Mere Sai 25th February 2020 Written Update | Mere Sai Episodes Updates

Mere Sai Written Update

Mere Sai 25th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Sony Tv Show “Mere Sai 25-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Sai Solves Bappa Ji’s Problem

Airing Date: 25 February 2020

Full Written Update: 25-February-2020 Mere Sai Episode Start with

Bappa gets enthusiastic seeing his significant other sound again and asks how did this occur. Shayama says with Sai’s endowments and reminds him applying Sai’s given oodhi on his significant other. Bappa feels remorseful for offending Sai much after Sai’s assistance and inquires as to whether Sai will excuse him. Shyama says Sai is benevolent and will excuse him. Bappa drones Om Sai Ram. Sai hears that sitting in Dwarkamayi.

Bappa with Shyama comes to Dwarkamayi and apologizes Sai for not getting him. Sai says a human has 2 options, regardless of whether to accept god or not, in the event that he accepts, at that point it ought to be solid and shouldn’t change with circumstance, he will stroll on the way of truth consistently and is prepared to confront any circumstance. Bappa says he will be prepared to help him at whatever point he needs. Sai inquires as to whether he can get a coal stove from his home.

Bappa says his home is far away, so he will bring new one from here for him. Sai says he needs from his family itself. Bappa says his mom has one old one, yet he doesn’t have the foggiest idea whether she will give it or not. Sai says commonly we discover old concealed things which will support them. Bappa says he will go to his home and attempt to bring it.

Also Read: Mere Sai 24th February 2020 Written Update

Kakaji pandit is occupied with performing pooja at home when a lady gets him out and hollers that unpropitious Sulochana crossed her child’s baraat the previous evening, from that point forward her child is having high fever and his bidaayi didn’t occur by any means. Sulochana says she didn’t do anything. Lady says Sulochana is unfavorable and is risk to entire region. Others back her with their own thinking and request they should toss Sulochana out of town to stop further ominousness in their town. Lady heads towards Sulochana to rebuff her. Kakaji argues that he did pooja for quite a long time and served them, at that point how might they act up with his little girl.

Lady asks mukhiya to ask Kakaji to leave the town with Sulochana. Ragini and other kids stroll to Sai. Sai inquires as to whether they had test today. Ragini says she is strained reasoning how much checks she will get, other one says he will get 0, Prahlad says he didn’t comprehend inquiries by any stretch of the imagination.

Sai offers them products of the soil it isn’t essential they realize answer to every question, it implies they has a great deal of space to learn and should know to adapt up their deformities and prevail upon them. Mukhiya reveals to Kakaji that entire town regards Kajaji and he doesn’t have the foggiest idea whether Sulochana is foreboding or not, yet he can’t hazard every single other family’s lives, subsequently Kakaji ought to leave from town. Kakaji argues that his little girl isn’t unpropitious and on the off chance that anybody has confirmation that she is. Mukiya inquires as to whether he can demonstrate that his little girl isn’t unpropitious by getting her hitched and in the event that the kid doesn’t pass on, at that point it is demonstrated; he gives multi month for this. Kakaji says it isn’t right. Mukhiya says Sulochana ought to wed inside a month or should leave town.

Spouse discloses to Kakaji that mukhiya put them in a tough situation, who will wed Sulochana. Sulochana thinks in light of the fact that about her, her folks are in a tough situation; what is the utilization of holy person baba preventing her from ending it all. She reassures mother that god will secure them. Kakaji strolls to sanctuary and supplicates god that he served her his entire life, at that point why his little girl is enduring; like he can’t see his youngster’s torment, god can’t see her kid’s agony, he won’t go fro here until she shows him a way. He nods off while asking and hears god guiding him to go to baba as he has answer for his concern.

Also Read: Mere Sai 21st February 2020 Written Update


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