahlawat open entryway and ask what occur and ask Manjari let me know what’s up. Meet Ahlawat ask Ram and Ragini is all that alright some kind of problem with Dad. Smash says he is alright and tell I ask her not to come infront of Barfi tomorrow since both of you generally conflicts one another, so she said that she will objection you. Meet Ahlawat tells Manjari do as they are asking and I don’t need her marriage ought to destroy once more. Manjari says I additionally need same, she takes a gander at him and thinks I wish you comprehend, she leave and thinks today circumstance has made me calm however I swear I’ll save Isha. Ragini thinks thank god she was very.

Popat shares with Manjari thankgod you were very or probably Manjari would be out of this house this evening and your arrangement would have demolished. Meet says I need to converse with Meet Ahlawat yet I don’t have the foggiest idea how would it be advisable for me I make things right. Isha was at that point in a difficult situation last time and don’t have any desire to rehash that, I don’t believe she should be miserable after her marriage. Popat expresses what might be said about you, you are likewise in torment, you will free on the off chance that you attempt to save Isha, your child is additionally sitting tight for you. Meet says I need to accomplish something so we get progress in the two things, I ought to advise all that to Meet Ahlawat, I figure he will assist me with saving Isha on the grounds that he cherishes her a ton he can deal with circumstance, I need to talk face to face. Popat says we must be speedy yet how might you converse with her in alone. Meet says god will help in that yet you need to deal with Kunal when he takes you to reception organization. Popat says don’t stress I’ll deal with him. Meet thinks I need to save Isha tomorrow and go to god to help her.

Next morning. Everybody occupied with arrengements. Isha strolls to Ram and Ragini. She embrace them both. Meet Ahlawat calls Isha . Manjari brings tea for everybody and thinks I need to take Meet Ahlawat elsewhere to let him know truth. Manjari leave Ram and Ragini. Meet Ahlawat shares with Isha I need to talk something vital to you, Deep is my companion very much like my sibling and you are getting hitched to him so I need to call you bhabhi. Isha chuckle at his joke. Meet thinks this is perfect opportunity I’ll let him know everything, she stroll to him. Babita strolls in and ask did Raj let anybody know where he will be, he vehicle and his driver is likewise not here and not in any event, picking telephone. Raj strolls in with something special for Isha, he give her desserts. Smash says this sweet is from Natthu Halwai who’s shop open at 5 and each sweet is done by 7 right so you were out from 5am from sweet. Raj says so what elderly folks can do anything for there youngster and says to Ram you are her daddy yet I’m enormous dad. Meet thinks I need to tell Meet Ahlawat that Ram and Ragini are giving share to Barfi.

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Tellyexpert Meet 30th July 2022

Meet 30th July 2022 updates

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