Mithai 13th July 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Mithai 13th July 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Mithai

Timings On TV: All times are on the 13th July (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 13th July 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Mithai 13th July 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Mithai is leaving for work when Dadu requests desserts. He offers cash to her, Mithai says I won’t’ take it. Dadu says you are doing a business so take it. He says I am glad that Sid is taking care of the business now. You have done this. Mithai says everybody is quiet since Sid accepted up the position so I am concerned. Dadu says they should plot something so you must be around Sid to safeguard him. Dadi comes there so Mithai takes their favors and leaves. Dadi requests that Dadu quit eating desserts.

Sid comes to the desserts shop and poses inquiries from the specialists. A cook requests that he taste a few desserts yet Sid finds everything rank. He sees a man blending a powder in the player and asks what’s this? The man says this powder is for variety. Sid gestures and leaves. The man calls Agarwal and says Sid knew nothing so I have added the powder that you gave me to the desserts.

Sid is on the lookout and sees individuals tossing garbage out and about while Mithai is selling desserts there. Sid comes to Mithai and inquires as to why are individuals tossing garbage out and about? Mithai says I am grieved, I will tidy all that up once my desserts are sold. Sid frowns at her so Mithai gets the rubbish and requests that purchasers toss the junk in her crate. Mithai lets Sid know that you can go at this point. The man carries desserts to Dadu’s shop in the wake of blending some powder in it. Individuals eat desserts and they begin swooning. Sid and Mithai hurry to them. The man leaves from that point in a rush. Ambulances show up there and remove patients. The man calls Agarwal and says work is finished. Agarwal tells Pramod I went about your responsibilities so you need to satisfy our arrangement now. Pramod says I will do my part of the bargain. Agarwal figures he was unable to be faithful to his family so I can’t confide in him. Pramod says when I get the shops and house then I will give the shops to you, you will become number one then. Pramod thinks I am playing a game on the two sides so hopefully everything works out as expected. Agarwal requests that he watch out for Girish. I can hardly imagine how he needed to do an arrangement with me to control his own child. Pramod is focused on and leaves from that point.

Pramod calls Abhishek and says work is finished, Sid will advance at this point. Abhishek closes the call and says I don’t feel better. Abha says we are doing this for our children.

Mithai and Sid are helping the patients in the shop when police shows up there. The examiner says individuals ate your desserts and turned out to be sick so we are capturing you. Mithai is stunned. Sid is removed by the police. The journalists are saying that he blended poison in the desserts. Certain individuals say it should be an arrangement against them.

Dadu tells Dadi that Mithai has carried Sid nearer to the business and family. I simply wish God would effectively unite them. Dadi says they squabble furiously yet they make each other work to improve things. Dadu says you are correct. Dadi expresses perhaps there will be a way for them to become one? Dadu says I trust so. Mithai shows up there and shouts. She says the police showed up at the shop and they captured Sid. All are stunned. Dadu asks what was the deal? Mithai says a few purchasers had food contamination subsequent to eating the desserts so the police captured Sid. Shaurya shows them the fresh insight about Sid getting captured and every one of the shops of Hari Mohan desserts having poison in their desserts. Dadu gets focused on seeing all that. Girish says you can definitely relax, I will bring Sid back home. Dadu says to work on something for Sid.

The specialist checks Dadu and says he shouldn’t accept the pressure. Dadi says I am fine, he requests that they proceed to bring Sid back. Girish says we will free him, you can definitely relax. Girish, Shubham, and Abhishek leave. Mithai looks on.

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Mithai 13th July 2022 updates

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