Meet 7th August 2023 Written Episode Update


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By Tellyexpert: “Meet 7th August 2023 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Meet

Timings On TV: ALL times are on the 7th August (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 7th August 2023

Country: India

Language: English

Today’s Content: Meet 7th August 2023 Written Update Episode starts with…Raj feels like leaving Sumeet to go to Shlok. He says that seeing how he was fighting a few days ago, he can proudly say that Sumeet has met in him. Shlok thinks it is finally the day to confess his love to Sumeet, then he will give her a sari. Shlok enters Sumeet’s room and is surprised to see the huge amount of space in the clothes he has arranged and hides the gifts he bought. Raj kisses Shlok and officially welcomes him as the son-in-law of the house.

Poonam tells Anju that she can’t believe that Shagun can do all this. Dadi thanks Sumeet and says he is always honest and asks everyone to start over. Shlok’s cousin Ashok is drunk because he met his wife in the market who left him. Poonam gets a call from Shagun. Raj tells Shlok that he never brought her in, but now he wants her with all his heart. Sumeet sees the gift Shlok bought and opens it to see the saree.

Sumeet tells Raj that he gave him a lot of love already and now his job is with Shlok, so they won’t accept anything from Raj. Raj hugs Shlok and Sumeet. Shagun tries to emotionally manipulate Poonam against Sumeet. He reminds her of Ashok’s wife who left their home in poverty. Shagun tells Sumeet that she can’t survive on Shlok’s meager income and warns him that she will soon leave them and leave to break Shlok’s heart. Sumeet and Shlok ride the bike one last time and reminisce about their memories together. Sumeet thinks they have accepted the relationship why Shlok still hasn’t confessed his love. Shlok feels that he wants to tell the world about his love for Sumeet.

When Poonam denies opposing Shlok’s relationship with Sumeet, Shagun continues to imitate Ashok and Rani and taunts her by telling her that Shlok will take up bad habits like drinking alcohol and drugs to cope with grief. Poonam gets scared and thinks the same thing and says that she will not do such a thing. Shlok goes home with Sumeet and finds Bitti in the hallway. He apologizes to Bitti for everything that happened, she laughs and reminds him that they are childhood friends. He smiled kindly at them and then showed his disappointment.

Dadi asks Sumeet to do grah pravesh but Poonam stops her and says she can’t enter the house. He said that this marriage is like two families and the difference between the rich and the poor is huge. Shlok tells Poonam how Raj wants to give Sumeet many luxuries but she refuses to take anything, she says that Sumeet will change slowly. He reminds him that Rani left her two daughters and Ashok because of their poverty. Poonam says it is better if she breaks up with Sumeet. He brings the divorce papers and asks them to sign it, much to everyone’s shock. Sumeet has tears in his eyes and takes the books. The episode ends with Sumeet tearing up the divorce papers.

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Tellyexpert Meet 7th August 2023, Episode Written Update

Tellyexpert Meet 7th August 2023

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