Mithai 29th August 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Mithai 29th August 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Mithai

Timings On TV: All times are on the 29th August (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 29th August 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Mithai 29th August 2022 Written Update Episode starts with

Apeksha giving a clarification to the Chobe family and looks for absolution from them. She is sorry to Harimohan. Harimohan gives a daily existence illustration and pardons her. Apeksha goes to Sid and Mithai and looks for their absolution. Sid and Mithai excuse her. Apeksha embraces Mithai and expresses thanks to her. Sid declares his new choice to the Chobe family. He says he won’t go to Singapore. He additionally reports he will leave his product work and he will join the privately-run company. He says he will make Harimohan desserts the no 1 on the planet. Girish embraces him and says from here onward my 2 children will be my two hands. Girish shares with Harimohan his fantasy worked out. Harimohan says he will go have his medication. Mithai pursues him.

Mithai proceeds to inquire as to whether she ought to bring his medication. Harimohan says he doesn’t require it. Harimohan says he is stressed over Sid. He says Sid is a specialist and not a sweet creator. Mithai additionally says regarding her concerns to Harimohan. Mithai says her fantasy is to open her shop and she asks how might she leave that and join Harimohan desserts. Harimohan requests that Mithai converse with Sid to alter his perspective. He says he trust Mithai as she transformed him. Apeksha hears everything what they are referring to and chooses to utilize it for her potential benefit and ponders internally she will make Sid hers.

Apeksha converses with Sid and inquires as to whether he proposed to her. Sid says he didn’t. Apeksha calls him dumb and reminds him how Mithai helped them. Sid says he doesn’t have the foggiest idea what to do. Apeksha gives a plan to send all his family out and at night he can give Mithai a major shock. Apeksha expresses Sid to stay away from Mithai until the astonishment to prod her. Sid concurs. Apeksha thinks from here on out you will have a ton of shocks Mithai. Sid leaves.

Sid considers what Apeksha said. Sid messages Shubham. Shubham comes and asks Sid for what good reason did he message him. Sid requests help from Shubham and gets out whatever he will do today. Shubham prods him. He says he will take everybody outside and says he will take them to the sanctuary. Sid concurs. Mithai comes to converse with Sid. Sid says he has a great deal of work and dodges Mithai.

Everybody prepares to pass on to the sanctuary. Mithai says Sid has not come till now. Shubham says Sid has called him and said he will arrive behind schedule. They take off from Mithai in the house. Mithai loosens up in her room. The entryway unexpectedly gets shut. Mithai gets stressed and yells on the off chance that it is Sid.

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Tellyexpert Mithai 29th August 2022

Mithai 29th August 2022 updates

Note: We do not provide any video links of Mithai 29th August 2022 full episode tellyexpert just provide written text format for site fan of Serial Mithai Written Update.

Update For: Mithai 29th August 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist.


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