Pinjara Khubsurti Ka 11 March 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Pinjara Khubsurti Ka 11 March 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Pinjara Khubsurti Ka

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 11, March, 2021

Country: India


Today’s Content: Pinjara Khubsurti Ka March 11, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Omkar saying Tara to close her eyes and make her birthday wish. Tara wishes that in spite of the fact that her dad cherishes her a ton however she needs her mom as well. She requests that God return her mom as her birthday wish. Mayura feels that Tara called her. She feels overpowered. Ashutosh causes her to understand that doll isnt Tara. He says they will discover Tara, even Sulekha has gone to appeal to God for her. He requests that Mayura comprehend Tara isn’t here. Mayura gets flashback of Omkar revealing to her that he won’t ever permit her to turn into a mother and afterward he left city with Tara. She begins getting fit of anxiety and swoons.

Omkar and Manjiri wish cheerful birthday to Tara yet abruptly she blacks out as well. Specialist reveals to Mayura’s family that he permitted her to remain at home because of their solicitation however Mayura is enduring more serious despondency which is the explanation she continues discussing non existing things. Specialist says that if inside three days there is no improvement in her condition, he will build her medication measurement and even concede her in emergency clinic. Manjiri calls a cleric and requests that he check Tara. She says Tara oftens blacks out this way and specialist has said this is on the grounds that she didnt get mother’s milk when she was baby. Manjiri gives Tara’s horoscope diagram to cleric and requests that he discover some arrangement.

Omkar finds a paper under Tara’s pad on which she has drawn a female figure and composed Mumma. Omkar feels discouraged seeing it and goes outside the room. He asks Manjiri that despite the fact that he has been doing all that Tara says for what reason does she misses her mom. He says that it has been a long time since they moved to Singapore yet he feels Mayura is associated with Tara. He thinks despite the fact that he accomplishes such a great deal yet at the same time its insufficient to cause Tara to fail to remember her mom. Ashutosh reprimands dadi for empowering Mayura. Dadi says consistently, just this day Mayura feels a little satisfaction, how might they grab it from her. Ashutosh says its flitting satisfaction and will vanish soon, he would not like to lose his little girl until the end of time. Dadi says god won’t ever excuse Omkar,he isolated Tara from Mayura as well as grabbed Mayura from them.

Manjiri supports Omkar and says soon Tara will disregard presence of her mom. Minister says them that impending days are undependable for Tara. Manjiri requests that he disclose to some arrangement and they will do whatever he says. Mayura converses with doll and says she doesn’t have the foggiest idea how her Tara looks, she should be running and tattling a ton now. Ashutosh comes there and Mayura reveals to him that she knows doll isnt Tara however as doll has a place with Tara so she can feel her in it. She says she can’t spend always thinking about doll as Tara and needs to make some colossal stride. Ashutosh says they have effectively attempted each conceivable thing. Mayura tells she will not abandon her little girl. She says when Omkar had tormented her, Ashutosh had urged her to retaliate and win. She will do a similar at this point.

Minister reveals to Omkar that lone arrangement is taking Tara to take a dunk in heavenly waters of Narmada River. Manjiri says that is impractical. Minister says there could be no other arrangement and leaves. Manjiri reveals to Omkar they can’t go to Jabalpur. Omkar anyway says if its essential for wellbeing of his little girl, he will unquestionably go to Narmada River. Mayura goes to goddess and discloses to Ashutosh that she found an answer. She says her and Omkar’s story began at Narmada Ghat so now Goddess Narmada will just answer her questions and show her the way. Omkar comes to Jabalpur with Tara and Manjiri. When Tara gets down from vehicle, Mayura feels the association. Mayura says she feels Tara is close by. Tara asks Manjiri for what reason are there dark shades around. Manjiri concocts rationalization of various climate condition.

Tara inquires as to whether this is the home where she was conceived and if her mom likewise used to remain here with Omkar. Omkar changes the point and requests that she head inside and take rest. Omkar’s staff gives him data about Mayura and says she isn’t well so she generally remains at home. Omkar asks him not to tell anybody about Omkar being here and they will leave back to go to Singapore in two days.Tara cheerfully plays in the house. She takes Omkar to the goddess icon and inquires as to whether he and her mom implored together here. At that point

she takes him to the wellspring and inquires as to whether mumma preferred it. At that point in the room again she gets some information about her mom. Manjiri discloses to her not to discuss her mom as Omkar feels hurt. She says her mom has gone to god. Tara requests absolution. Omkar grins and inquires as to whether she needs to eat frozen yogurt. Tara says she doesn’t need frozen yogurt yet rather Jalebis. Omkar recalls how Mayura had said him that jalebi are her top pick. House keeper comes and says that minister has come. Manjiri says she will make Jalebis for Tara, Tara gets cheerful. Tara inquires as to whether she can take a quick trip and see the entire house.

Manjiri inquires as to whether they settled on an off-base choice by coming there. Omkar says tomorrow on Shivratri he will get gifts from Goddess Narmada and leave Jabalpur. Mayura and Nisha are additionally going to Narmada. Nisha gets stressed over Mayura. Tara requests that Manjiri play find the stowaway with her. Mayura feels something while she is in auto. Nisha says her she is responding same path as she used to respond before when Omkar was near, they understand auto is remaining close to Omkar’s house. Autorickshaw driver says them that auto isn’t working. Mayura gets stressed.

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