Nimki Vidhayak 24th January 2020 Written Updates | Nimki Vidhayak Episodes Updates


Nimki Vidhayak 24th January 2020 Written Episode Update, Star Bharat Show “Nimki Vidhayak 24-01-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Nimki Plans To Punish Ganga

Airing Date: 24 January 2020

Full Written Update: 24-January-2020 Nimki Vidhayak Episode Start with

Nimki tells Abhi and others that Ganga is behind this. She is selling the young ladies, how might she do that. Tunee says she is a lady and doing this to other ladies? Nimki says I didn’t realize she is so modest, I will get her rebuffed. I didn’t disclose to her anything, she didn’t question me. Mahua comes there and says my companion’s mom is calling yet I can’t disclose to her that her little girl is dead.

Tunee says when Ganga realizes that Nimki knows reality then she won’t sit discreetly. Ganga reveals to Mishra that Nimki could have heard me. She requests that Shankar converse with Shukla, he was taking steps to bring my name up in the event that he goes down with this case. She requests that Shankar advise the goons to keep their mouth shut until this issue is illuminated. We will begin our business once more, it’s not possible for anyone to stop me. Abhi says now we know reality and don’t have the foggiest idea what we can do. Mahua says she was acting so sweet today. I was unable to comprehend that she is my lawbreaker. She ought to be rebuffed.

Tunee says yet we don’t have any verification against her. Mahua says how might I tell my companion’s mom realizes that her little girl Khushi is dead. Sweety says Nimki can include the police. Abhi says we need to locate the evidence first. Nimki says I faced Tettar when everybody was terrified of him, I can battle with Ganga as well. Tunee says she isn’t Tettar, she is exceptionally perilous. Mahua says Ganga can hurt Nimki, she can obliterate your life, I don’t comprehend what’s going on or right.

Nimki says what are you saying? These young ladies needed to experience so a lot, I need to get equity for them. Abhi says you can’t a choice out of resentment. Nimki indignantly leaves from that point. Tunee reveals to Mahua that battling with Ganga isn’t simple, Nimki is solid however she can’t battle Ganga. Mahua says I saw Khushi passing on before me, she argued for her life however I was unable to spare her in time. Nimki reviews how she found about Ganga’s reality.

She awakens and envisions Ganga there. Ganga advises her to make a solid effort to win the force. Nimki says I know your reality, I won’t extra you. Ganga says you can’t move without my consent. I know Mahua’s room, I can without much of a stretch go there, you can’t stop me. Nimki says you ought to be in prison. Ganga says I am as of now a Chief Minister and you upheld me.

Read More : Nimki Vidhayak 23rd January 2020 Written Update


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